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Kauppahuone Playfair ja KumppKauppahuone Playfair ja Kumpp - eli Pumpulilasti ja SydänEnsiminen virta, jonka aallot ovat vaahdonneet hyryaluksen rattaansiipien alla, on Clyde. Tm oli 1832. Hyryaluksen nimi oli Comet ja tm kulki snnllisesti Glasgowin ja Greenochin vli kuuden peninkulman [peninkulmilla tss kirjassa aina ymmrretn Englannin peninkulmia, joita...
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Germinie LacerteuxGerminie LacerteuxIl aime les petites uvres polissonnes, les mmoires de filles, les confessions d'alcves, les salets rotiques, le scandale qui se retrousse dans une image aux devantures des libraires: ce qu'il va lire est svre et pur. Qu'il ne s'attende point la photographie dcollete...
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Les loups de Paris I. Le club des mortsLes loups de Paris I. Le club des mortsA l'heure o s'ouvre notre rcit, c'est--dire dans la soire du 15 janvier 1822, un mouvement inaccoutum rgnait dans la rue Bonnefoi, o s'lvent les btiments du Palais de Justice, Toulon. Une foule compacte se pressait...
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The Mormon ProphetThe Mormon ProphetIn studying the rise of this curious sect I have discovered that certain misconceptions concerning it are deeply rooted in the minds of many of the more earnest of the well-wishers to society. Some otherwise well-informed people hold Mormonism to be synonymous...
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The Astonishing History of Troy TownThe Astonishing History of Troy TownIt is told of a distinguished pedagogue that one day a heated stranger burst into his study, and, wringing him by the hand, cried, "Heaven bless and reward you, sir! Heaven preserve you long to educate old England's boyhood!...
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Tempest and SunshineTempest and SunshineIt was the afternoon of a bright October day. The old town clock had just tolled the hour of four, when the Lexington and Frankfort daily stage was heard rattling over the stony pavement in the small town of V, Kentucky. In...
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His Second WifeHis Second WifeOn a train speeding toward New York, in one of the parlour cars two young women sat facing each other, talking and smiling, deeply absorbed. They took little apparent notice of any one else in the car, but most of the people...
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Le sergent Renaud: Aventures parisiennesLe sergent Renaud: Aventures parisiennesUn soir du mois d'avril 1864, deux femmes travaillaient, trs silencieusement, dans un petit logement situ sous les combles d'un des plus vieux, des plus majestueux htels de la place des Vosges. L'une des deux femmes, assez ge, achevait l'ourlet...
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Added UponAdded Upon - A StoryA religion, to be worth while, must give satisfactory answers to the great questions of life: What am I? Whence came I? What is the object of this life? and what is my destiny? True, we walk by faith, and...
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Histoire de deux enfants d'ouvrierHistoire de deux enfants d'ouvrier * * * * * * * * * * Cette grande maison, avec ses cent fentres que l'on voit sur le pont du Moulin, Gand, est la fabrique de coton de M. Raemdonck. Quoique le jour baisse, tout...
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AtlantisAtlantisIt had been built in English yards with none of those profuse, gorgeous gold decorations in a riotous rococo style which are so unpleasant in the saloons and cabins of ships more recently built in German yards. The crew of the vessel included the...
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La tombe de ferLa tombe de ferMais Janneken travaille avec une attention srieuse. Sans savoir ce qui le pousse, il arrange et entremle les fleurs, cherche l'harmonie des couleurs et essaie de temps autre la couronne sur la tte de sa gentille compagne. L'humble petite glise s'lve...
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A Man for the Ages: A Story of the Builders of DemocracyA Man for the Ages: A Story of the Builders of DemocracyProperty is the fruit of labor; property is desirable; it is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement...
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Rod of the Lone PatrolRod of the Lone PatrolParson Dan chuckled several times as he sipped his hot cocoa before the fire. It was an open fire, and the flames licked around an old dry root which had been brought with other driftwood up from the shore. This...
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Emily Fox-SetonEmily Fox-Seton - Being "The Making of a Marchioness" and "The Methods of Lady Walderhurst" PART ONE Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six PART TWO Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter...
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Pepita JiménezPepita JiménezEl seor den de la catedral de..., muerto pocos aos ha, dej entre sus papeles un legajo, que, rodando de unas manos en otras, ha venido a dar en las mas, sin que, por extraa fortuna, se haya perdido uno solo de los...
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History of the Plague in LondonHistory of the Plague in LondonThe father of Daniel Defoe was a butcher in the parish of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, London. In this parish, probably, Daniel Defoe was born in 1661, the year after the restoration of Charles II. The boy's parents wished him...
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La creació d'Eva i altres contesLa creació d'Eva i altres contesPrleg. La creaci d'Eva. La compensaci. La vetllada artstica. L'armari. El castell en el tren o l'amistat. La vella polida. Antigor. El dentista apassionat. La dria. La frescoreta. El diplomtic. Els hostes del convent. L'artista d'un sol quadro. El...
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Angel AgnesAngel Agnes - The Heroine of the Yellow Fever Plague in Shreveport Few are aware of the perfection the Parlor Organ has reached, the variety of musical effects of which it is capable, and how desirable an addition it is to the parlor. These...
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The Actress in High LifeThe Actress in High Life - An Episode in Winter Quarters Gentle Reader: Wherever you may be, in bodily presence, when you cast your eyes on this page, let it for a few hours transport your complying spirit to a remote region and a...
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