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How to Find New Books to Read

by Anshika Malik 22 Jun 2024
How to Find New Books to Read


Finding new books to read can be an exciting journey for any book lover. Whether you're looking to discover new genres, authors, or simply want to find books similar to your favorites, this guide will help you explore various methods to uncover your next great read. Let's delve into the best strategies, websites, and tools to help you find new books tailored to your interests.


1. Explore Book Recommendation Websites


Explore Book Recommendation Websites


Book recommendation websites are a treasure trove for discovering new books. These platforms offer personalized suggestions based on your reading history, preferences, and ratings.


Goodreads is one of the most popular book recommendation sites. By creating an account, you can rate books you've read, follow friends, join book clubs, and receive personalized recommendations. The site also features lists and groups where you can find books tailored to your interests.


BookBub provides daily deals on ebooks and personalized recommendations. By signing up for their newsletter, you receive updates on new releases and discounts based on your favorite genres and authors.


Whichbook offers a unique way to find books by adjusting sliders for various mood and content criteria, such as happy/sad or predictable/unpredictable. This allows you to discover books that match your current reading mood.


2. Use Book Discovery Apps


Use Book Discovery Apps


In the digital age, apps are a convenient way to discover new books. Here are some top book discovery apps:


Litsy is a social media platform for book lovers. Users can post reviews, share photos, and follow other readers for book recommendations. The app’s engaging community can help you find new books based on popular trends and personal recommendations.


Audible, known for its vast collection of audiobooks, offers curated lists and personalized recommendations. It's perfect for discovering new titles to listen to while commuting or exercising.


Libby connects with your local library to offer free ebooks and audiobooks. The app provides recommendations based on your borrowing history and preferences.


3. Join Online Book Communities



Join Online Book Communities


Online book communities are great for sharing recommendations and discussing your favorite reads with fellow book enthusiasts.


Reddit has numerous book-related communities (subreddits), such as r/books, r/suggestmeabook, and r/bookclub. These forums are excellent for getting personalized book recommendations and participating in discussions about new and popular books.

Facebook Groups

Facebook hosts a variety of book clubs and reading groups. Join groups that align with your reading interests to receive recommendations and participate in book discussions.

Book Blogs and Vlogs

Many book bloggers and vloggers (YouTubers) share reviews and recommendations. Follow bloggers who have similar tastes to yours, and subscribe to YouTube channels that regularly discuss new books.

4. Leverage Social Media Platforms


Leverage Social Media Platforms


Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok can also be valuable resources for finding new books.


Instagram’s book community, known as Bookstagram, features users who post aesthetically pleasing photos of books along with reviews and recommendations. Follow hashtags like #bookstagram, #bookrecommendations, and #tbr (to be read) to discover new titles.


On Twitter, follow authors, publishers, and book reviewers for updates on new releases and book recommendations. Participate in book-related hashtags and conversations to engage with other readers.


TikTok’s book community, BookTok, is a growing trend where users share short videos about books. These videos often include reviews, recommendations, and lists of must-read books. Follow hashtags like #BookTok and #BookRecommendations.


5. Visit Your Local Library


Visit Your Local Library


Local libraries are a fantastic resource for discovering new books. Librarians are knowledgeable and can provide personalized recommendations based on your interests. Many libraries also host book clubs, author events, and reading programs that can introduce you to new titles.


6. Browse Bookstores


Browse Bookstores


Physical bookstores, whether independent or chain stores, are excellent for finding new books. Staff picks, bestsellers, and themed displays can guide you to popular and hidden gems. Don’t hesitate to ask bookstore employees for recommendations based on your favorite genres or authors.


7. Attend Book Fairs and Literary Events


Attend Book Fairs and Literary Events


Book fairs, literary festivals, and author signings are great opportunities to discover new books and meet fellow book enthusiasts. These events often feature new releases, author readings, and book discussions. Check local event listings or follow your favorite authors and publishers for updates on upcoming events.

8. Follow Award Lists and Bestseller Lists


Award Lists

Keep an eye on literary award lists such as the Man Booker Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, and the National Book Awards. These lists highlight outstanding books that are often worth adding to your reading list.

Bestseller Lists

Bestseller lists from sources like The New York Times, Amazon, and Goodreads showcase popular books that many readers enjoy. These lists can be a great starting point for finding widely acclaimed books.

9. Try Book Subscription Services


Try Book Subscription Services


Book subscription services deliver curated books to your doorstep, often based on your reading preferences.

Book of the Month

Book of the Month offers a selection of new releases and early releases each month. Members can choose from five curated books, ensuring a fresh and diverse reading experience.


OwlCrate is a subscription box tailored for young adult (YA) readers. Each box includes a new YA book and themed goodies, making it an exciting way to discover new books.


Scribd is a subscription service that provides access to a vast library of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. The platform offers personalized recommendations based on your reading habits.


10. Use Online Tools and Databases


Use Online Tools and Databases


Several online tools and databases can help you find new books based on your interests.


NoveList is a database that helps readers find new books based on their favorite genres, authors, and themes. It’s often accessible through local libraries and offers detailed book recommendations.

Literature Map

Literature Map visually displays authors related to your favorites. Enter an author’s name, and the map shows other authors you might enjoy, making it easy to discover new books.


As mentioned earlier, WhichBook allows you to find books by adjusting mood and content sliders. It’s an innovative tool for discovering books that match your current interests.


11. Ask for Recommendations


Ask for Recommendations


Don’t underestimate the power of personal recommendations. Ask friends, family, and colleagues for book suggestions. They might introduce you to books you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

Book Clubs

Joining a book club, whether online or in-person, provides regular recommendations and discussions. Book clubs often explore diverse genres and authors, broadening your reading horizons.

Social Media Polls

Use social media platforms to ask for book recommendations. Post a question on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and you’re likely to receive a variety of suggestions from your network.


Finding new books to read can be a delightful adventure when you know where to look. By utilizing book recommendation websites, discovery apps, online communities, social media platforms, libraries, bookstores, and literary events, you can uncover countless books that cater to your tastes. Whether you prefer personal recommendations or curated lists, these strategies will help you build a diverse and exciting reading list.

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