Public Domain
Keeping one cowKeeping one cow - Being the experience of a number of practical writers, in a clear and condensed form, upon the management of a single milch cowEvery farmer is ordinarily supposed to keep several cows, and there is no reason why most families in...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Cargoes for CrusoesCargoes for CrusoesHow that I, Robinson Crusoe, came to be wrecked with others of the ships company on a Desert Island, all being lost save my unworthy self, hath in a precise manner been narrated by one D. Defoe in the book he saw...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Clevedon CaseThe Clevedon CaseThe well-known authority on criminology, Dennis Holt, inherited a house in a remote village, the sort of place in which, to quote himself, nothing ever happens. One night at fifty-three minutes past eleven (he was always meticulously accurate about time), his attention...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Il tulipano neroIl tulipano nero Due parole per conto mio a Voi, pregiatissimi soscrittori a questa mia Raccolta Romantica, le quali stieno a testimoniare la mia riconoscenza e il mio intendimento. La prima piena e sentita; e non potrei con parole esprimerverla, veggendo il favore con...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Nick Carter Stories No. 151, July 31, 1915: The Mystery of the Crossed Needles or Nick Carter and the Yellow TongNick Carter Stories No. 151, July 31, 1915: The Mystery of the Crossed Needles; or Nick Carter and the Yellow TongHow to Send MoneyBy post-office or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Glad ghostsGlad ghosts I knew Carlotta Fell in the early days before the war. Then she was escaping into art, and was just "Fell." That was at our famous but uninspired school of art, the Thwaite, where I myself was diligently murdering my talent. At...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Maahengen uskossaMaahengen uskossaAikana, jolloin ihmisjrjen hurjalle lennolle alkaa nytt miltei kaikki mahdolliselta, jolloin keksijneron terv huomio tunkee kirkkaana steen luonnon jumalallisten voimien valtakuntaan, niin aikana, jolloin ei ainoastaan inhimillinen aatos korkeuksia kiid, vaan jopa ihminen itsekin omilla luomillaan koneilla todella lent avaruudessa, lintuna liihoittelee ihanissa...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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La biche écraséeLa biche écraséeAprs avoir dn Brantes, aux Deux Couronnes, les trois hommes sapprtaient remonter dans leur automobile. Une petite bonne apparut tout coup: Bville avait oubli son appareil photographique dans la salle manger; elle le lui tendit sans un mot, et disparut. Comment, monsieur...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Short stories from Life: The 81 prize stories in "Life's" Shortest Story ContestShort stories from Life: The 81 prize stories in "Life's" Shortest Story ContestIt was at a luncheon party that the idea of Lifes Short Story Contest was first suggested by Mr. Lincoln Steffens. He propounded this interesting query: It was thereupon determined to discover,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Wild westWild westWhere a long spur of Chase Hill pitched down to the broken land bordering on Birch Creek, Robin Tyler came on what he had been seeking since sunrise. He pulled up his horse, sat sidewise in his saddle to roll a cigarette, to...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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A day at Happy Hollow SchoolA day at Happy Hollow School(Enter scholars, singly and in groups, talking and laughing until teacher again taps bell. They wear varied costumes, gingham aprons, etc. On entering remove coats, caps, shawls, hats and bonnetsin season and out of seasonhanging them on hooks in...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The blackest page in modern history: Events in Armenia in 1915The blackest page in modern history: Events in Armenia in 1915 - the facts and the responsibilitiesTHE war that started on August 1, 1914, has gradually involved nations, large and small, not originally participants. Other nations, large and small, while still managing to maintain...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Senate document (United States. Congress. Senate), 62nd Congress, no. 616Address of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, delivered at Boston, Mass., Saturday, April 27, 1912My friends and fellow citizens, men and women of Massachusetts, men and women of Boston, I am glad indeed to be in your old historic State, your old historic city, this evening...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Incidents of childhoodIncidents of childhoodFictitious narratives, designed for the perusal of children, should (in the opinion of the Writer) be familiar in their subjects as well as in their style; and slight in their construction: They should hardly aim to excite more than a very transient...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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MaximesMaximesZelden volgden hevig ontroerende gebeurtenissen elkander z onafgebroken op, als in Frankrijk gedurende de eeuw, na den dood van Koning Hendrik II. Het land was bezig zich tot een organisch geheel te vormen maar de omstandigheden waren daartoe niet gunstig. Een reeks onbekwame, krachtlooze...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Chambers's journal of popular literature, science, and art, fifth series, No. 116, Vol. III, March 20, 1886Chambers's journal of popular literature, science, and art, fifth series, No. 116, Vol. III, March 20, 1886The time-honoured ceremony that is still observed when the gates of Her Majestys Tower of London are locked-up is probably not unfamiliar to the public. What actually occurs,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Observations on the Operation and Use of Mercury in the Venereal DiseaseObservations on the Operation and Use of Mercury in the Venereal DiseaseThe chief purpose of the study of medicine is to acquire the knowledge of a safe and effectual method of curing diseases. The attainment of this end is intimately connected with the public...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Tony QuadeTrouble on TitanWhenever Von Zorn, chief of Nine Planets Films, ran into trouble he automatically started the televisors humming with calls for Anthony Quade. The televisors were humming now. In fact they were shrieking hysterically. Quades code number bellowed out through a startled and...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Lenni Lenape, or Delaware IndiansThe Lenni Lenape, or Delaware IndiansIn that pleasant district of North America formerly known as Nova Caesarea or New Jersey, and latterly as New Jersey, there extended in ancient times a large forest covering the greater part of the beautiful hills and plains which...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Old Indian trailsOld Indian trailsIn the spring of 1896 I went into northwestern Montana as a member of a Government expedition which was appointed by President Cleveland to recommend a national policy for the United States Forest Reserves and to advise the Secretary of the Interior...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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