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Das Büchlein vom Leben nach dem TodeDas Büchlein vom Leben nach dem Tode Schreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich ein offensichtliche Druckfehler wurde korrigiert (Zweites Kapitel: Gemeine statt Gemeinde). Der Originaltext ist in Fraktur gesetzt. An einer Stelle wurde stattdessen Antiqua verwendet. Dieser Text ist hier kursiv dargestellt....
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Systematic Theology (Volume 2 of 3)Systematic Theology (Volume 2 of 3)[Transcriber's Note: The above cover image was produced by the submitter at Distributed Proofreaders, and is being placed into the public domain.] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is perfect is...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The Boyhood of JesusThe Boyhood of JesusThe streets were full of people, walking, or traveling on mules, donkeys, or camelsall going to be taxed. It was winter, but in a[10] warm country, and they went through valleys of figs, olives, dates, oranges and other good things. They...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Selections from the Kur-anSelections from the Kur-anBetween Egypt and Assyria, jostled by both, yielding to neither, lay a strange country, unknown save at its marches even to its neighbours, dwelt-in by a people that held itself aloof from all the eartha people whom the great empires of...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The Sheepfold and the Common Or, Within and Without. Vol. 1 (of 2)The Sheepfold and the Common; Or, Within and Without. Vol. 1 (of 2)This Work was originally published, above thirty years ago, under the title of the Evangelical Rambler. It has long been out of print; and its republication at the present time has been...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The World's Great Sermons, Volume 09: Cuyler to Van DykeThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 09: Cuyler to Van DykeTheodore Ledyard Cuyler, Presbyterian divine, was born at Aurora, New York, in 1822. He took his degree at Princeton in 1841, and studied theology in Princeton Seminary. He was ordained to the ministry in 1848,...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Psychologie und Logik: zur Einführung in die PhilosophiePsychologie und Logik: zur Einführung in die PhilosophieDie Philosophie ist die allgemeine Wissenschaft, welche den Zweck hat, Sicherheit, Einheit und Zusammenhang im Gesamtgebiet unseres Wissens herzustellen. Auch die einzelnen Wissenschaften entspringen diesem Bedrfnis, aber ihr Gebiet ist ein beschrnktes und sie gehen teils von...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The World's Great Sermons, Volume 06: H. W. Beecher to PunshonThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 06: H. W. Beecher to PunshonHenry Ward Beecher, preacher, orator, lecturer, writer, editor, and reformer, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1813. He was by nature and training a great pulpit orator. Mr. Beecher kept himself in perfect physical...
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CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The World's Great Sermons, Volume 07: Hale to FarrarThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 07: Hale to FarrarEdward Everett Hale, Congregationalist divine and author, was born in Boston in 1822. He was graduated at Harvard in 1839 and became a Unitarian preacher in 1846 at Worcester. In 1850 he removed to Boston, where...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The World's Great Sermons, Volume 05: Guthrie to MozleyThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 05: Guthrie to MozleyThomas Guthrie, preacher, philanthropist, and social reformer, was born at Brechin, Forfarshire, Scotland, in 1803. He spent ten years at the University of Edinburgh and was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Brechin in 1825....
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The Devil in Britain and AmericaThe Devil in Britain and America To my thinking, all modern English books on the Devil and his works are unsatisfactory. They all run in the same groove, give the same cases of witchcraft, and, moreover, not one of them is illustrated. I have...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The World's Great Sermons, Volume 04: L. Beecher to BushnellThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 04: L. Beecher to BushnellLyman Beecher was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1775. He graduated from Yale in 1797, and in 1798 took charge of the Presbyterian Church at Easthampton, Long Island. He first attracted attention by his...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Haunted Places in EnglandHaunted Places in EnglandIn presenting this volume to the Public, I wish to emphasise the fact that all the names of people and houses mentioned in it (saving in Chapter X.), in connection with the hauntings, are fictitious. ELLIOT ODONNELL. May 5, 1917. [5]...
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CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Gifford lectures, 1907The Science and Philosophy of the OrganismThis work is not a text-book of theoretical biology; it is a systematic presentment of those biological topics which bear upon the true philosophy of nature. The book is written in a decidedly subjective manner, and it seems...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Il re dei re, vol. 4Il re dei re, vol. 4 - Convoglio diretto nell'XI secoloSicuro Enrico di lasciar ben curate le sue cose di Germania a Federico di Staufen, senza mettere indugi prese le mosse per alla volta d'Italia. Il considerevole esercito seguivano assai tra vescovi, principi, duchi...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Das Abendmahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben Jesu und der Geschichte des UrchristentumsDas Abendmahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben Jesu und der Geschichte des Urchristentums - Erstes Heft. Das Abendmahlsproblem auf Grund der wissenschaftlichen Forschung des 19. Jahrhunderts und der historischen Berichte.Der Anstoss zu der vorliegenden Arbeit ging von Schleiermacher aus. Im Jahre 1897 erhielt ich...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Il re dei re, vol. 3Il re dei re, vol. 3 - Convoglio diretto nell'XI secoloTre mesi l'imperadore Enrico pass a Spira domestica e ritirata vita, confortato dalle amorevolezze della tenera Berta e dalle blandizie del suo figliuolo. E veramente di queste cure affettuose aveva bisogno per addolcire fino...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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Hours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century WitchcraftHours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft - Illustrated Investigations into the Phenomena of Spiritualism and TheosophyThere are two great schools of thought in the worldmaterialistic and spiritualistic. With one, MATTER is all in all, the ultimate substratum; mind is merely the result...
- CHF 5.64
CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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La vie simpleLa vie simpleAujourd'hui que La Vie simple a t tellement rimprime que les vieux clichs sont uss et qu'il faut recomposer le texte nouveau, il ne sera sans doute pas dpourvu d'intrt de noter ici quelques faits concernant l'origine et la destine de ce...
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CHF 11.29- CHF 5.64
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The Potter and the ClayThe Potter and the ClayAnother year, and we are still at War! But we must not mind, for we must see this thing through to the end. As Mr. Oliver said in his letter on "What we are fighting for," published this week: "We...
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