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Thoughts on a Pebble, or, A First Lesson in GeologyThoughts on a Pebble, or, A First Lesson in Geology"To the natural philosopher there is no natural object that is unimportant or trifling. From the least of Nature's works he may learn the greatest lessons. The fall of an apple to the ground may...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Gray Lady and the Birds: Stories of the Bird Year for Home and SchoolGray Lady and the Birds: Stories of the Bird Year for Home and SchoolIf the child mind is fed with stories that are false to nature, the children will go to the haunts of the animal only to meet disappointment. The result will be...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Young Folks' Nature Field BookYoung Folks' Nature Field BookThis little book was written for the lover of outdoor life who has neither the time nor the patience to study natural history. There are many persons who are anxious to learn the common animals and flowers, their haunts and...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te FranekerBeschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarium te Franeker - Van 1772 tot 1780 uitgedacht en vervaardigd door Eise EisingaDe Schrijver van dit werkje, de beroemde geleerde, Jan Hendrik van Swinden, geboren den 8 Junij 1746 te s Gravenhage, waar zijn vader Advokaat voor den Hove van...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 663Drug Plants Under CultivationTHIS BULLETIN gives general suggestions relative to the culture, harvesting, distillation, yield, marketing, and commercial prospects for drug plants. Specific information is also given concerning the cultivation, handling, and yield of individual species and the demand and prices paid for the...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 6 (of 6)The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 6 (of 6)Remedies for the stings of serpents, for the bites of dogs, and for injuries indicted by venomous animals. The sea-dragon: three remedies. Twenty-five remedies derived from salted fish. The sarda: one remedy. Eleven remedies derived from...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 630Some Common Birds Useful to the Farmer (1915 edition)Whether a bird is beneficial or injurious depends almost entirely upon what it eats. In the case of species which are very abundant, or which feed to some extent on the crops of the farmer, the...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Climate and Time in Their Geological RelationsClimate and Time in Their Geological Relations - A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's ClimateThe Fundamental Problem of Geology.The investigation of the successive changes and modifications which the earths crust has undergone during past ages is the province of geology. It will...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 630Some Common Birds Useful to the Farmer (1926 edition)FROM a purely practical point of view the most important of the relations of native birds to man are the economic. The esthetic value of birds is greatgreater, indeed, than that of any other group of...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 54Some Common Birds in Their Relation to AgricultureIt has long been known that birds play an important part in relation to agriculture, but there seems to be a tendency to dwell on the harm they do rather then on the good. Whether a bird...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.8, De Stekelhuidigen, Plantdieren en SponsenHet Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.8, De Stekelhuidigen, Plantdieren en SponsenBinnenslands en in het zoetwater bestaat geen gelegenheid om kennis te maken met levende Stekelhuidigen. Des te rijker is de zeekust er van voorzien. Aan de zandige oevers van de Noordzee althans heeft men...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.53- CHF 5.79
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Badlands Natural History Association Bulletin No. 1The History of Badlands National Monument and the White River (Big) Badlands of South DakotaIn 1951 the National Park Service (NPS) launched the concept of developing a documented history for each unit of the national park system. Known since 1984 as park histories, the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.7, De WeekdierenHet Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.7, De WeekdierenVoor een nadere kennismaking met de Weekdieren zijn wij allen reeds eenigermate voorbereid door vroegere ervaringen. Een der eerste verkenningen op dit terrein heeft ons geleid tot het besef, dat een Slak en een Mossel nagenoeg in...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.53- CHF 5.79
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The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.CThe Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C.A SKETCH of the development of astronomy in Canada and of the founding of this observatory. A description of the building and of the mechanical and optical details of the telescope. An account of the principal work of the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Technique of Eye DissectionsTechnique of Eye DissectionsIn eye dissections it is unnecessary to have either a large equipment of instruments or a special room. To have a laboratory at ones disposal is but a small added convenience. Not to have it, is no serious hindrance. The work...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Birds of Australia, Vol. 5 of 7The Birds of Australia, Vol. 5 of 7If we regard the White Cockatoo of Van Diemens Land, that of the continent of Australia, and that of New Guinea as mere varieties of each other, this species has a more extensive range than most other...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Links With the Past in the Plant WorldLinks With the Past in the Plant WorldMY object in writing this book is primarily to call attention to some of the many questions which are raised by an enquiry into the relative antiquity of existing plants, and to illustrate the nature of the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Introduction to Our Bird Friends, Volume 2Introduction to Our Bird Friends, Volume 2Text by L. B. Carson Illustrations by Orville O. Rice Copyright, 1957 BY CAPPER PUBLICATIONS, INC. Printed in the United States of America ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 62490 Author: Carson, Lenwood Ballard Release Date:...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Tropical Fish HandbookTropical Fish Handbook - Tenth Edition, 1953For the beginner, the happy family collection is of most interest. Here in one large tank he can observe the interesting habits, shapes and colors of a great variety of fish. If he desires he may remove them...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient WorldGeology and Inhabitants of the Ancient WorldBefore entering upon a description of the restorations of the Extinct Animals, placed on the Geological Islands in the great Lake, a brief account may be premised of the principles and procedures adopted in carrying out this attempt...
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CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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