Public Domain
Kirsti: SielunkuvausKirsti: SielunkuvausKirstill oli idistn kaksi eri kuvaa, toinen, joka vastasi nykyisyytt ja todellisuutta, ja toinen hmrmpi, joka lapsuuden aikaisimpiin aikoihin liittyi. Silt ajalta hnelle oli jnyt mieleen monta pient tapausta, joita myhemmin omituisella hellyydell muisteli, mutta tuskin uskoi tosiksi. Kerrankin is kotiin odottaessa oli...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Stories of Symphonic MusicStories of Symphonic Music - A Guide to the Meaning of Important Symphonies, Overtures, and Tone-poems from Beethoven to the Present DayMost concert-goers have observed, at performances of modern orchestral works of a descriptive character, the efforts of many persons in the audience to...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 21, June, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 21, June, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyAll new jokes, jests and jingles; Captain Billys Advice to the Lovelorn; and Smokehouse Poetry comprising a collection of the best red-blooded poems in the world. Republication...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 135.39- CHF 5.71
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Moonlight Schools for the Emancipation of Adult IlliteratesMoonlight Schools for the Emancipation of Adult IlliteratesIt has been said that every great movement for freedom originated among mountain people. However true or untrue this may be, the movement to emancipate the illiterates of America originated among the people of the mountains of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.61- CHF 5.71
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London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 3In the Brill, or rather in Brill-place, Somers-town, there is a variety of courts branching out into Chapel-street, and in one of the most angular and obscure of these is to be found a perfect nest of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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A Dominie DismissedA Dominie DismissedHe returns as a cattleman to the village where he has previously been a schoolmaster. Incidentally, he watches the effect of his successor's teaching, the triumph of his own methods and the discomfiture of his rival at the hands of the children,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.61- CHF 5.71
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Őszi fény: Ujabb elbeszélésekŐszi fény: Ujabb elbeszélésekOtt vannak azok a lanks srengetegek, a melyekben mg a blny otthon van, ez a marhk se: az krk kztt a herczeg; msutt mind kipuszttottk mr egsz Eurpbl. Ezek most az orosz czr vadjai, s azokra csak a Romanowok s az...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Healthful Sports for Young LadiesHealthful Sports for Young LadiesThe most eminent physicians dwell particularly upon the necessity there is for young ladies, as they advance towards womanhood, to take active and regular exercise; and to avoid, as much as possible, all sedentary amusements. That love of variety, however,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Winning His Wings: A Story of the R.A.FWinning His Wings: A Story of the R.A.F.The cry, taken up by a score of youthful voices, echoed and re-echoed along the concrete-paved corridors of the Averleigh T.D.S.such being the official designation of the Training and Disciplinary Schoolone of those mushroom-growth establishments that bid...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, Volume 85Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, Volume 85 - January to June, 1906In this Publication, attention has been given to the early history of wheeled conveyances in England and their development up to recent times. With Seventeen Illustrations. Octavo, cloth gilt, price 2s. net;...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.61- CHF 5.71
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Flat Machine Knitting and FabricsFlat Machine Knitting and FabricsWhen the City of New York established a textile school in 1919 I was asked to take charge of the class in knitting. Although very busy in manufacturing lines, I decided to give up a part of my time to...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Kuloa ja kevättä: NovellejaKuloa ja kevättä: NovellejaJohan Magnus Hjelm, Rautlahden herra, selvitteli purjeveneens pohjalla toisiinsa tarttuneita ja sekaantuneita nuoria. Vene oli jo tynnetty teloiltaan ja keinuili kivien vliss pieness, kapeassa syvnteess, joka varta vasten oli kaivettu, sill ranta oli pitklt matalaa. Vasta niemen krjen kohdalla aukesi meri...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Röda rummet: Skildringar ur artist- och författarlivetRöda rummet: Skildringar ur artist- och författarlivet Det var en afton i brjan av maj. Den lilla trdgrden p Mosebacke hade nnu icke blivit ppnad fr allmnheten, och rabatterna voro ej uppgrvda; sndropparna hade arbetat sig upp genom fjolrets lvsamlingar och hllo just p...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Rooman miehä: Maailmankuva elämäkertoinaRooman miehä: Maailmankuva elämäkertoinaTm kirja pyrkii lyhyyteen. Se tahtoo kuvailla henkilit, saattaa ihmiset meit lhelle, ja periytyneiden historiallisten yksityisseikkain runsaudesta olisi sen vuoksi aina vain oleelliseen huomio kiinnitettv, etteivt syrjseikat sumentaisi itse piirrosta. Rooman valtiomiehist, sotapllikist ja keisareista antamani kuvaus kntyy sivistyneiden laajan piirin...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Stavrogin's Confession and The Plan of The Life of a Great SinnerStavrogin's Confession and The Plan of The Life of a Great Sinner - With Introductory and Explanatory NotesThe chapter of The Possessed, Stavrogins confession of his terrible crime, excluded from the completed novel, first became known to Merezhkovsky. Mrs. F. M. Dostoevsky (Anna Gregorievna...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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The Fall of the Great Republic (1886-88)The Fall of the Great Republic (1886-88)BY SIR HENRY STANDISH COVERDALE (Intendant for the Board of European Administration in the Province of New York.) O Liberty! Liberty! How many crimes are committed in thy name! By Permission of the Bureau of Press Censorship. NEW...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Scriptural and Hieroglyphic Observations which were foretold in the years of 1750 & 1792Scriptural and Hieroglyphic Observations which were foretold in the years of 1750 & 1792 - To which is added a singular account of the emigration of the Jews in 1812Once on a time Romes Church had lost her Head, Princes and Cardinals in no...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 20, May, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 20, May, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyBefore me, a notary public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Harvey Fawcett, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 135.39- CHF 5.71
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The Pool of StarsThe Pool of StarsElizabeth Houghton sat on a big stone beside the road, just where the highway forked, her school books still tucked under her arm. Her round blue eyes stared straight before her, as she tried, with one last effort, to make up...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 82.06- CHF 5.71
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Legends of love and chivalryThe Knights of England, France, and Scotland Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, By J. S. REDFIELD, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Southern District of New York. The son...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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