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Two Years Ago, Volume ITwo Years Ago, Volume IIt may seem a somewhat Irish method of beginning the story of "Two Years Ago" by a scene which happened but a month since. And yet, will not the story be on that very account a better type of many...
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Die Familie Pfäffling: Eine deutsche WintergeschichteDie Familie Pfäffling: Eine deutsche Wintergeschichte Die Familie Pfffling mu *Dir* gewidmet sein, liebe Mutter, denn was ich in diesem Buche zeigen mchte, das ist Deine eigene Lebens-Erfahrung. Du hast uns vor Augen gefhrt, welcher Segen die Menschen durchs Leben begleitet, die im groen...
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Buried Alive: A Tale of These DaysBuried Alive: A Tale of These DaysThe peculiar angle of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic--that angle which is chiefly responsible for our geography and therefore for our history--had caused the phenomenon known in London as summer. The whizzing globe happened...
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Olivia in IndiaOlivia in India"Happy books are not very plentiful, and when one discovers a happy book it is one's duty to tell one's friends about it, so that it makes them happy too. My happy book is called 'Olivia.' It is by a certain young...
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Algonquin Indian TalesAlgonquin Indian Tales DEAR FRIEND: Your book of stories gathered from among my tribe has very much pleased me. The reading of them brings up the days of long time ago when I was a boy and heard our old people tell these tales...
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The Eagle's ShadowThe Eagle's Shadow You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the...
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At Sunwich Port, CompleteAt Sunwich Port, Complete It Was Not Until he Had Consumed a Pint Or Two of The Strongest Brew That he Began to Regain Some of his Old Self-esteem. The ancient port of Sunwich was basking in the sunshine of a July afternoon. A...
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At Sunwich Port, Part 5At Sunwich Port, Part 5. - Contents: Chapters 21-25 Gossip from one or two quarters, which reached Captain Nugent's ears through the medium of his sister, concerning the preparations for his son's marriage, prevented him from altering his mind with regard to the visits...
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At Sunwich Port, Part 4At Sunwich Port, Part 4. - Contents: Chapters 16-20 The two ladies received Mr. Hardy's information with something akin to consternation, the idea of the autocrat of Equator Lodge as a stowaway on board the ship of his ancient enemy proving too serious for...
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At Sunwich Port, Part 3At Sunwich Port, Part 3. - Contents: Chapters 11-15 Jack Nugent's first idea on seeing a letter from his father asking him to meet him at Samson Wilks's was to send as impolite a refusal as a strong sense of undutifulness and a not...
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At Sunwich Port, Part 2At Sunwich Port, Part 2. - Contents: Chapters 6-10 For the first few days after his return Sunwich was full of surprises to Jem Hardy. The town itself had changed but little, and the older inhabitants were for the most part easily recognisable, but...
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At Sunwich Port, Part 1At Sunwich Port, Part 1. - Contents: Chapters 1-5 The ancient port of Sunwich was basking in the sunshine of a July afternoon. A rattle of cranes and winches sounded from the shipping in the harbour, but the town itself was half asleep. Somnolent...
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Clerambault: The Story of an Independent Spirit During the WarClerambault: The Story of an Independent Spirit During the War[Footnote 1: This Introduction was published in the Swiss newspapers in December, 1917, with an episode of the novel and a note explaining the original title, L'Un contre Tous. "This somewhat ironical name was suggestedwith...
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JuhaJuhaVaara, jonka rinnett hn raataa, on rannattoman ermaan keskess, jossa siell tll kohoo toisia samanlaisia vaaroja kuin mttit tulvehtivalla luhdalla. Kaikki muut vaarat ovat huippuunsa asti metsn peitossa, tt vain on kaskettu, alhaalta ylspin nousten, pivnpuoleiselta rinteelt, pyritty laelle, vaan ei psty viel puolivliinkn....
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The White WaterfallThe White WaterfallIt is perhaps inadvisable to mix fact with fiction, but, it appears, some reference to certain portions of "The White Waterfall" that might strain the belief of the average reader will not be out of place. In the wonderful islands of the...
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Paul and Virginia from the French of J.B.H. de Saint PierrePaul and Virginia from the French of J.B.H. de Saint PierreThe following translation of "Paul and Virginia," was written at Paris, amidst the horrors of Robespierre's tyranny. During that gloomy epocha it was difficult to find occupations which might cheat the days of calamity...
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Natalie Or, A Gem Among the Sea-WeedsNatalie; Or, A Gem Among the Sea-Weeds In writing the following pages the author has spent pleasant hours, which perhaps might have been less profitably employed: if anything of interest be found among them, it is well,--and, should any be led to take up...
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A Gentleman from MississippiA Gentleman from Mississippi_Here is a story of an epoch-making battle of right against wrong, of honesty against corruption, of simplicity and sincerity against deceit, bribery and intrigue. It is the story of to-day in this country. It vitally concerns every man, woman and...
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Dr. Johnson's Works: Life, Poems, and Tales, Volume 1Dr. Johnson's Works: Life, Poems, and Tales, Volume 1 - The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., in Nine VolumesIt may be asserted, without a partial panegyric of the object of our praise, that the works of no single author in the wide range of...
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LudvigsbakkeLudvigsbakke[Det havde oprindelig vret Herman Bangs Hensigt at tilegne Ludvigsbakke til de Sygeplejersker, der havde vret gode og krlige imod ham under et srgeligt og pinagtigt Hospitalsophold. Men saa dde netop hans trofaste Ven, Redaktr Emil Bjerring, og han tilegnede Bogen hans Minde. Men...
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