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Adolphe: Erään tuntemattoman papereista löydetty tarinaAdolphe: Erään tuntemattoman papereista löydetty tarinaBenjamin Constant kuuluu niihin harvinaisiin kirjailijoihin, jotka yhdell teoksella luovat itselleen pysyvisen sijan kirjallisuuden historiassa. Romaani Adolphe on tuon aikoinaan kuuluisan ranskalaisen poliitikon, puhujan ja sanomalehtimiehen ainoa kaunokirjallinen tuote, mutta siksi merkittv, ett sen tekij sen pohjalta voidaan pit...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Poems by SperanzaPoems by SperanzaMY COUNTRY, wounded to the heart, Could I but flash along thy soul Electric power to rive apart The thunder-clouds that round thee roll, And, by my burning words, uplift Thy life from out Death's icy drift, Till the full splendours of...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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A Voice from the SouthA Voice from the South - By a Black Woman of the Southboth in Church and in State,and with sincere esteem for his unselfish espousal of the cause of the Black Woman and of every human interest that lacks a Voice and needs a...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Lolóma, or two years in cannibal-land: A story of old FijiLolóma, or two years in cannibal-land: A story of old FijiIt has often occurred to me that I ought to write the story of my adventures in Fiji in the old times, when, to the great bulk of the inhabitants, the white man was...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Los exploradores españoles del siglo XVILos exploradores españoles del siglo XVIde cuyo amor a Espaa, acrisolado durante su larga residencia en los Estados Unidos, son prueba evidente la generosidad y largueza con que ha contribuido a la diseminacin de obras de cultura en ambos paises, sin otro objetivo que...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Les espionnes à ParisLes espionnes à Paris - la vérité sur Mata-Hari, Marguerite Francillard, la femme du cimetière, les marraines, une grande vedette parisienne, la mort de MarussiaDU MME AUTEUR Pour paratre prochainement: LES ESPIONS A PARIS 1914-1918 LA TERREUR: LE COMPLOT DES INVALIDES LA MAITRESSE JALOUSE...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Album, 26. Jahrgang, 6. BandVerflossene Stunden: NovelleJa, mein Kind, sagte die Mutter eines Tages zu mir, es wird doch am besten sein, da Du dem Rathe des Herrn Pfarrers folgst und die Stelle annimmst, von der er mit uns sprach; ich sehe wohl, fr eine junge Dame Deines...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Bermuda HousesBermuda HousesThe architect of today, in designing small houses, is beset with many exactions and complications. The high standard of living with its embarrassing variety of materials and appliances at the architect's disposal, the certainly high cost of labor and the desire for mechanical...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Uncle Wiggily Goes Swimming Or, How the Frog Boys Surprised the FoxUncle Wiggily Goes Swimming; Or, How the Frog Boys Surprised the Fox1. One day, as Uncle Wiggily was hopping through the woods, he looked toward a pond and saw Bully and Bawly No Tail, the frog boys, jumping from the end of the spring...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 18.56- CHF 5.80
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PostscriptsPostscripts It is probable that with the presentation of these, among the earliest of the writings of William Sidney Porter (O. Henry), there is nothing left to be added to the total of his work, and that they will close, as they in a...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Voyages du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, En Divers Pays Eloignes, Tome II de IIIVoyages du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, En Divers Pays Eloignes, Tome II de IIIDescription des Laputiens. Quelles sortes de Sciences sont en vogue chez eux. Ide abrege du Roi & de sa Cour. Manire dont lAuteur y est reu. Craintes & Inquitudesauxquelles les Habitans sont...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Experimental MechanicsExperimental Mechanics - A Course of Lectures Delivered at the Royal College of Science for IrelandI here present the revised edition of a course of lectures on Experimental Mechanics which I delivered in the Royal College of Science at Dublin eighteen years ago. The...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Footprints of the JesuitsThe Footprints of the Jesuits"The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of ScotlandSuperstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland - Collected Entirely from Oral SourcesThe object aimed at in the following pages is to put before the reader a statement, as complete and accurate as the writer can attain to, of the Superstitions and Antiquities...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Sex & CharacterSex & Character - Authorised Translation from the Sixth German EditionAll thought begins with conceptions to a certain extent generalised, and thence is developed in two directions. On the one hand, generalisations become wider and wider, binding together by common properties a larger and...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Two, by Tricks: A NovelTwo, by Tricks: A NovelIt was the week after Ascot, and town was full. Society, which had been amusing itself with the cancans of the season--such as how the Duke of Pimlico, who had been hitherto regarded as the greatest screw in the world,...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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How to Teach Reading in the Public SchoolsHow to Teach Reading in the Public Schools[17] [18] [19] It must be clear that no progress can be made in the teaching of any subject unless the teacher possess a definite standard of criticism; and, furthermore, it must be granted that the teacher...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Through Afro-America: An English Reading of the Race ProblemThrough Afro-America: An English Reading of the Race ProblemThe problem of the twentieth century, says Mr. W. B. Du Bois, is the problem of the colour line. That, no doubt, is the view of a man born within the veil; but, whatever our point...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Religions, ancient and modernMagic and FetishismIt is by no means easy to do justice to such a large, comprehensive, and at the same time vague subject as magic in the small compass of a Primer, and part of even that small space had to be devoted to...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Trübner's oriental seriesThe MesneviThe historian El Eflk was a disciple of Cheleb Emr rif, a grandson of the author of the Mesnev. rif died in A.D. 1320; but as the dates of rifs successors are carried down to A.H. 754 (A.D. 1353), when Eflks collection of...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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