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The HighflyersThe HighflyersFred la Mothe was speaking. After a certain number of beverages composed of Scotch whisky, imported soda, and a cube of ice, it was a matter of comparative ease for him to exhibit a notable fluency. After two oclock in the afternoon Fred...
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It Never Can Happen AgainIt Never Can Happen AgainLizarann Coupland did not know what her father's employment was; but she knew that, every morning, she saw him to the corner of Bladen Street, put his left hand on the palin's of number three, and left him to shift...
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MothwiseMothwiseThe publication of Growth of the Soil in the spring of last year (1920) set critics and readers asking for information about the author and his works. Later in the year further interest was aroused by the news that Hamsun had been awarded the...
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The Romantic LadyThe Romantic LadyNOL ANSON and I had been great friends in our first youthful days, but our lives and ambitions had led us so contrarily that we had not seen each other for more than six years when, on the night two weeks ago,...
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Plowing On SundayPlowing On SundayAll rights reservedno part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in magazine or newspaper....
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An Accidental HoneymoonAn Accidental HoneymoonThe color in her cheeks deepened a little. Not at all. Its my own fault. This afternoonjust for an hour or twoIve been dreamingpretending I wasnt grown up. Its so sad to be grown up. She was seventeen or thereabouts, he guesseda...
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Avioelämää 2: Kahdeksantoista aviojuttuaAvioelämää 2: Kahdeksantoista aviojuttuaNainen rakastaa miehess ainoastaan niit etuja ja miest ainoastaan niine etuineen, joita tm hnelle tarjoo. Tt miehen ominaisuutta on nainen aina kyttnyt hyvkseen ja miehest tuli siten toden tosiaan orja, sill se joka tekee tyt toisen hyvksi ilman korvausta, on orja....
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Avioelämää 1: Kaksitoista kertomusta avioelämästäAvioelämää 1: Kaksitoista kertomusta avioelämästäKirjailija: Se on totta. Min olen niinkuin kaikki maailmassa kehityksen lakien alainen, ja kehityshn edistyy taka-askelinkin. Tm romani on myskin pieni taka-askel, mutta lk siit suuttuko. Parin vuoden pst lakkaan kokonaan tekemst romaneja, nytelmi ja runoja, jos suinkin mahdollista! Kirjailija:...
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Frau Jenny Treibel: Roman aus der Berliner GesellschaftFrau Jenny Treibel: Roman aus der Berliner GesellschaftDie Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung des Originals wurde weitgehend bernommen, lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. Die Originalvorlage ist in Fraktur gedruckt. Davon abweichende, in Antiqua gedruckte Textstellen sind hier (bis auf rmische Ziffern und die Abkrzung Dr.) kursiv...
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Der Findling. Erster BandDer Findling. Erster Band.Irland, das eine Landflche von zwanzig Millionen Acres gegen acht Millionen Hektar einnimmt, wird im Namen der Beherrscher Grobritanniens von einem Viceknig oder Lord-Lieutenant unter Mitwirkung eines Privat-Rathes regiert. Es zerfllt in vier Provinzen: Leicester im Osten, Munster im Sden, Connaught...
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Flower of the GorseFlower of the GorseAlthough Mre Pitou's rotund body, like Falstaff's, was fat and scant o' breath, and the Pilgrims' Way was steep and rocky, some reserve of energy enabled her to clap her hands and scream the tidings of high fortune when the notes...
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Punainen huone: Kuvituksia taiteilija- ja kirjailijaelämästäPunainen huone: Kuvituksia taiteilija- ja kirjailijaelämästäOli ilta toukokuun alkupuolella. Mosebackenin pieni puutarha ei viel ollut avattu yleisn kytettvksi eivtk kukkaispenkereet viel olleet kuokitut; lumipisarat olivat tyntytyneet esille menneenvuotisten lehtikasojen alta ja olivat juuri lopettamaisillaan lyhyen kukoistusaikansa, antaakseen tilaa aremmille saframikukille, jotka olivat asettuneet hedelmttmn...
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Der Findling. Zweiter BandDer Findling. Zweiter Band.Ohne sein gewohntes vornehmes Auftreten zu verleugnen, nahm Lord Piborne verschiedene, auf seinem Tische liegende Papiere auf, ordnete die da und dort verstreuten Zeitungsbltter, durchsuchte die Taschen seines goldgelben Plschschlafrocks, durchwhlte auch die seines stahlgrauen Ueberziehers, der ber der Lehne eines...
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Tourmalin's Time ChequesTourmalin's Time Cheques This edition of Tourmalin's Time Cheques first published 1986 by Greenhill Books, Lionel Leventhal Limited, 3 Barnham Avenue, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3PW This edition Lionel Leventhal Limited, 1986 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in...
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Fathers of MenFathers of MenThe two new boys in Heriots house had been suitably entertained at his table, and afterwards in his study with bound volumes of Punch. Incidentally they had been encouraged to talk, with the result that one boy had talked too much, while...
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Malaeska: The Indian Wife of the White HunterMalaeska: The Indian Wife of the White Hunter Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by IRWIN P. BEADLE & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. (No....
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The Maid of SkerThe Maid of SkerI am but an ancient fisherman upon the coast of Glamorganshire, with work enough of my own to do, and trouble enough of my own to heed, in getting my poor living. Yet no peace there is for me among my...
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The Last DitchThe Last DitchRomney saw the rug before he saw the woman. It was the yellow of India, the yellow you see on the breast of the purple martin and on the inner petals of an Emperor rose. The weave of the rug was like...
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Pörssiylimys: Erään amerikalaisen miljoonamiehen elämäntarinaPörssiylimys: Erään amerikalaisen miljoonamiehen elämäntarinaJokaista sananlaskua, jokaista lennokasta sutkausta voitaisiin kutsua innostuskivettymksi. Ne ovat aikoinaan olleet elvi sanoja, mielentilan ilmaisuja, ihmissielusta toiseen singahtelevia kipinit, joita nyt puheessa kytmme ollenkaan ajattelematta niitten oikeata alkuper. Kun minun kertomukseni pohjana oleva tapaus ensin tuli tunnetuksi, huomauttivat sanomalehdet...
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