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Three Addresses to Girls at SchoolThree Addresses to Girls at SchoolThe following addresses were printed for private circulation among those to whom they were delivered. But they fell also into other hands; and I have been frequently asked to publish them. I hesitated, on account of the personal and...
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The Child and the CurriculumThe Child and the CurriculumProfound differences in theory are never gratuitous or invented. They grow out of conflicting elements in a genuine problema problem which is genuine just because the elements, taken as they stand, are conflicting. Any significant problem involves conditions that for...
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The Aural SystemThe Aural System - Being the Most Direct, the Straight-Line Method for the Simultaneous Fourfold Mastery of a Foreign Language.p. 2Respecting the time required to learn a language, the writer ventures to recommend the way he himself took when a boy to solve this...
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Educational Work of the Boy ScoutsEducational Work of the Boy ScoutsScouting continues to enjoy the cordial indorsement of school men everywhere all over the country. More and more those interested are coming to see the enormous possibilities of cooperation between the scout movement and the schools. Many schools now...
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Practical Education, Volume IIPractical Education, Volume IIAs long as gentlemen feel a deficiency in their own education, when they have not a competent knowledge of the learned languages, so long must a parent be anxious, that his son should not be exposed to the mortification of appearing...
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Practical Education, Volume IPractical Education, Volume IWe shall not imitate the invidious example of some authors, who think it necessary to destroy the edifices of others, in order to clear the way for their own. We have no peculiar system to support, and, consequently, we have no...
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The History of Dartmouth CollegeThe History of Dartmouth College[1] INTRODUCTION. The most valuable part of a nation's history portrays its institutions of learning and religion. The alumni of a college which has moulded the intellectual and moral character of not a few of the illustrious living, or the...
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Construction Work for Rural and Elementary SchoolsConstruction Work for Rural and Elementary SchoolsIn offering this volume to the public the author has but one wishnamely, that it may supply a want in time of need and help some one over a difficult place. Most of the subject-matter in Parts One,...
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A Catalogue of Play EquipmentA Catalogue of Play EquipmentWhat are the requisites of a child's laboratory? What essentials must we provide if we would deliberately plan an environment to promote the developmental possibilities of play? These questions are raised with ever-increasing insistence as the true nature of children's...
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The Education of ChildrenThe Education of ChildrenIf these characters do not display properlyin particular, if the diacritic does not appear directly above the letteror if the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, you may have an incompatible browser or unavailable fonts. First, make...
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Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Education, 1853Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Education, 1853The increasing importance of the subject treated of has led the author to revise an article, published nearly two years ago in a monthly journal, and to present it in the following pages. His...
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The Orbis PictusThe Orbis PictusIf any of these characters do not display properlyin particular, if the diacritic does not appear directly above the letteror if the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, you may have an incompatible browser or unavailable fonts. First,...
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McGill and its Story, 1821-1921McGill and its Story, 1821-1921The following pages give in general outline the century story of McGill University. They have no pretension to the title of detailed History, for it has been possible to chronicle only the circumstances which shaped the University in its infancy...
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On the Future of our Educational InstitutionsOn the Future of our Educational InstitutionsThe reader from whom I expect something must possess three qualities: he must be calm and must read without haste; he must not be ever interposing his own personality and his own special "culture"; and he must not...
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Tuskegee and Its People: Their Ideals and AchievementsTuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and AchievementsInstitutions, like individuals, are properly[1] judged by their ideals, their methods, and their achievements in the production of men and women who are to do the world's work. One school is better than another in proportion as...
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Public School EducationPublic School Education CHAPTER I. PAGE Introductory 7 CHAPTER II. EducationIts Object and Necessity 17 CHAPTER III. Origin of the Public School System 41 CHAPTER IV. Expos of the Public School System 75 CHAPTER V. Evil Consequences of the Public School System on the...
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History of EducationHistory of EducationThe importance of a knowledge of the history of education was never so fully recognized as at the present time. Normal schools and teachers' colleges give this subject a prominent place in their professional courses, superintendents require candidates for certificates to pass...
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The Legacy of IgnorantismThe Legacy of IgnorantismI have the honor to appear before you accepting with great pleasure an invitation which the Assistant Director, Mr. Osias, kindly extended to me. Having left the choice of the subject to my discretion, I deemed it worth while to speak...
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Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Het is niet om het boek zelf dat ik over Een meisje-studentje van Annie Salomons enkele dingen wensch te zeggen, maar wel om den indruk, dien het boek naar buiten maakt. Was het een minder belangrijk en belangwekkend milieu, waarin...
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Paedagogische OverwegingenPaedagogische OverwegingenHelaas, neen, bekende ik. Althans niet practisch. Wij ouderen van dagen, zijn daar meestal niet meer toe in staat. Wij missen de kracht om bij de opvoeding onzer lievelingen de strengheid door te voeren, welke het kind tot een zelfstandig, vrij individu kan...
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