Public Domain
Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3 When Miriam got out of the train into the darkness she knew that there were woods all about her. The moist air was rich with the smell of treeswet bark and branchesmoss and lichen, damp dead leaves. She stood on...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.61- CHF 5.71
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Joseph PriestleyJoseph PriestleyIn the following account of the life and work of that hero and type of the intellectual energy of the eighteenth centurythe honest hereticJoseph Priestley, I have, to a considerable extent, made the subject of it tell his own story. After Priestleys death...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Hangok a vihar utánHangok a vihar utánEzek ama mess aranyhegyek, a fldnek ve, melyek a pars mythologiban az istensg ltal rz idegekkel vannak elltva; itt beszl Isten a flddel, midn azt akarja, hogy az megrzkdjk az emberi bnk terhe alatt, s tvisekkel, szrazsggal, viharokkal raszsza el a...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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The Daily Telegraph War BooksHacking Through BelgiumIt is the purpose of this book to show the great part played at a crisis in European history by a little People; the signal bravery of their decision; the vital importance, from a military standpoint, of their valiant defence of their...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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You're on the AirYou're on the AirThen he remembered that this was Saturday. Nothing but orchestras, and singing and the Womans Club program. Yesterday the City Boy program, with Sonny Baker in the lead, had gone off the air for the summer. He turned a button and...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Idle Hours in a LibraryIdle Hours in a LibraryThe title of this little volume was chosen because it seems to indicate a characteristic possessed in common by the otherwise unrelated essays here brought together. They may all be described in a general way as holiday tasksthe results of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Danny AgainDanny Again - Further Adventures of "Danny the Detective"It all began the morning after a Zepp raid. The village of Dutton had had a very narrow escape. Six bombs had been dropped in the night, but not a single person had been hurt. One...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Life in the SoudanLife in the Soudan - Adventures Amongst the Tribes, and Travels in Egypt, in 1881 and 1882The Soudan, two years ago, was a name unknown to the million, and I will venture to say that at that time not one in fifty knew anything...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Medical Jurisprudence as it Relates to Insanity, According to the Law of EnglandMedical Jurisprudence as it Relates to Insanity, According to the Law of EnglandThe consideration, that in our own language, no work existed on the subject of Medical Jurisprudence, as it relates solely to Insanity, urged me to the present performance. Previously to this undertaking...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Guida per la costituzione e per l'impianto di latterie sociali cooperativeGuida per la costituzione e per l'impianto di latterie sociali cooperative Chiamo grandi le latterie che dispongono di oltre 50 quintali di latte al giorno e vanno sino ai 200 e pi quintali; i soci possedono una bergamina, o piccola o grande, e sono...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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His Excellency [Son Exc. Eugène Rougon]His Excellency [Son Exc. Eugène Rougon]We live at such high speed nowadays, and the Second French Empire is already so far behind us, that I am inclined to place Son Excellence Eugne Rougon in the category of historical novels. In some degree it certainly...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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The German FleetThe German Fleet - Being The Companion Volume to "The Fleets At War" and "From Heligoland To Keeling IslandIn our insular pride, conscious of our glorious naval heritage, we are apt to forget that Germany had a maritime past, and that long before the...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Kitty of the RosesKitty of the RosesThrough the wide-open window floated in the fragrance of dew-dripping flowers. On the edge of the table a smouldering cigarette sent up a thin, wavering filament of gray smoke that lost itself in the upper gloom of the darkened room, leaving...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Lingua latinaPrimus Annus[Transcriber's Notes: i) the text mixes 'littera' and 'lttera' (short/long 'i'). Dictionaries generally consider 'littera' as more correct. ii) it states 'lctus, , m.' (=bed) in the original, but 'lctus' is correct. NB: the adjective 'lctus, a, um' is indeed with 'long e'....
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Paganism Surviving in ChristianityPaganism Surviving in ChristianityHe who judges the first century by the nineteenth will fall into countless errors. He who thinks that the Christianity of the fourth century was identical with that of the New-Testament period, will go widely astray. He who does not look...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Egy játékos, a ki nyer: RegényEgy játékos, a ki nyer: RegényVge volt a nagy eurpai hbornak, a nagy vilghdt ott lt mr szent Ilona szigetn, a szvetsgesek pedig Prisban restaurltk Francziaorszgot. A sok jonnan teremtett kirlysg, respublika visszatrt a maga rgi gazdjhoz. Az illyriai kirlysg pnksd-napja is elmult, s...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain Living in the Years 1807-8Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain Living in the Years 1807-8The following brief memoirs were originally compiled for the purpose of accompanying the Engraving of "The Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain living in 1807-8, assembled at the Royal...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Kostajan kourissa: SalapoliisikertomusKostajan kourissa: SalapoliisikertomusMuuanna talvi iltana noin kolme vuotta sitten istui Asbjrn Krag kamiinan vieress tyhuoneessaan selaillen paksua asiapaperikr, jonka ers salapoliisin apua tarvitseva oli hnelle hiljattain jttnyt. Voimakkaasti valaiseva lamppu seisoi typydll, jolle oli asetettu erilaatuisia asiakirjoja, muutamia kellastuneita kirjeit, tilej ja erikoinen osasto...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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La Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeLa Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeTel qui sesjouit lire Rabelais, ce grand et vrai gnie franais, accueillera, je crois, avec plaisir, ce livre qui, malgr son titre, ne sadresse ni aux petits enfants, ni aux jeunes pucelles. Foin des pudeurs (toutes...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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Le poète assassinéLe poète assassinéTous ces peuples ont plus ou moins modifi le nom sonore de Croniamantal. Les Arabes, les Turcs et autres peuples qui lisent de droite gauche n'ont pas manqu de le prononcer Latnamanorc, mais les Turcs l'appellent bizarrement Pata, ce qui signifie oie...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 51.28- CHF 5.71
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