Public Domain
JacquelinaJaquelinaThis story was first serialized in the New York Family Story Paper as Jaquelina; or, The Outlaw's Bride during 1882. The text used in this edition comes from a later reprint, part of Street & Smith's Eagle Series no. 192, in which it was...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Her Sailor: A Love StoryHer Sailor: A Love StoryMiss Marshall Saunderss first published work was issued in England in 1889, under the title, My Spanish Sailor. In the present volume, while not materially altering the plot or action, Miss Saunders has added a number of new incidents, and,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Kidnapped (Illustrated)Kidnapped (Illustrated) - Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751If you ever read this tale, you will likely ask yourself more questions than I should care to answer: as for instance how the Appin murder has come to fall...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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In het Hol van den Leeuw: Reisschetsen uit Sovjet-RuslandIn het Hol van den Leeuw: Reisschetsen uit Sovjet-Rusland's Avonds aan het station Charlottenburg, Berlijn. Om 8.40 moet de trein naar Oost-Pruisen vertrekken, ik ben er al om acht uur, maar geen denken aan om een kaartje te krijgen, er staan nog wel een...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Waterways and Water Transport in Different CountriesWaterways and Water Transport in Different Countries - With a description of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals.It would probably be difficult to name any subject that is of more importance to the material interests of a country than adequate means of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Lähtevien laivojen kaupunkiLähtevien laivojen kaupunki"Olimme kuudenkymmenen matruusin kanssa saapuneet muutamaan Vironmaan rantapitjn. Pitj, josta tulimme, oli ollut kapinan kaikkein pahimpia pespaikkoja, melkein kaikki aatelismoisiot olivat tuhkana; olimme senthden mekin puolestamme kyttneet kaikkea mahdollista ankaruutta. Olimme suoraan sanoen vsyneet nkemn verta, niin matruusit kuin ylipllikkmmekin, minusta puhumattakaan....
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Au pays russeAu pays russeJ'ai fait en Russie, depuis 1892, trois sjours prolongs; j'ai parcouru cette immense terre dans tous les sens, et j'ai appris sa langue. Le hasard m'y a mis en contact avec les plus terribles flaux qui la ravagent priodiquement, et avec quelques...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Life and Times of Alfred the GreatThe Life and Times of Alfred the Great - Being the Ford lectures for 1901The present work contains the lectures delivered by me on the Ford foundation in Michaelmas Term, 1901. The lectures are printed substantially as they were delivered, with the exception that...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Peter Poodle, Toy Maker to the KingPeter Poodle, Toy Maker to the King OMMY stood with his little nose pressed flat against the pane. He was very tired, and also very hungry, for he had walked ever and ever so far. How far, he did not know. At first, he...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Magical Mimics in OzThe Magical Mimics in OzAs long as I can remember, I have been reading Oz books, and now I am very proud and happy to have been permitted to write a book about the latest happenings in the Land of Oz. As for the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Sugar Creek Gang Goes NorthThe Sugar Creek Gang Goes NorthAll rights in this book are reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without the permission in writing from the author, except brief quotations used in connection with a review in a magazine or newspaper. I GUESS...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Sugar Creek Gang Digs for TreasureThe Sugar Creek Gang Digs for TreasureAll rights in this book are reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without the permission in writing from the author, except brief quotations used in connection with a review in a magazine or newspaper. I...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Patty's Pleasure TripPatty's Pleasure TripLady Kitty spread out the sheets of millinery designs, and still absorbed in her reading, Patty lifted her hand and, without looking, pointed a finger at random till it rested on one of the pictured hats. Angel child! You think youre teasing...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The NewspaperThe NewspaperSo common an object as a newspaper is seldom the subject of serious reflection. If any one of us should stop to consider what it is and why it is made, it is odds that he would think chiefly of one aspect of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 135.35- CHF 5.70
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The Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kichés of Central AmericaThe Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kichés of Central AmericaThe Popol Vuh is the New Worlds richest mythological mine. No translation of it has as yet appeared in English, and no adequate translation in any European language. It has been...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 135.35- CHF 5.70
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 3, March 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 3, March 1847Thomas Carlyle is a Scotchman, born about fifty years ago, at Ecclefechan, Annandale, according to one authority. His parents good farmer people, his father an elder in the Secession church there, and a man of strong native...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Punainen jumalaPunainen jumalaKas noin! Basset katsoi kelloonsa ja vertasi killist jyrhdyst mielessn arkkienkelin pasuunantrhdyksiin. Kaupungin muurien, ajatteli hn, pitisi luhistua tuollaisesta valtavasta ja vastustamattomasta kskyst. Lukemattomia kertoja oli hn turhaan koettanut keksi syyt tuohon tavattomaan jyrinn, joka kuului lpi koko seudun, tunkeutuen ymprill asuvienkin heimojen...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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OrestesOrestesEj finns s vdligt ngot ord, att tala ut, Ej lidelse, ej gudaskickadt olycksfall, Att ej dess brda menskans lynne lyftade. Ty han, den slle, ej hans de hnar jag Zeussonen sjelf, som folket pstr, Tantalos, 5 Rdd fr den hll, som p hans...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Nietzsche, sein Leben und seine LehreNietzsche, sein Leben und seine LehreIn diesen Zeiten ist die UB mehr noch als frher zum Helfer vieler geworden, die nach gutem Lesestoff drsten, schrieb die Zeitschrift fr Deutschkunde. Der Verlag Reclam will angesichts dieser Tatsache seinerseits alles versuchen, um allen zu helfen, fr...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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L'Alfabet européen appliqué aux langues asiatiquesL'Alfabet européen appliqué aux langues asiatiques - OEuvres de C.-F. Volney, tome VIIINe ddaignez point comme minutieux les lmens alfabtiques;...... car si vous scrutez leurs replis mystrieux, vous en verrez sortir une foule de questions subtiles, capables non-seulement dexercer les enfans, mais dembarrasser les...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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