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The New Crystal Palace and the Christian SabbathThe New Crystal Palace and the Christian Sabbathp. 2I AM very sensible of the imperfections of the following Discourse (delivered on the 24th ult.), but in compliance with the request of many friends, it is now issued in a tract form, as an humble...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Plain Parochial Sermons, preached in the Parish Church of Bolton-le-MoorsPlain Parochial Sermons, preached in the Parish Church of Bolton-le-MoorsThe author has been repeatedly urged to print a volume of his Parochial Sermons; and perhaps he owes some apology to those friends, whose kind advice, on this head, has been for years neglected. He...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Our Sabbaths in DangerOur Sabbaths in Danger - A Sermon, deprecating the contemplated opening of the Crystal Palace on the Lord's-DayThe discriminating symptoms of hypocrisy or profaneness in a nation, it has been well said, are, that, by the one, outward ordinances are raised to an exaggerated...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The SabbathThe Sabbath - a sermon preached in Holy Trinity Church, Hurdsfield, on Sunday Evening, January 30, 1853, in reference to the proposed opening of the Crystal Palace on the Lord's dayIf thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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A few lines against the opening of the Crystal Palace on the Sabbath dayA few lines against the opening of the Crystal Palace on the Sabbath day You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The People's Palace and the Religious WorldThe People's Palace and the Religious World - or, thoughts on public agitation against the promised charter to the new Crystal Palace Company, and on "Sabbath desecration"Disagreement with the object and dislike of the tone of the incipient agitation for preventing the concession of...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Divided SabbathThe Divided Sabbath - remarks concerning the Crystal Palace now erecting at SydenhamWe are happy to be able to state, that so far as the Government are concerned, no impediment will be thrown in the way, and that there is now no fear of...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Sabbath Defence Tactics: a manualSabbath Defence Tactics: a manualThe observance of the Lords day partook largely of the general religious declension which characterised the conclusion of the eighteenth century. Fresh invasions were constantly made on its sanctity; and practices which a century before would have startled the most...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Sabbath, the Crystal Palace, and the PeopleThe Sabbath, the Crystal Palace, and the PeopleThe relation between the Church of Christ and human society has long been ill-defined and unsettled. The Church has to present to society, in its struggles and sufferings, an aspect in which the kindliness of human sympathy...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of DerbyA Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby - on the cruelty and injustice of opening the Crystal Palace on the SabbathDivided as the country is in its political and religious sentiments, there is one subject on which there is a very...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Christians and InfidelsChristians and InfidelsIf there is one condition in life more happy than another, it is surely that of him who founds all his hopes of futurity on the promises of the Gospel.These are the words of a respected author, and deserve the consideration of...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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L'eresia nel Medio EvoL'eresia nel Medio Evo Messomi a studiare i rapporti tra la filosofia scolastica e la contemporanea eresia, se non ho trovato quello che a prima giunta supponevo, mi venne fatto in compenso di formarmi un'opinione ben netta sulla genesi e sul corso delle molteplici...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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An Address to Lord Teignmouth, president of the British and Foreign Bible Society, occasioned by his address to the clergy of the Church of EnglandAn Address to Lord Teignmouth, president of the British and Foreign Bible Society, occasioned by his address to the clergy of the Church of EnglandThe emotions of my mind, upon receipt of your Lordships address as President of the British and Foreign Bible Society,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Sabbath Breaker Reclaimed or, a pleasing history of Thomas BrownThe Sabbath Breaker Reclaimed; or, a pleasing history of Thomas BrownOn a fine Sabbath morn, in the sweet month of May, When the hawthorn in blossom was seen; When perfumes filled the air, and all nature lookd gay, And the fields wore a livery...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Worth of the SoulThe Worth of the Soul - No. 179The soul of every man is of more worth to him than all the world. What would it profit him, if he were to gain the whole world, were he thereby to lose his own Soul? Such...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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A letter addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.PA letter addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P. - explanatory of the object and design of the Chester Cambrian SocietyThe relation in which your Lordship stands to the City of Chester, as one of its Representatives, and the lively interest you...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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A Body of Divinity, Vol. 2 (of 4)A Body of Divinity, Vol. 2 (of 4) - Wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended, being the substance of several lectures on the Assembly's Larger CatechismAnsw. The work of creation is that, wherein God did, in the beginning, by...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary of the Books of the Bible: Volume 29 (of 32)The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary of the Books of the Bible: Volume 29 (of 32) - The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary of the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and I-II ThessaloniansCharacter of the Galatians.These people were of Celtic descent....
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CHF 84.17- CHF 5.68
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Letter to the Friends and Subscribers of the Church Pastoral-Aid SocietyLetter to the Friends and Subscribers of the Church Pastoral-Aid Society - occasioned by a letter from the Rev. Dr. MolesworthThen I sent unto him, saying, There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart....
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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An Earnest Exhortation to a Frequent Reception of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's SupperAn Earnest Exhortation to a Frequent Reception of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - Particularly Addressed to Young PersonsThe Author of the following Tract cannot hope that he has said any thing new upon this important subject; but having had occasion to...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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