Public Domain
Airplane Girls #3The Mystery of Seal IslandsHavent heard much more about it, Harv, Roberta answered her brother, as she poured maple syrup over a serving of piping hot pancakes. Her mother came in at that moment with a replenished bowl of oatmeal, and she paused with...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Airplane Boys #3Airplane Boys Discover the Secrets of CuzcoIn this third book about the Airplane Boys, they get a marvelous new plane, which they name the Lark and which takes them to new adventures and serves them to good purpose in many a narrow escape. Humph!...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Avonturen aan gene zijde van den EvenaarAvonturen aan gene zijde van den EvenaarWell! Denk je werkelijk, dat wij hier nog blanke broeders zullen ontmoeten, hier op deze vlakten, die je pampas noemt en waar men zoover het oog reikt geen hut bespeurt, ja niet eens een kudde vee? Maar dat...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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The Bulletin of the Loudoun County Historical Society, Volume IV, 1965The Bulletin of the Loudoun County Historical Society, Volume IV, 1965The Loudoun County Historical Society supplies The Bulletin to its Life Members, and it is available to all other members and to the public at two dollars per copy. Checks should be made payable...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Kalavartion seikkailutKalavartion seikkailutSan-Franziskon lahti on niin leve, ett myrskyt siin ovat merenkulkijoille usein vaarallisemmat kuin valtamerell pahimmillaankaan ollen. Lahdessa on kaikkia mahdollisia kaloja ja senpvuoksi hriikin siin alituisesti tavaton paljous kalastaja-aluksia ja kaikenkarvaisia kalastajia. Kalojen suojelemiseksi tlt kirjavalta, uivalta asutukselta on julkaistu joukko erinomaisia lakeja,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Sosialismin historiaSosialismin historia - Uudemman sosiaismin edeltäjät. 1. Platonista uudestikastajiinI. Uudestikastajat ennen talonpoikaissotaa. II. Uudestikastajien opit. III. Sveitsin uudestikastajien onni ja hvi. IV. Etel-Saksan uudestikastajat. V. Mhrin uudestikastajat. VI. Mnsterin levottomuudet. VII. Strassburgin ja Alankomaiden uudestikastajat. VIII. Mnsterin vallotus. IX. Uusi Jerusalem. a) Tietolhteet. b)...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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A Book of Jewish ThoughtsA Book of Jewish Thoughts This book has illustrated drop-caps at the start of each section. These illustrations may adversely affect the pronunciation of the word with screen-readers or not display properly in some handheld devices. Transcribers Notes are used when making corrections to...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Hocus Pocus; or The Whole Art of Legerdemain, in PerfectionHocus Pocus; or The Whole Art of Legerdemain, in Perfection. - By which the meanest capacity may perform the whole without the help of a teacher. Together with the Use of all the Instruments belonging thereto.KIND READER, Having in my former book of LEGERDEMAIN,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Peli elämästä ja kuolemasta: SalapoliisikertomusPeli elämästä ja kuolemasta: Salapoliisikertomus Olenko min sen nkinen kuin jos kulkisin haudan partaalla? Min, joka olen yksi niit harvoja ihmisi maailmassa, joka olen herra elmni suhteen. Kun phni plkht astua ulos suureen arvoitukselliseen yksinisyyteen, jrjestn kyll kaikki sen varalle. Kristianian sanomalehdet lausuivat tyydytyksens...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Some Medical Aspects of Old AgeSome Medical Aspects of Old Age - Being the Linacre lecture, 1922, St. John's college, CambridgeThe Linacre Foundation dating from 1524 is the oldest medical Lectureship in the University, for it was sixteen years later that the Regius Professorship of Physic was established by...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Hazai rejtelmek: Regény (2. kötet)Hazai rejtelmek: Regény (2. kötet)Nehny nap mulva zajlott, hemzsegett, javban llott a debreczeni szabadsg, mely keresztneve a vsroknak, egy szurkos mark exegeta szernt szabad lopstl vette eredett. A vidki mipar, vgetlen bsggel llt piaczra egygy mveit. Cziroksepr, szekrkas, lapt, gereblye, favilla, vasatlan targonczk durva,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Hazai rejtelmek: Regény (1. kötet)Hazai rejtelmek: Regény (1. kötet)A debreczeni reg kollegiumban, 1832-ben, az reg dikok kzt feltnt filigrn, finom termetvel, elkel magatartsval s urias modorval Kuthy Lajos, az rmihlyfalvi klvinista papnak, nagytisztelet Kuthy Sndor uramnak a fia, a ki gy festett kls hvely tekintetben, mint valamely ngylovas...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Doctor Quintard, Chaplain C.S.A. and Second Bishop of TennesseeDoctor Quintard, Chaplain C.S.A. and Second Bishop of Tennessee - Being His Story of the War (1861-1865)Writers upon the late Civil War have never done full justice to the high religious character of the majority of those who composed the Confederate government and its...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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The Cabinetmaker in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Cabinetmaker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - Giving Attention to the City’s Chief Craftsmen in the Furniture Way; And to Their Tools & Methods of WorkingIt is the very same chair that stood there when the portly Peyton Randolph was speaker of the House, and...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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The Substitute MillionaireThe Substitute Millionaire On a certain morning, just as on six mornings in the week (barring holidays) and fifty weeks in the year, Jack Norman wormed his way into a crowded subway local at Fiftieth street, and, propping himself against the end of a...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Tähtien alla: RomaaniTähtien alla: RomaaniOltiin vasta lokakuun alussa, mutta puut loivat jo lehtin. Kevt olikin ollut aikainen ja kes harvinaisen kaunis. Aurinkoa ei en riittnyt lokakuun osalle, lehdet eivt varisseet sinisell syysilmalla eik tuuli tanssittanut niit iloisissa pyrteiss. Ne kellastuivat mrkyyttn, tippuivat raskaasti maahan ja sade...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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The Jew, The Gypsy and El IslamThe Jew, The Gypsy and El IslamGood wine needs no bush, and a good book needs no preface, least of all from any but the authors pen. This is a rule more honoured in the breach than the observance nowadays, when many a classic...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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In a Syrian SaddleIn a Syrian SaddleLife is, in many respects, made very easy in the Holy Land. You can return home in the afternoon with no anxious forebodings as to how much waste of time is awaiting you in the shape of cards and notes on...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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Morocco, Its People and PlacesMorocco, Its People and PlacesMinor errors in punctuation and formatting have been silently corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. There are no two countries in...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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The Little Black Princess: A True Tale of Life in the Never-Never LandThe Little Black Princess: A True Tale of Life in the Never-Never LandChapter 1.- Bett-Bett Chapter 2.- Shimy Shirts Chapter 3.- Shut-Him-Eye Quickfellow Chapter 4.- Me King Alright Chapter 5.- Goodfellow Missus Chapter 6.- The Debbil-Debbil Dance Chapter 7.- Mumma A And Mumma B...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.06- CHF 5.68
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