Public Domain
The Land of ContentThe Land of Content It was earliest spring, and almost the close of a day whose sunshine and warmth had coaxed into bloom many timid roadside flowers, and sent the white petals of farmyard cherries trembling to earth like tiny, belated snowfalls. Already the...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 18.11- CHF 5.66
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A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 3 (of 3)A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 3 (of 3)It will not, we trust, have been forgotten that in the month of March, 1873, the Count de Pommerelle paid a visit to Dr. Desrioux, whom he found bowed down with grief, in consequence of the death of...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 (of 3)A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 2 (of 3)In a few moments the little European flotilla was rounding the Ras-el-Khartoum, the junction of the White and Blue Niles, and very soon it passed the three large mimosas, called usually the "tree," the rendezvous for all boats...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 1 (of 3)A Parisian Sultana, Vol. 1 (of 3)A charming retreat, one of a luxurious suite of apartments in the Boulevard Malesherbes, the abode, evidently, of a woman both young and of elegant tastes. One glance round the room sufficed to establish the innate refinement of...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Benjamin FranklinIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Benjamin Franklin Pages 1 and 4 of The Pennsylvania Gazette, Number XL, the first number after Franklin took control First page of The New England Courant of December 4-11, 1721 "I was employed to carry the papers...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Jean-Christophe IJean-Christophe I - SarastusVastasyntynyt liikahtelee kehdossa. Vaikka vanhus on sisn tullessaan jttnyt puukenkns oven pieleen, narisee permanto hnen astellessaan: lapsi alkaa vikist. iti kohotaikse sngyst ja kumartuu sit rauhoittamaan; isois sytytt lampun, hapuillen epvarmasti hmrss, ettei pienokainen hertessn peljstyisi pime. Liekki valaisee vanhan Jean-Michelin...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Trout Flies of Devon and Cornwall, and When and How to Use ThemTrout Flies of Devon and Cornwall, and When and How to Use ThemIt will be remarked that the Flies furnished by the makers, do not, in all cases, exhibit the same tints as those shown in the drawings; this arises from the difficulty of...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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It Takes a ThiefIt Takes a Thief"The ancient gods, our Fathers, rode down from the heavens in the Firebirds of the Sun. Coming into the world, they found no air for the breath of their souls. "How shall we breathe?" they asked of the Sun. And Sun...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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WestminsterWestminsterThese papers in their original form first appeared in the Pall Mall Magazine. Additions have been made in some of the chapters, especially in the three chapters entitled The Abbey. As in the book entitled London, of which this is the successor, I do...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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The Holyhead Road: The Mail-coach Road to Dublin. Vol. 1The Holyhead Road: The Mail-coach Road to Dublin. Vol. 1The olden days of travelling, now to return no more, in which distance could not be vanquished without toilthose are the days mourned by Ruskin, who had little better acquaintance with them than afforded by...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Dreamer's WorldDreamer's WorldIt seemed incredible that a man who had advanced to Stage Five in the Dream Continuity Scale, and who had been in anesthesia most of the time, could suffer seventy-two hours of boring, drab, dreary and revolting reality. And still be sane. She...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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History of Central America, Volume 2, 1530-1800History of Central America, Volume 2, 1530-1800 - The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume 7 Other archaic letter substitutions include "b" for "v" and "i" for "y" and vice versa. These have been left as printed. Origin and Character of the ConquerorThe Triumvirate...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 18.11- CHF 5.66
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Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 2 (of 2)Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 2 (of 2) - A picturesque history of the coaching ageThe Bristol Mail opened the mail-coach era by going at eight miles an hour, but that was an altogether exceptional speed, and the average mail-coach journeys...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 1 (of 2)Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 1 (of 2) - A picturesque history of the coaching ageThe lines quoted above are not remarkably good as poetry. Nay, it is possible to go farther, and to say that they are exceptionally badthe product...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Riceyman Steps: A NovelRiceyman Steps: A Novel Lilian Mr. Prohack The Roll-Call The Pretty Lady The Lion's Share These Twain Clayhanger Hilda Lessways The Old Wives' Tale Denry the Audacious The Old Adam The Matador of the Five Towns Helen with the High Hand The Gates of...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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The Parthenon at Athens, Greece and at Nashville, TennesseeThe Parthenon at Athens, Greece and at Nashville, TennesseeWhose intelligent and untiring interest made possible the reproduction of the Parthenon at Nashville; in memory of those who are gone, and in appreciation of those who are living, this booklet is gratefully dedicated The Parthenon...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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My RubaiyatMy RubaiyatI will drop the mask and tell you the secret of my verses. You say they impress you as being uneven and unfinished. I heartily agree with you. As I have stated in my announcement to the public, a poem of the scope...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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The Housekeeper's Valuable Present; Or, Lady's Closet CompanionThe Housekeeper's Valuable Present; Or, Lady's Closet Companion - Being a New and Complete Art of Preparing Confects, According to Modern PracticeDURING the course of my apprenticeship with Messrs. Negri and Gunter, in Berkeley Square, many housekeepers to noblemen and gentlemen, on special occasions,...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Gloves, Past and PresentGloves, Past and PresentMost men, apparently, take their gloves for granted. In these days the little refinements of civilization are accepted among us without a thought; but in so doing we lose a great deal of enjoyment which we never were intended to overlook....
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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Histoire de la caricature au moyen âge et sous la renaissanceHistoire de la caricature au moyen âge et sous la renaissanceA dire vrai, j'aurais mauvaise grce me plaindre du manque de sympathie des esprits srieux pour cette srie commence dj depuis longtemps; cependant il est bon de rpondre un honorable membre de l'Universit, mu...
- CHF 5.66
CHF 11.32- CHF 5.66
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