Public Domain
Chats on English ChinaChats on English ChinaThis little volume has been primarily written with a view to enable the possessors of old china to determine the factories at which their ware was produced. A modest attempt has been made to show that the china-shelf is a record...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Kellogg's Great Crops of Strawberries, and How to Grow Them the Kellogg WayKellogg's Great Crops of Strawberries, and How to Grow Them the Kellogg WayMr. F. E. Beatty, President and General Manager, is Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of this Bank and in our many intimate business relations he has stood out...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Climate and Health in Hot Countries and the Outlines of Tropical ClimatologyClimate and Health in Hot Countries and the Outlines of Tropical Climatology - A Popular Treatise on Personal Hygiene in the Hotter Parts of the World, and on the Climates That Will Be Met Within Them.A hundred years ago a prolonged residence in the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Humility: The Beauty of HolinessHumility: The Beauty of HolinessThere are three great motives that urge us to humility. It becomes me as a creature, as a sinner, as a saint. The first we see in the heavenly hosts, in unfallen man, in Jesus as Son of Man. The...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The Economy of Workshop ManipulationThe Economy of Workshop Manipulation - A logical method of learning constructive mechanics. Arranged with questions for the use of apprentice engineers and students.In adding another to the large number of books which treat upon Mechanics, and especially of that class devoted to what...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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An Account of the Life and Writings of S. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons and MartyrAn Account of the Life and Writings of S. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons and Martyr - Intended to Illustrate the Doctrine, Discipline, Practices, and History of the Church, and the Tenets and Practices of the Gnostic Heretics During the Second CenturyIt was, perhaps, somewhat...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The Padre Island StoryThe Padre Island StoryAs you read the following pages, we hope you can feel a bit of the primitive, swashbuckling history of Padre Island. Where once roamed savages, cavaliers, pirates, soldiers and pioneers, there now risesout of the sand dunesan isle which every man...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Henry Ford: Highlights of His LifeHenry Ford: Highlights of His LifeHenry Ford spent his early life on a farm. He was born in a small frame house that stood in a grove a few miles from Detroit, near the River Rouge. On each side of the river were the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Illustrated Horse BreakingIllustrated Horse Breaking I offer this work to the favourable consideration of the public, as an attempt to describe a reasoned-out system of horse-breaking, which I have found, by practical experience, to be easy of execution, rapid in its effects, and requiring the possession...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Katinka Rabe: Kirja lapsestaKatinka Rabe: Kirja lapsesta tekij. Katinka Rabe syntyi Hovissa, isovanhempainsa kartanossa, hyvin isossa vuoteessa, jossa olivat syntyneet, rakastaneet ja kuolleet sek Rabet ett Fataburit. Alkujaan sen oli teettnyt hnen isnitins is, Friedrich Fatabur, itsen ja vaimoaan, inkerilist papintytrt varten, ja toden teolla, tmn vuoteen...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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VögelchenVögelchen Etwa um das Jahr 1860 fand in Wien, im Hause einer adeligen Dame, eine Ausstellung von Miniaturen statt, in der besonders zwei Sammlungen, die Adalbert Mannsthals, des Besitzers oder Groaktionrs der Mannsthal-Werke, und die des Nervenarztes Dr. Clemens Urbacher, Aufmerksamkeit erregten. Mannsthals Sammlung...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great PrairieRed Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great PrairieFar back as I can remember anything I can remember our cottage in Glencar. It was a small thatched house, with plenty of June roses and white jessamine trailing over two sides of it,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The Loss of His Majesty's Frigate AnsonThe Loss of His Majesty's Frigate Anson - Which was Wrecked within Three Miles of Helston, December 28, 1807 ... Also, an Authentic Narrative of the Loss of the Sidney, Which Ran upon a Dangerous Rock or Shoal, May 20, 1808THE following account of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Warren Commission (13 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIII (of 15)Warren Commission (13 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIII (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume XIII: L.C. Graves, James Robert Leavelle, L.D. Montgomery, Thomas Donald McMillon, and Forrest V. Sorrels, who participated in the arrest and questioning of Jack L....
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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David LivingstoneDavid LivingstoneOn March 19th, 1913, a hundred years will have passed since David Livingstone was born. It is only forty years since his body was carried by faithful hands from the centre of Africa to the coast that he might be buried among his...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Unfailing SpringsUnfailing Springs"JESUS answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of GOD, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water. "Whosoever drinketh of the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 9, September, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 9, September, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 8, August, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 8, August, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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The Charm of ScandinaviaThe Charm of ScandinaviaWhile this book is largely based upon personal observation in the countries described, the authors have taken pains to consult many recent and some older authors who have written about Scandinavia, that they might become familiar with the history and customs...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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Scipion unennäköScipion unennäköVon des Lebens Gtern allen Ist der Ruhm das hchste doch; Wenn der Leib in Staub zerfallen, Lebt der grosse Name noch. Tapfrer, deines Ruhmes Schimmer Wird unsterblich sein im Lied; Denn das ird'sche Leben flieht, Und die Todten dauern immer. Vaan tytymyst'...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.25- CHF 5.70
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