Public Domain
La Hyène EnragéeLa Hyène EnragéeEn outre, il est beaucoup trop anodin et ple, mon gr; mais c'est que vraiment notre chre langue franaise, qui s'est forme dans la beaut, n'avait pas su prvoir les mots dont on pourrait avoir besoin un jour, au vingtime sicle, pour...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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German Barbarism: A Neutral's IndictmentGerman Barbarism: A Neutral's IndictmentThe reader will find in the pages which we herewith offer him a detailed picture of the cruelties committed by Germany in the war which involves half the nations of Europe. In this war, which she let loose upon the...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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The Book of LoveThe Book of LoveMany years ago I wrote that to live means nutrition and generation, and the deeper I cast the sounding-line into the dark abysses of life, the more I am convinced that this definition faithfully depicts the most striking characteristics of all...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Cliff Dwellings of the Mesa Verde: A Study in PicturesCliff Dwellings of the Mesa Verde: A Study in PicturesAlthough the Spaniards were in the Mesa Verde region as early as 1765, there is no record of their having seen the cliff dwellings. It is probable, however, that they gave the great mesa its...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Rockets, Missiles, and Spacecraft of the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian InstitutionRockets, Missiles, and Spacecraft of the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian InstitutionThere is an obvious relationship between aeronautics and astronautics since the same principles of physics apply and many materials and techniques of construction are common. Nevertheless, in the decades following World War...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Bêtes et gens qui s'aimèrentBêtes et gens qui s'aimèrentLe commencement de l'histoire, je ne le sais pas. Rien ne m'oblige, d'ailleurs, confesser mon ignorance, sauf ma loyaut d'historien. Mais je prfre en vrit perdre la face qu'abuser impudemment mes lecteurs et trancher au hasard le problme des sept...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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La guerreLa guerreSans une lithographie originale LA GUERRE, de Steinlen, sur Japon, excute spcialement pour lArt et les Artistes, 5 francs pour la France; 5 fr. 50 pour ltranger, avec 20% de hausse. De plus, il a t fait de cet ouvrage un tirage de...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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A Modern MadonnaA Modern MadonnaA hush fell on the waiting throng at old St. John's. The soft babble of modulated voices died suddenly away as from the greenery and the daisies of the chancel a singer's voice rose sweet and clear. The white-ribboned, white-canvased aisles were...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 84.19- CHF 5.68
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The Courtship of Miles Standish:The Courtship of Miles Standish: - With Suggestions for Study and NotesThe Courtship of Miles Standish deals with a supreme moment in the history of our nation, the moment when the harassed and thrice-winnowed little band of Puritans began to establish themselves and their...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's HighwayA Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's HighwayWhen the nineteenth century was still a puling infant scarcely able to stand alone, and not yet knowing what to make of the strange hurly-burly into which it found itself born, Abel Ringwood and...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 3 (of 3)The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 3 (of 3)Never as long as Ella Winter lives will she forget the picture that imprinted itself on her brain, as instantaneously as though it had been photographed there, at the moment when, startled...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Rákóczy fia: RegényRákóczy fia: RegényA fejedelem hadjrata elmult, daczra a hsi erfesztsnek; maga is haztlann lett s aztn, mint egy eltkozott stks a napot, gy kerlte krl a hazjt, Lengyelorszgon, Francziaorszgon keresztl, mg eljutott Rodosthoz: hallgatni a tenger okos beszdt. A bcsi fiskolba nem jrathattk a...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Down the Snow Stairs Or, From Good-Night to Good-MorningDown the Snow Stairs; Or, From Good-Night to Good-MorningThe big round moon looked in at the window, for the curtain had not been drawn, and it made a picture of the window on the wall opposite, and showed the pattern on the paper; nosegays...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Etwas von den WurzelkindernEtwas von den WurzelkindernVon Sibylle v. Olfers sind im Verlag von J. F. Schreiber, Elingen folgende Bilderbcher erschienen: Was Marilenchen erlebte Mk. 2.30, auf Karton Mk. 2.80; Etwas von den Wurzelkindern (groe Ausgabe) Mk. 2.50; Windchen Mk. 2.80; Prinzechen im Walde Mk. 2.80; Knig...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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The Magic of the Horse-shoe, with other folk-lore notesThe Magic of the Horse-shoe, with other folk-lore notesThe study of the origin and history of popular customs and beliefs affords an insight, otherwise unattainable, into the operations of the human mind in early times. Superstitions, however trivial in themselves, relics of paganism though...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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Selection from J. & A. Churchill's General Catalogue (1890)Selection from J. & A. Churchill's General Catalogue (1890) - Comprising All Recent Works Published by Them on the Art and Science of MedicinePractical Anatomy: A Manual of Dissections. By Christopher Heath, Surgeon to University College Hospital. Seventh Edition. Revised by Rickman J. Godlee,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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The Book of Friendship: A Little Manual of ComradeshipThe Book of Friendship: A Little Manual of ComradeshipWhen I have attempted to join myself to others by services, it proved an intellectual trick,no more. They eat your service like apples, and leave you out. But love them, and they feel you, and delight...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 81.65- CHF 5.68
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Captain Lucy in FranceCaptain Lucy in FranceTo those who made friends with Lucy Gordon on Governors Island it will seem a great change to find her, in this second story, so far away from home. She is only one of thousands, though, to whom a few months...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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"My Merry Rockhurst""My Merry Rockhurst" - Being Some Episodes in the Life of Viscount Rockhurst, a Friend of King Charles the Second, and at One Time Constable of His Majesty's Tower of London Being Some Episodes in the Life of Viscount Rockhurst, a Friend of King...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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What a Young Wife Ought to KnowWhat a Young Wife Ought to KnowTo this generation as to no other, are we indebted for the awakening of woman. Not the awakening alone which has led her out of the old lines into nearly every avenue open to man in his pursuit...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.03- CHF 5.68
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