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Pyhän Halvardin elämä ja ihmetyöt Viga-Ljot ja VigdisPyhän Halvardin elämä ja ihmetyöt; Viga-Ljot ja VigdisOrja hoiti nyt airoja, mutta Halvard oli itse soutanut viimeiset viilet tiimat ennen aamun koittoa. Siksi hn oli laskenut ruskean viittansa tuhdolle. Veneen pohjalla oleva vesi loiskui viitan liepeiss ja yritti kastella miesten jalkoja. Nill oli kummallakin...
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Con-FenCon-FenThe Shisti and the Assistant Shisti of Mars chose Chicago, U.S.A., for their vacation spot. No worries; they were invisible. Plenty of rich food; the joint was loaded. A whole year of frolicking in store. Only one thing they overlookedthere was a curious convention...
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EveredEveredTHERE is romance in the very look of the land of which I write. Beauty beyond belief, of a sort to make your breath come more quickly; and dramacomedy or tragedy according to the eye and the mood of the seer. Loneliness and comradeship,...
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Tarzanin viidakkoseikkailuja: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissäTarzanin viidakkoseikkailuja: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissäJospa vain olisitte nhnyt tuon miehen siin veltosti venymss aarniometsn jttilisen oksalla, samalla kun ylpuolelta lehvkatoksen lpi pilkistellen pujotteleva pivntasaajan aurinko kirkkaasti tplitteli hnen ruskeata ihoansa, jos olisitte nhnyt hnen sopusuhtaisen ruumiinsa ja jntevt raajansa huolettoman sirossa asennossa, kaunismuotoisen pn...
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Tarzanin poikaTarzanin poikaI. Etsiv katse II. Opettaja oppilaan ksiss III. Ystvykset IV. Salaperinen tapaus V. Pikku Miriam VI. Viidakon opetuksia VII. Omaa heimoa VIII. Apinaleirill IX. Kolmisin X. Vaarallisia vieraita XI. Neidonryst XII. Neekerikylss XIII. Miriam myydn XIV. Ihmisten ilmoille XV. Taistelu mustien kanssa XVI....
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Don Balasco Key Westistä: Nykyajan kertomus KuubastaDon Balasco Key Westistä: Nykyajan kertomus KuubastaTampa uinuu auringonpaisteessa kuumana huhtikuun pivn vuonna 1890. Aina laiska kaupunki, on se tn ehtoopivn syvemmss horrostilassa kuin koskaan. Ainoa, joka on tysin valveilla kaupunginhotellissa, on Thomas Duff Mastic, virkamies Yhdysvaltojen tullivirastossa, ja hnet on sken kirje, jota...
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Sword of the Seven SunsSword of the Seven SunsTheir world was dark. Their Machine-God was dead. Savage hordes threatened to overrun them, smash them. What, then, was Flane doing out in the desert, alone with the wreck of a spaceshipand a strangely-wrought sword? The spaceship fled like a...
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Anne of Green GablesAnne of Green GablesMrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place;...
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The Little Pets of ArkkhanThe Little Pets of ArkkhanAt first, it was only a spider thread of sound. It was so soft, so caressing that it was like some healing unguent to the throbbing, burning boil that was Kent Knight's brain. Tender and soothing as a wind-wafted melody...
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The Prison of the StarsThe Prison of the StarsTo head out beyond Pluto a venturer needs more than a super-spaceship; he needs people as super-desperate and freedom-hungry as himself; people strange and daring. Wilding, the trespasser, found them on Alcatrazthe rogue asteroid ... the prison of the stars....
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Earth Is Missing!Earth Is Missing!87th Century Earth, entombed in a relentless, mile-thick coat of iceits buried cities groaning in slow-congealing despairstill dreaded far more a bestial horror, known only as The Bear. For that monster with a human brain was threatening to steal the world! The...
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Spoilers of the SpacewaysSpoilers of the SpacewaysIt could be said that the Resistance began at the moment the great spaceship from Trygon II first appeared as an unknown body on the photographic plates at Palomar, for while the astronomers propounded theories as to its origin and composition,...
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Failure on TitanFailure on TitanTerror flared across the Saturnian moons. One of the Woollies, that perfect slave-race, had killed a man! But to Big Bill, shambling away from his bloody, suddenly silent master, the ancient pattern of obedience was unchanged. Big Bill lumbered swiftly forward across...
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Me, Myself and IMe, Myself and I"Don't you think you might look up from that comic book long enough to get interested in a last minute briefing on the greatest adventure undertaken by man? After all, it's your noodle neck that's going to be risked." Professor Ruddle...
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EarthboundEarthboundLanya Greggor, holding tightly to her brother Virgil's hand, sauntered with deliberate and exaggerated nonchalance through the great halls of the Martian Museum of Science. Her eyes were wide with excitement and pleasure. She was ten years old and Virgil twelve and this was...
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Among the Scented OnesAmong the Scented OnesA vast dark flood spread across the matted green of the broad Saaaran plain. It rolled westward relentlessly, its outer flanks washing around and over the lower hills and lapping deep into the fringes of the jungle. A rolling endless thunder...
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Duel in BlackDuel in BlackYoung Ron Crag fused the edge of his claim tag to the metal vein in the quartzite rock with his heat gun, then with heavy-shod fingers he tugged at the small copper disk, but it remained firmly in place. "That makes you...
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Moon of DangerMoon of DangerThe huge ship from Mars bore on toward Earth with the last haggard survivors of a terrible plague. But Ric Martin hurtled to intercept the space-giant, knowing it brought an evil far deadlier than even the relentless metal-spores it fled! "This is...
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Where the Gods DecideWhere the Gods DecideHigh above the wet plains and muggy jungles, above the slick rocks and shiny leaves, rests a temple. Like most shrines of ancient order its narrowing spires point to the sky. Men, Venusian men, walk quietly through the restricted labyrinth of...
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Sales TalkSales TalkJust back from the Moon on a block selling assignment, he lounged into his branch office an hour late and told his boss that, though it hurt his unmarred conscience to quit when the whole corporation would feel the loss, this was it....
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