Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Happiness in PurgatoryHappiness in Purgatory Published April, 1897, in T may be said of Purgatory that if it did not exist it would have to be created, so eminently is it in accord with the dictates of reason and common sense. The natural instinct of travellers...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Sint-Nikolaas en het Sint-Nikolaas-feestSint-Nikolaas en het Sint-Nikolaas-feestReeds geruimen tijd geleden iets over Sint-NIKOLAAS en het Sint-NIKOLAAS-feest aan mijne vrienden, de Hoogleeraren KIST en ROYAARDS, als schrijvers en verzamelaars van het Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, inzonderheid in Nederland, beloofd hebbende, wilde ik met hetzelve niet langer achterblijven. Ik...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Bible Readings for the Home CircleBible Readings for the Home Circle The Bible contains proof in itself of its divine origin. No other book can answer the questionings of the mind or satisfy the longings of the heart as does the Bible. It is adapted to every age and...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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A Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers of All Ages and NationsA Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers of All Ages and NationsJohn Stuart Mill in his Autobiography declares with truth that the world would be astonished if it knew how great a proportion of its brightest ornaments, of those most distinguished even in popular estimation for...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 18.30- CHF 5.72
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The Supposed Autographa of John the ScotThe Supposed Autographa of John the ScotIn the fifth part of Ludwig Traube's Palaeographische Forschungen, (which I had the honor of publishing after that great scholar's death)[1] evidence was presented for Traube's apparently certain discovery of the very handwriting of John the Scot. In...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Materialized Apparitions: If Not Beings from Another Life, What Are TheyMaterialized Apparitions: If Not Beings from Another Life, What Are TheyIn 1840 I became acquainted with Dr. Colyer, then lecturing on Mesmerism, at Peel's Museum, New York, and fully believed, at that time, that he was a humbug, and Mesmerism a fraud. Soon after...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Across the Prairie in a Motor CaravanAcross the Prairie in a Motor Caravan - A 3,000 Mile Tour by Two Englishwomen on Behalf of Religious EducationI happen to have read the proof sheets of the little book which is to record the story of your work and Miss Ticehurst's in...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The Priestly VocationThe Priestly Vocation - A Series of Fourteen Conferences Addressed to the Secular Clergy THE aim of the following pages is to present well-known ideals and principles of action, and to apply them to the state of things actually existing among the secular clergy...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Joseph Smith as Scientist: A Contribution to Mormon PhilosophyJoseph Smith as Scientist: A Contribution to Mormon PhilosophyIn the life of every person, who receives a higher education, in or out of schools, there is a time when there seems to be opposition between science and religion; between man-made and God-made knowledge. The...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The Zen ExperienceThe Zen Experience 1. Chang Chung-yuan, Tao: A New Way of Thinking (New York: Perennial Library, 1977), p. 4. 2. Ibid., p. 6. 3. Ibid., p. 50. 4. Ibid., p. 145. 5. Ibid., p. 153. 6. Quoted in Max Kaltenmark, Lao Tzu and Taoism...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Influencia da Religião sobre a Politica do EstadoInfluencia da Religião sobre a Politica do EstadoMontesquieu no seu livro intitulado Espirito das Leis, diz: que a Religio Catholica Romana he mais propria para os Governos Monarchicos; e que a Religio Protestante he mais propria para os Governos Republicanos. No livro que trata...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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History of Modern PhilosophyHistory of Modern PhilosophyFor a thousand years after the schools of Athens were closed by Justinian philosophy made no real advance; no essentially new ideas about the constitution of nature, the workings of mind, or the ends of life were put forward. It would...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Acres of DiamondsAcres of DiamondsThough Russell H. Conwell's Acres of Diamonds have been spread all over the United States, time and care have made them more valuable, and now that they have been reset in black and white by their discoverer, they are to be laid...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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'Een vaste burg is onze God''Een vaste burg is onze God' - de kerkhervorming herdacht op haar vierde eeuwfeest, 1517—31 October—1917Overduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Das UnheimlicheDas UnheimlicheDer Psychoanalytiker versprt nur selten den Antrieb zu sthetischen Untersuchungen, auch dann nicht, wenn man die sthetik nicht auf die Lehre vom Schnen einengt, sondern sie als Lehre von den Qualitten unseres Fhlens beschreibt. Er arbeitet in anderen Schichten des Seelenlebens und hat...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Kort og sandfærdig Beretning om den vidtudraabte Besættelse udi ThistedKort og sandfærdig Beretning om den vidtudraabte Besættelse udi Thistedbenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bog, men den oprindelige stavning og brug af versaler er i vrigt bevaret. Bogen er oprindelig trykt med frakturskrift; i nedenstende tekst er kursiv brugt til at angive antikvaskrift....
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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An Amicable Controversy with a Jewish Rabbi, on The Messiah's ComingAn Amicable Controversy with a Jewish Rabbi, on The Messiah's Coming - With an Entirely New Exposition of Zechariah, on the Messiah's Kingdom Few, perhaps, of those who read the Scriptures are fully aware of the extent to which the language of them abounds...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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The Will to Doubt: An essay in philosophy for the general thinkerThe Will to Doubt: An essay in philosophy for the general thinkerThe chapters that follow comprise what might be called an introduction to philosophy, but such a description of them would probably be misleading, for they are addressed quite as much to the general...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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Higgins, a Man's ChristianHiggins, a Man's ChristianWhat this book contains was learned by the writer in the course of two visits with Mr. Higgins in the Minnesota woodsone in the lumber-camps and lumber-towns at midwinter, and again at the time of the drive. Upon both occasions Mr....
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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John KnoxJohn Knox The sources from which the following narrative has been derived are (1) the splendidly edited and complete edition of Knox's Works in six volumes, by Dr. David Laing; (2) the Memoir of the Reformer, by Dr. Thomas McCrie, forming the first volume...
- CHF 5.72
CHF 11.44- CHF 5.72
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