Public Domain
The Last TrespasserThe Last TrespasserMalloy was in his month for lying on his stomach to avoid bed sores. He was walking from Peoria, Illinois, to Detroit, Michigan, currently and he had just reached Chicago. It was fine to see State Street again, and the jewelry stores...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Alice, grand duchess of Hesse, princess of Great Britain and IrelandAlice, grand duchess of Hesse, princess of Great Britain and Ireland - Biographical sketch and letters. With portrait.THE great affection with which my dear Sister has ever been regarded in this country, and the universal feeling of sympathy shown at the time of her...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Leibniz: Zu seinem zweihunderjährigen Todestag 14. November 1916Leibniz: Zu seinem zweihunderjährigen Todestag 14. November 1916Der Verfasser dieser kleinen Schrift hat sich vor sehr vielen Jahren einmal mit dem khnen, vielleicht phantastischen Plan getragen, eine wissenschaftliche Leibniz-Biographie zu schreiben. Natrlich ist nichts aus dem Plan geworden, er ist nicht einmal bis zu...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Hans und Suse in der StadtHans und Suse in der StadtEs war noch frh am Morgen, gegen ein halb sieben ungefhr, da waren Hans und Suse, die beiden Doktorskinder, die bei Frau Cimhuber, der Pfarrwitwe, in dem hohen weien Haus am Kanal wohnten, schon wach. Voll Unruhe hatten sie...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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OraitaOraitaVaan eip valitut luonnon, Nuo sen ystvt ylimmt, Joille se sadut saneli, Kaikki sointi soittimensa, Konsana samalla lailla Luonnon ni ly, Kuule honkien humua, Lahden vetten lauleloita. Kullakin on kantelonsa Povehen omahan pantu, Sydnjuurihin syvetty. Siell se hiljan haastelevi Kertokaikuja kajaten, Viritellen vastasoinnut Lauluille...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Elämä ja kuolemaElämä ja kuolemaJoka kevt anivarhain he aina saapuivat Kallionkupeelleen, is, iti ja pienoinen poika. Heidn Kallionkupeensa kohosi jyrksti koivikkorantaisen aavan jrven helmasta, kasvoi vallan vuoreksi, ja vuoren laella ihan oli heidn korkea kotinsa, jonka punainen katto ja vihret nurkat paistoivat kauaksi yli valoisien ulappain....
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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The Straits ImpregnableThe Straits ImpregnableThe afternoon was wearing out, and I began to think of home and tea. I stopped working, straightened my back, ran moist fingers through my hair, and sat down on the log. The axe went tumbling to the ground. Watch-and-pray and Wait-and-see...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Bewick's Select Fables of Æsop and othersBewick's Select Fables of Æsop and others. - In three parts. 1. Fables extracted from Dodsley's. 2. Fables with reflections in prose and verse. 3. Fables in verse.In the various periods of the worlds history men have appeared who were gifted with greater powers...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 3Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 3Die Sage, womit sich die folgenden Bltter beschftigen, gehrt jenem Teil des sdlichen Deutschlands an, welcher sich zwischen den Gebirgen der Alb und des Schwarzwaldes ausbreitet. Das erstere dieser Gebirge schliet, von Nordwest nach Sden in...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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The Magical ChanceThe Magical ChanceWhat are you going to say to the college girls? my pretty niece asked, as we motored down the valley. She was being graduated this spring, and the snowy dogwoods and the purple Judas-trees against the tender hillsides were not so fresh,...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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HeelHeelShe gestured at the huge screen on the wall. It showed, far below, the blue sea, the black ships on the yellow beach, the purple tents of the Greek army, the broad brown plain, and the white towers of Troy. The Director glared at...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Underneath the Bough: A Book of VersesUnderneath the Bough: A Book of VersesI desire to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Titus Munson Coan, Mr. Justo Quintro and Mr. A. B. Myrick for assistance rendered, and to acknowledge the kind permission to reprint certain of these verses given me by...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Aikamme urosAikamme urosJokaisessa kirjassa on esipuhe ensiminen ja samalla viimeinen asia. Se on joko selityksen teoksen tarkoituksesta tahi puhdistaumisena ja vastauksena arvosteluille. Mutta tavallisesti lukijat eivt vlit siveellisest tarkoituksesta ja sanomalehtien hykkyksist, ja senp thden he eivt esipuhetta lue. Ja paha on, ett niin on;...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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Kotkan tieKotkan tieKenraali loi katseensa nuoreen mieheen, jonka kasvoja auringon viime steet juuri valaisivat. Sileksi ajeltujen kasvojen piirteet olivat uurteiset, iho kuin parkittu vivahtaen ruskeankeltaiseen. Vaikkapa mies olisi ollut vanhakin, eivt hnen kasvonsa olisi voineet olla en ryppyisemmt, mutta silmt, jotka hymyillen katsoivat kenraaliin, olivat...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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History of the Late Polish Revolution and the Events of the CampaignHistory of the Late Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign KOSCIUSZKO. Born in Poland A.D. 1756. Died the 15th. October 1817 near Solothurn in Switzerland. He and Gal. Lafayette were the only two Europeans who wore the Cross of the Order of...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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On the Margin: Notes and EssaysOn the Margin: Notes and EssaysNote: Most of these Essays appeared in The Athenum, under the title Marginalia and over the signature AUTOLYCUS. The others were first printed in The Weekly Westminster Gazette, The London Mercury and Vanity Fair (New York). From Bocca di...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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I viaggi di Giovanni da Mandavilla, vol. 2I viaggi di Gio. da Mandavilla, vol. 2 Poi che io v' detto e scritto di sopra el magnifico[1] della Terra Santa, e del paese d'intorno, e di molte vie per andare a quele tere e al monte Sinai, e della minore Babillonia, e...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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I viaggi di Giovanni da Mandavilla, vol. 1I viaggi di Gio. da Mandavilla, vol. 1 Poche letture son pi gradevoli, a parer mio, delle narrazioni di viaggi; le quali, oltre al diletto che arrecano, tornerebbero eziandio utilissime per le notizie che ci porgono de' luoghi a noi sconosciuti, de' varii costumi...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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30° CattywonkusThirty Degrees CattywonkusAt the moment, it seemed to Ernie Lane that in a house which even the real estate agent said had "either" eleven or twelve rooms, it was quite conceivable that he and Melinee had overlooked that extra room. While Melinee fried the...
- CHF 5.85
CHF 11.70- CHF 5.85
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