Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Quiet Talks about JesusQuiet Talks about JesusSo far as I can find out, I have no theory about Jesus to make these talks fit into. I have tried to find out for myself what the old Book of God tells about Him. And here I am trying...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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The Human MachineThe Human MachineThere are men who are capable of loving a machine more deeply than they can love a woman. They are among the happiest men on earth. This is not a sneer meanly shot from cover at women. It is simply a statement...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Quiet Talks with World WinnersQuiet Talks with World Winners There's a great passion burning in the heart of God. It is tenderly warm and tenaciously strong. Its fires never burn low, nor lose their fine glow. That passion is to win man back home again. The whole world...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Vier Voordrachten over TheosofieVier Voordrachten over TheosofieIn snelschrift opgeteekend is het gesprokene woordelijk weergegeven; slechts in de voordracht over Esoterisch Christendom zijn enkele toespelingen op Bijbelplaatsen uitgelaten waar die alleen van toepassing waren op de Engelsche vertaling van den Bijbel (Mevrouw Besant sprak in het Engelsch) en...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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In His ImageIn His ImageThe Message from Bethlehem. A plea for the world-wide adoption of the spirit of the Angels' song"Good-will to Men." The context and import of this great principle has never been more understandingly set forth. to whom I am indebted for a Christian...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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The Works of Aristotle the Famous PhilosopherThe Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher - Containing his Complete Masterpiece and Family Physician; his Experienced Midwife, his Book of Problems and his Remarks on PhysiognomyI have given this Part the title of The Experienced Midwife, because it is chiefly designed for those...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Cock Lane and Common-SenseCock Lane and Common-SenseNature of the subject. Persistent survival of certain Animistic beliefs. Examples of the Lady Onkhari, Lucian, General Campbell. The Anthropological aspect of the study. Difference between this Animistic belief, and other widely diffused ideas and institutions. Scientific admission of certain phenomena,...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Analyzing CharacterAnalyzing Character - The New Science of Judging Men; Misfits in Business, the Home and Social Life"There is one name," says Elbert Hubbard, "that stands out in history like a beacon light after all these twenty-five hundred years have passed, just because the man...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Katharina von Bora: Geschichtliches LebensbildKatharina von Bora: Geschichtliches LebensbildIn dem Leben Luthers bietet das Kapitel Luthers Huslichkeit als freundliche Idylle ein liebliches Ausruhen von den dramatischen Kmpfen und dem epischen Gange einer reformatorischen Wirksamkeit. Die Briefe an eine liebe Hausfrau sind unter den Tausenden seiner Episteln die schnsten...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Our Lady Saint MaryOur Lady Saint MaryThe two papers in Part I have been published in the American Church Magazine. Of Part II Chapter 1 has been published separately; Chapters 2, 4, 7, 9 and 12 have been published in the Holy Cross Magazine. The rest of...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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The Book of Dreams and GhostsThe Book of Dreams and GhostsThe chief purpose of this book is, if fortune helps, to entertain people interested in the kind of narratives here collected. For the sake of orderly arrangement, the stories are classed in different grades, as they advance from the...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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The Song of our Syrian GuestThe Song of our Syrian GuestThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Parish PapersParish PapersThis question refers to a matter of fact. I do not ask whether the Christian religion is true, but only, What is the Christian religion? What is that religion which has existed for eighteen centuries; which is professed by Christendom; and which has...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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SatanSatanThe world has been willing to comply with the wishes and projects of Satan to the extent of ceasing to believe that he really exists; this unbelief being most advantageous to his present undertakings. Yet the opinions of men have never changed the facts...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Recollections of a Long Life: An AutobiographyRecollections of a Long Life: An AutobiographyWashington Irving has somewhere said that it is a happy thing to have been born near some noble mountain or attractive river or lake, which should be a landmark through all the journey of life, and to which...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Quiet Talks on ServiceQuiet Talks on ServiceAbout a quarter of four one afternoon, three young men were standing together on a road leading down to a swift-running river. It was an old road, beaten down hard by thousands of feet through hundreds of years. It led down...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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The Meaning of Good—A DialogueThe Meaning of Good—A DialogueAn attempt at Philosophic Dialogue may seem to demand a word of explanation, if not of apology. For, it may be said, the Dialogue is a literary form not only exceedingly difficult to handle, but, in its application to philosophy,...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Buena Nueva de acuerdo a Marcos: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasBuena Nueva de acuerdo a Marcos: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasEsta traduccin se basa especialmente en la biblia World English Bible - WEB ( As como la biblia World English Bible, esta traduccin y sus fuentes se liberan al dominio pblico. En...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Buena Nueva de acuerdo a Juan: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasBuena Nueva de acuerdo a Juan: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasEsta traduccin se basa especialmente en la biblia World English Bible - WEB ( As como la biblia World English Bible, esta traduccin y sus fuentes se liberan al dominio pblico. En...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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Buena Nueva de acuerdo a Lucas: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasBuena Nueva de acuerdo a Lucas: Traducción de dominio público abierta a mejorasEsta traduccin se basa especialmente en la biblia World English Bible - WEB ( As como la biblia World English Bible, esta traduccin y sus fuentes se liberan al dominio pblico. En...
- CHF 5.82
CHF 11.65- CHF 5.82
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