Public Domain
Harper's Round Table, May 26, 1896Harper's Round Table, May 26, 1896The officer of the deck is pacing his last hour of a very dull forenoon watch upon the bridge of the U.S.S. Minneapolis. The tropical sun beats down with unflinching savageness upon his head; his eyes are restlessly scanning...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Harper's Young People, May 23, 1882Harper's Young People, May 23, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyBut the time was passing rapidly, and as there were many persons outside waiting for an opportunity to pay their money to see the various[Pg 466] attractions of the show, Mrs. Treat gave the signal...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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A History of Jefferson, Marion County, Texas, 1836-1936A History of Jefferson, Marion County, Texas, 1836-1936From the region of the Upper Trinity and the headwaters of the Sabine, each traveler tells us, as he passes, some new tale of how the wilderness is falling under the axe of the builders of habitations...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Tickencote TreasureThe Tickencote TreasureCertain persons, having heard rumours of the strange adventures that once happened to me, have asked me to write them down in detail, so that they may be printed and given to the world in their proper sequence. Therefore, in obedience, and...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Little Moment of HappinessThe Little Moment of HappinessThey had not lifted into view suddenly, but had rather emerged from the east, solidifying slowly out of a slate-colored blur which to the eyes of unaccustomed voyagers might or might not have been land. There was no ebullition of...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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RaccontiRaccontiI Racconti che vedete qui riuniti sono fratelli carnali delle Novelle vecchie e nuove che mandai per il mondo, anni fa. Anche tra questi ve n'ha di vecchi e di nuovi: c' il primo che scrissi, i Complimenti di Ceppo, e l'ultimo, che fantasticai...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Aeroplane Boys Series, no. 5A Cruise in the Sky; or, The Legend of the Great Pink PearlAll afternoon the train had been following the picturesque shore of the Indian River, in Florida. The snow and ice of the north had long since disappeared. Summer heat increased as the...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Isle of Vanishing Men: A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-landThe Isle of Vanishing Men: A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-landTwo bells tinkles within the masters cabin, and the quartermaster on the bridge repeats the announcement of nine oclock with two strokes upon the bronze bell near his station at the wheel. It is...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 3/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 3/3II. Il n'est repris qu'aprs le conte de la navet d'une fille viole; & de celle du galant qui n'entendoit pas la diffrence de questionner ordonner. Explication du mot sot; subtilit d'une femme, dont, je crois, elle fut dupe....
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 2/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 2/3II. L'histoire de Quenault & de sa serpe est coupe de diverses instructions trs-profitables. On y voit la diffrence d'une femme de par dieu, d'avec une femme de par le diable. Sermon du cur de Busanois, divis en trois...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 1/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 1/3Le livre, qui a pour titre le Moyen de Parvenir, tant en son espece vritablement original, bien des gens demandent tous les jours qui en est l'auteur. On sait, n'en pouvoir douter, que c'est Franois Broalde, sieur de Verville,...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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A history of postal agitation from 50 years ago till the present dayA history of postal agitation from fifty years ago till the present dayThe long continuance of agitation and disaffection in the postal service would seem almost to entitle the public to the belief that the Post-Office is a place where the Englishmans privilege, which...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Harrington: A Story of True LoveHarrington: A Story of True LoveHerein may be seen noble chivalrye, curtosye, humanyte, friendlyenesse, hardyenesse, love, friendshype, cowardyse, murder, hate, vertue and synne. Doo after the good, and leve the evyl, and it shall brynge you to good fame and renomme.Sir Thomas Malory: Preface...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Anne Hereford: A NovelAnne Hereford: A Novel An express train was dashing along a line of rails in the heart of England. On one of the first-class carriages there had been a board, bearing the intimation 'For Ladies Only,' but the guard took it off when the...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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VerikostoVerikostoLokakuun loppupuolella, vuonna 1800, saapui ers muukalainen, naisen ja tytn seuraamana, Tuileriespalatsin edustalle Parisissa ja pyshtyi vhn matkan phn siit, skettin hvitetyn rakennuksen jtteiden viereen, siihen, miss viel nykynkin seisoo puolivalmis talo, joka kerran rakennettiin tarkoituksella yhdist Katarina de Medicis'n linna Valois'n kuninkaiden Louvreen....
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Luonto ja ihminen: Poimintoja eri teoksistaLuonto ja ihminen: Poimintoja eri teoksistaTysin kehittynyt maku merkitsee kyky saada mahdollisimman suurta nautintoa niist aineellisista lhteist, jotka vetvt puoleensa meidn puhtainta, tydellisint henkist olemustamme; mutta miksi me nautimme nist muodoista ja vreist emmek noista, on kysymys, johon yht vhn voidaan vastausta odottaa kuin...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Die Siedler von Hohenmoor: Ein Buch des Zornes und der ZuversichtDie Siedler von Hohenmoor: Ein Buch des Zornes und der Zuversicht Sein Reich eben hatte er den letzten Kampf bestanden, es sich und den Seinen zu gewinnen. Er kam aus der Kreisstadt. Nach endlosen Verhandlungen war es ihm heute gelungen, deren Vter, die trgen,...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 9, May, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 9, May, 1835LITERARY NOTICES I PROMESSI SPOSI, or the Betrothed Lovers; a Milanese Story of the Seventeenth Century: by Allessandro Manzoni as translated by G. W. Featherstonhaugh HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON; a Tale of the Tory Ascendency: by the...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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Le portier des Chartreux, ou mémoires de Saturnin écrits par lui-mêmeLe portier des Chartreux, ou mémoires de Saturnin écrits par lui-mêmeQue c'est une douce satisfaction pour un cur d'tre dsabus des vains plaisirs, des amusements frivoles et des volupts dangereuses qui l'attachaient au monde! Rendu lui-mme aprs une longue suite d'garements, et dans le...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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The Orlando InnamoratoThe Orlando InnamoratoIt is many years since I first entertained a vague idea of translating the Orlando Furioso, and circumstances of little importance to the reader, led me more recently to undertake it in earnest. This work was again laid down; and afterwards resumed...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 50.77- CHF 5.65
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