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Three at TableThree at Table - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 12.The talk in the coffee-room had been of ghosts and apparitions, and nearly everybody present had contributed his mite to the stock of information upon a hazy and somewhat thread-bare subject. Opinions...
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An Adulteration ActAn Adulteration Act - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 10.Dr. Frank Carson had been dreaming tantalizing dreams of cooling, effervescent beverages. Over and over again in his dreams he had risen from his bed, and tripping lightly down to the surgery...
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A Mixed ProposalA Mixed Proposal - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 9.Major Brill, late of the Fenshire Volununteers, stood in front of the small piece of glass in the hatstand, and with a firm and experienced hand gave his new silk hat a...
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Captain RogersCaptain Rogers - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 7.A man came slowly over the old stone bridge, and averting his gaze from the dark river with its silent craft, looked with some satisfaction toward the feeble lights of the small town...
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In the LibraryIn the Library - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 6.The fire had burnt low in the library, for the night was wet and warm. It was now little more than a grey shell, and looked desolate. Trayton Burleigh, still hot, rose...
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A Tiger's SkinA Tiger's Skin - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 8.The travelling sign-painter who was repainting the sign of the "Cauliflower" was enjoying a well-earned respite from his labours. On the old table under the shade of the elms mammoth sandwiches and...
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Cupboard LoveCupboard Love - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 5.In the comfortable living-room at Negget's farm, half parlour and half kitchen, three people sat at tea in the waning light of a November afternoon. Conversation, which had been brisk, had languished somewhat,...
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The WellThe Well - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 4.Two men stood in the billiard-room of an old country house, talking. Play, which had been of a half-hearted nature, was over, and they sat at the open window, looking out over the...
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Bill's Paper ChaseBill's Paper Chase - Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 3.Sailormen 'ave their faults, said the night watchman, frankly. I'm not denying of it. I used to 'ave myself when I was at sea, but being close with their money is a fault...
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The Lady of the BargeThe Lady of the Barge - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 1.The master of the barge Arabella sat in the stern of his craft with his right arm leaning on the tiller. A desultory conversation with the mate of a schooner,...
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Krigskorrespondenter och andra lögnareKrigskorrespondenter och andra lögnare"Blind, frmodar jag!" hgg Harry Taylor, Montana Screamers frhoppningsfulle unge man, in. "Och om de drhemma visste, hur vra sagor tillverkas, s skulle de grna betala vad som helst fr att f oss inom skotthll." "Hr sitta vi, sju stycken fantasifulla...
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The Monkey's PawThe Monkey's Paw - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 2.Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnam Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess, the former,...
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Excentriske NovellerExcentriske NovellerMadam Pander tog undertiden Franz' Barnehaand imellem sine sprukne Nver, og hun spilede hans mrkelig slanke Fingre ud og beundrede deres buede Negle, som var sart lyserde. Og hun sagde, Madam Pander, at saadan havde hans Fingre vret og hans Negle. Snedkeren var...
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Struwwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny PicturesStruwwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny Pictures Merry Stories And Funny Pictures Shock-headed Peter Cruel Frederick The Dreadful Story of Harriet and the Matches The Story of the Inky Boys The Story of the Man that went out Shooting The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb The...
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Eine vornehme FrauEine vornehme FrauWir sind in einer mittleren Stadt von kaum zwanzigtausend Einwohnern, immer noch winzig genug, da alles, was nicht diente, hmmerte oder ackerte, eine groe Familie bildete, in der man sich kannte und sich miteinander befate. Als der Krieg von 1866 beendet war,...
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Old Gorgon GrahamOld Gorgon Graham - More Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His SonThe old man is laid up temporarily for repairs, and Pierrepont has written asking if his father doesn't feel that he is qualified now to relieve him of some of the burden...
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Der Tod in VenedigDer Tod in VenedigGustav Aschenbach oder von Aschenbach, wie seit seinem fnfzigsten Geburtstag amtlich sein Name lautete, hatte an einem Frhlingsnachmittag des Jahres 19.., das unserem Kontinent monatelang eine so gefahrdrohende Miene zeigte, von seiner Wohnung in der Prinz-Regentenstrae zu Mnchen aus, allein einen...
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Darrel of the Blessed IslesDarrel of the Blessed IslesThe author has tried to give some history of that uphill road, traversing the rough back country, through which men of power came once into the main highways, dusty, timid, foot-sore, and curiously old-fashioned. Now is the up grade eased...
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Ethelyn's MistakeEthelyn's MistakeThere was a sweet odor of clover blossoms in the early morning air, and the dew stood in great drops upon the summer flowers, and dropped from the foliage of the elm trees which skirted the village common. There was a cloud of...
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Revelations of a WifeRevelations of a Wife - The Story of a HoneymoonProbably it is true that no two persons entertain precisely the same view of marriage. If any two did, and one happened to be a man and the other a woman, there would be many...
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