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Catalogue of Standard Recitations, Numbers 19-34Catalogue of Standard Recitations, Numbers 19-34 - For School, Lyceum, Parlor and Other Entertainments Title: Catalogue of Standard Recitations, Numbers 19-34 Subtitle: For School, Lyceum, Parlor and Other Entertainments Author: M.J. Ivers & Co. Release Date: November 25, 2019 [EBook #60781] Language: English Credits:...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Silas X. Floyd's Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and YoungSilas X. Floyd's Short Stories for Colored People Both Old and Young - Entertaining, Uplifting, InterestingTruly the boys and girls of to-day ought to be thankful that they are alive. There never was such a golden age for childhood and youth as the present....
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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NovellejaNovellejaTaloon oli vasta tuotu koiranpenikka. Entinen koira alkoikin kyd jo yli-ikiseksi, lhennellen pariakymment ikvuotta. Sanoivat sen jo houraavankin, suotta aikojaan tuulia ja taivaita haukkuvan ja isin ilman syyn syhelm ulvoa jollottavan. Ja naisvki moitti Ressu-vanhusta viel siitkin, ett se, miss vain vuoteen tapasi, olipa...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Suomalaisia laulujaSuomalaisia laulujaMuistomerkki muinaisista ajoista. Nuorukaiselle. Ainosta. Hannelle. Ruusulle. Aavistus. Kki. Ilta. Nuoruus. Kevt. Savonlinnan sillalla. Lintuinen. Pietarista kntynyt Karjalan neiti. Lammin tytt. Sulho. Mets. Lapsensa murhaaja. Annon koetus. Maija ja Sulhonsa. Serenadi. Sulhasen haudalla. Lauri ja Elsa. Kes y. Ukko pirtist. Lapsien kevt. Odottajat....
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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De zilveren schaatsenDe zilveren schaatsenToen de geachte Uitgever mij eenige jaren geleden dit boek ter hand stelde, om daarover een oordeel te vellen, beviel het mij zoodanig, dat ik er volgaarne in toestemde, het voor de Nederlandsche jeugd om te werken. Ik zeg omwerken, want er...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The Transformation of Philip JettanThe Transformation of Philip JettanIf you searched among the Downs in Sussex, somewhere between Midhurst and Brighthelmstone, inland a little, and nestling in modest seclusion between two waves of hills, you would find Little Fittledean, a village round which three gentlemen had built their...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 5, May, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 5, May, 1883John H. Washburn, Chairman; A.P. Foster, Secretary; Lyman Abbott, Alonzo S. Ball, A.S. Barnes, C.T. Christensen, Franklin Fairbanks, Clinton B. Fisk, S.B. Halliday, Samuel Holmes, Charles A. Hull, Samuel S. Marples, Charles L. Mead, Wm....
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. Vol. 3 (of 8)History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. Vol. 3 (of 8)THE time at which this volume appears would seem to require a few words of introduction. A day which closes a great epoch in the history of modern times, will...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The Philosophy of Health; Volume 1 (of 2)The Philosophy of Health; Volume 1 (of 2) - or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of manThe object of the present work is to give a brief and plain account of the structure and functions of the body, chiefly with reference...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae et Egypti peregrinationem. Volumen SecundumFratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae et Egypti peregrinationem. Volumen Secundum The 1843-edition this transcription is based on contains very many typographical errors. Before amending a word I checked whether it might not be a variant spelling. When the correct word was...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The Poet AssassinatedThe Poet AssassinatedThere are men who cannot bring themselves to conform with the rest of human society, who cannot conceive of a secure and honorable career even at the hands of a tolerant age. They flee, they are eternally escaping from the fold by...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Royal Romances of TodayRoyal Romances of To-dayYour task is difficult, remarked a friend to whom I had just explained that I was writing the lives of the Empress of Russia, the Queen of Spain, and the Queen of Italy. Your task is difficult, because these are three...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. Band 3Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. Band 3 - Hinterlassene Papiere eines französisch-deutschen Offiziers Die immer nher heranrckende Zeit der Vermhlung Napoleons mit Marie Louise, zu der man alle mglichen Vorbereitungen machte, lie schnell die Geschichte unseres Totenmahles sowie alle anderen Dinge ins...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. Band 2Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. Band 2 - Hinterlassene Papiere eines französisch-deutschen Offiziers Den Tag nach unserer Ankunft suchte ich Vetter Moritz auf, der mehrere Briefe von meinen Eltern und Verwandten an mich hatte, die schon lngere Zeit angekommen waren, welche er...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The armourer and his craft from the 11th to the 16th centuryThe armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth centuryI do not propose, in this work, to consider the history or development of defensive armour, for this has been more or less fully discussed in works which deal with the subject from...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The Discoverie of WitchcraftThe Discoverie of WitchcraftEXCEPT that they add the names of some who have opposed his views, or some such trifling matters, all the writers of biographical notices of Scot have drawn their information from the account given of him in Woods Athen Oxon. Nor,...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The Young MechanicThe Young Mechanic - Containing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and mechanical models, including the art of turning in wood and metalOf all people in the world who must not be neglected are,...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Harper's Round Table, February 23, 1897Harper's Round Table, February 23, 1897As far as the eye could see, and for leagues beyond the reach of vision, one of the most wonderful landscapes of the world was outspread in every direction. Castles of massive build with battlemented towers, Greek temples, slender...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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Koottuja suomalaisia lauluja. 1 osaKoottuja suomalaisia lauluja. 1 osa Lukiain Tjeoksi. 1. Laulu Suurelle Ruhtinalle. 2. Muisto-Weisu Carle XII:toista. 3. Isn neuwo ajnoalle Pojallensa. 4. Ennen ja Nyt. 5. Muisto-Laulu Noakista. 6. Talon-Pojan Laulu. 7. Rinaldini. 8. Rakkauen Huokaus. 9. Kkin Polska. Muistutus. Hamasta siitt hetkest saakka, kuin...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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The DiversThe DiversHe had forgotten the beer again. He remembered that he had forgotten only as he opened the apartment door. A wave of smoke and onions and hamburger flowed past him into the dingy corridor and he stumbled on the garbage pail, plunked right...
- CHF 5.83
CHF 11.66- CHF 5.83
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