Public Domain
Pohjolan poikia: Kaksi kertomusta perimmästä pohjolastaPohjolan poikia: Kaksi kertomusta perimmästä pohjolastaMuotkatunturien takana, kaukana Lapissa, Muotkavuoman lappalaiskodassa, siellkin joulua odotettiin. Kodan isnt, porolappalainen Iisko Muotkavuoma ja hnen vaimonsa Inka olivat jo viikko sitten ajaneet poroillaan jouluostoksille Ruijaan, sek kaksi pojista, Matti ja Jouni pari piv sitten samoille asioille Inarin kirkolle....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Flowers from Mediæval HistoryFlowers from Mediæval HistoryModern invention has actually reflected upon ancient history: the railroad, the steam derrick and the photograph have changed our conceptions of the past. Written history is now accepted as its authors opinion, while tangible records stand forth as facts. This attitude...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 18.59- CHF 5.81
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The Book of Trinity College Dublin 1591-1891The Book of Trinity College Dublin 1591-1891Footnote anchors are denoted by [number], and the footnotes have been placed at the end of each chapter. Four digit items such as [1466] are not footnote anchors but refer to a year. Macrons over e and u...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The SeederThe SeederIt took me less than three thousand years to catch up with Pop; which, all things considered, was pretty good going. I came out of overdrive at 018970 hours in orbit around an ugly-looking A3-type planet, and there was his ship below me....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Contes pour les satyresContes pour les satyresJ'obis Durant les dernires annes du rgne glorieux d'Henri-le-Grand, la maison de la Mauvandire, d'o j'ai l'honneur d'tre issu, reconnaissait pour chef le marquis Aramante, fort honnte gentilhomme, sur toutes choses entich de sa noblesse, laquelle, dire le vrai, ne brillait...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Aug. 1869The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Aug. 1869Vol. II.Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by Samuel Sloan, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In a...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Soul of Abraham LincolnThe Soul of Abraham LincolnThe author is aware that he is dipping his net into a stream already darkened by too much ink. The fact that there are so many books on the religion of Abraham Lincoln is a chief reason why there should...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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February StrawberriesFebruary StrawberriesLinton remembered. Howell had to know that he would remember. What were they trying to pull on him? "The man who isn't Snead is leaving," Linton said, describing the scene over Howell's shoulder. "If that's Snead's brother, I might catch him to pay...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Nuorta verta: RomaaniNuorta verta: RomaaniElmn vakavuus antaa vastauksen eri tavoin eri luonteille: lujille, heikoille, vakaville, kevytmielisille, vielp eri tavoin eri aineellisessa ja yhteiskunnallisessa asemassa oleville. Toisille se antaa vastauksen heti ja varman, toisia se arveluttaa, jopa pelottaa. Toinen alkaa etsi elmns tarkoitusta, toinen sen lyt, perheess,...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Maailman lyriikkaa: RunosuomennoksiaMaailman lyriikkaa: RunosuomennoksiaBhagavad-Gita. Katkelma II laulusta. Muinais-egyptilinen aurinkolaulu. Vanha sisilialainen paimenlaulu. Goethe: Mignon. Erst kirjeest. Keijukaisten laulu. Tanssilaulu. Faustin II osan alkukuorot. Tervetuliaiset ja jhyviset. Maaliskuu. Vaeltaja. Friedrich Hlderlin: Hyperionin kohtalonlaulu. Heine: Syyslehdet keltaiset vrjyy. En soimaa Hermann von Gilm: Pyhinpivn. Johan Herman Wessel:...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 18.59- CHF 5.81
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The letters of Richard Ford, 1797-1858The letters of Richard Ford, 1797-1858Sixty years ago, few men were more widely known in the world of art, letters, and society than Richard Ford, the author of the Handbook for Spain. A connoisseur of engravings, an admirable judge of painting, the interpreter to...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The ConnoisseurThe ConnoisseurI recall her excellent father and I facing each other across his gleaming synthol marble table that day. On the table were small metal shells of sweet liquor. And beside the shells were the sedulously gathered treasures I was formally offering for Lisa:...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Gem-Stones and Their Distinctive CharactersGem-Stones and Their Distinctive CharactersIN this edition the opportunity has been taken to correct a few misprints and mistakes that have been discovered in the first, and to alter slightly one or two paragraphs, but otherwise no change has been made. G. F. H....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Geology of D.A.R. State Park, Mt. Philo State Forest Park, Sand Bar State ParkThe Geology of D.A.R. State Park, Mt. Philo State Forest Park, Sand Bar State ParkD.A.R. State Park is located in western Vermont on State Highway 17, approximately 1 mile north of Lake Champlain (toll) Bridge (see map, Fig. 1). The park, which fronts on...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Eri isää: Kuvaus maalaistytön elämästäEri isää: Kuvaus maalaistytön elämästäToukokuu oli kulumassa, kylmnkolea harmaataivainen toukokuu. Is istui pitkiss ajatuksissa eik ollut monta sanaa virkkanut sitten kun opiston pihalta lhdettiin ja knnyttiin tnne pohjoista kohden. Is oli nostanut lyhyen takkiturkkinsa kauluksen pystyyn, suojatakseen korviaan, kun pureva pohjatuuli puhalteli. Vanha musta...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Sulikki: Kertomus pakanuuden viime ajoilta HämeessäSulikki: Kertomus pakanuuden viime ajoilta HämeessäOi selke, lmmin piv toukokuun keskipaikoilla v. 1238. Lounais Suomen rannikolle oli kokoontunut joukko hmlisi, osaksi kalastamaan ja samalla meren raikasta ilmaa keuhkoihinsa vetelemn, sek nauttimaan tuon laajan vesikuvastimen moninaisista ilmiist, osaksi mys thystmn, nkyisik selvll meren selll laivoja,...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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L'idée médicale dans les romans de Paul BourgetL'idée médicale dans les romans de Paul BourgetEt, en effet, vous ne trouverez, dans cette uvre, ni des Romans mdicaux comme ceux d'Andr Couvreur, ni des critiques de mdecins comme celles de Lon Daudet, ni des thses mdicales comme chez Brieux ou chez de...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Misinforming a NationMisinforming a NationThe intellectual colonization of America by England has been going on for generations. Taking advantage of her position of authoritya position built on centuries of sthetic traditionEngland has let pass few opportunities to ridicule and disparage our activities in all lines of...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Sportsman's Club AfloatThe Sportsman's Club AfloatIt was the captain of the revenue cutter who spoke. He, with Walter Gaylord, Mr. Craven, Mr. Chase and the collector of the port, was standing on the wharf, having just returned with his late prisoners from the custom-house, whither the...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Queen of Farrandale: A NovelThe Queen of Farrandale: A NovelThe town of Farrandale was en gala. It was the annual day of rejoicing in its own success and prosperity. Everybody was happy except Miss Frinks horses. The new coachman had drawn the check reins too tight. They didnt...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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