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Nancy Stair: A NovelNancy Stair: A Novel Two excellent accounts of the beautiful Nancy Stair have already been published; the first by Mrs. George Opie, in the Scots News, giving a detailed account of the work on the burnside, and a more recent one by Professor Erskine,...
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MindGames: Short Fiction about Bizarre Mental Health DisordersMindGames: Short Fiction about Bizarre Mental Health Disorders You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90...
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Le roi du KlondikeLe roi du KlondikeLes dieux ne sont pas morts; seulement, pour nous punir d'avoir perdu la foi, ils ont quitt la terre, et la triste plante s'en va, se refroidissant toujours, de par l'ternit. Plus misricordieuses, les desses, leurs filles ou leurs surs, reviennent...
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DeathworldDeathworldason dinAlt sprawled in soft luxury on the couch, a large frosty stein held limply in one hand. His other hand rested casually on a pillow. The gun behind the pillow was within easy reach of his fingers. In his line of work he...
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Somehow GoodSomehow GoodAn exceptionally well-built man in a blue serge suit walked into a bank in the City, and, handing his card across the counter, asked if credit had been wired for him from New York. The clerk to whom he spoke would inquire. As...
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Da terra à lua, viagem directa em 97 horas e 20 minutosDa terra à lua, viagem directa em 97 horas e 20 minutos OBRA PREMIADA PELA ACADEMIA DAS SCIENCIAS DE FRANA DA TERRA LUA VIAGEM DIRECTA EM 97 HORAS E 20 MINUTOS Lisboa--Imprensa Nacional--1874 VIAGENS MARAVILHOSAS JULIO VERNE DA TERRA LUA VIAGEM DIRECTA EM 97...
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Hushed Up! A Mystery of LondonHushed Up! A Mystery of LondonThat is what the world believes, of course. His death was a nations loss, and the truth was hushed up. But you, Phil Poland, know it. Upon the floor was found somethinga cigareh? Yes, said the bald-headed man, bending...
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Messengers of EvilMessengers of Evil - Being a Further Account of the Lures and Devices of Fantômas I. The Drama of the Rue Norvins II. Thomery's Two Loves III. Unexpected Complications IV. A Surprising Itinerary V. Mother Toulouche and Cranajour VI. In the Opposite Sense VII....
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Aladdin of London Or, LodestarAladdin of London; Or, LodestarThe orator was not eloquent; but he had told a human story and all listened with respect. When he paused and looked upward it seemed to many that a light of justice shone upon his haggard face while the tears...
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L'undecimo comandamento: RomanzoL'undecimo comandamento: RomanzoI Castelnuovi sono molti, sulla faccia della terra, e voi forse aspetterete che io vi dica in quale dei tanti vi abbia condotti. Ma io, con vostra licenza, non lo far, per ragioni di alta convenienza ed anche di sicurezza personale. Il...
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Christopher Hibbault, RoadmakerChristopher Hibbault, RoadmakerTranscribers Note: Spelling and punctuation have been preserved as printed except as indicated in the text by a dashed line under the change. Hover the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. A list of these changes can be...
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A Christmas Accident and Other StoriesA Christmas Accident and Other StoriesOf the stories included in this volume, the first originally appeared in the Hartford Courant; "Afterthe Deluge," in the Atlantic Monthly; "Mary A. Twining," in the Home Maker; "A Postlude" and "Her Neighbor's Landmark," in the Outlook; "The 'Daily...
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The Smart Set: Correspondence and ConversationsThe Smart Set: Correspondence & Conversations You did well to stay West. Would to God I had! Julia's big party came off last night. I told her weeks ago, when she began insinuating it, that if it must be it must be, of course,...
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The Beloved WomanThe Beloved WomanFor forty-eight hours the snow-storm had been raging unabated over New York. After a wild and windy Thursday night the world had awakened to a mysterious whirl of white on Friday morning, and to a dark, strange day of steady snowing. Now,...
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The Maids of ParadiseThe Maids of ParadiseAs far as the writer knows, no treasure-trains were actually sent to the port of Lorient from the arsenal at Brest. The treasures remained at Brest. Concerning the German armored cruiser Augusta, the following are the facts: About the middle of...
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Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del ÁngelCecilia Valdés o la Loma del ÁngelCirilo Villaverde naci el 28 de octubre de 1812 en el ingenio Santiago, cercano al pueblo de San Diego de Nez (Pinar del Ro). Su padre era mdico del ingenio y en ese medio pas sus primeros aos....
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The End of the RainbowThe End of the Rainbow All afternoon the little town had lain dozing under the lullaby of a June rain. It was not so much a rain as a gentle dewy mist, touching the lawns and gardens and the maple trees that lined each...
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Seven Miles to ArdenSeven Miles to ArdenPatsy OConnell sat on the edge of her cot in the womens free ward of the City Hospital. She was pulling on a vagabond pair of gloves while she mentally gathered up a somewhat doubtful, ragged lot of prospects and stood...
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Venus in Boston: A Romance of City LifeVenus in Boston: A Romance of City LifeI conceive it to be a prominent fault of most of the tales of fiction that are written and published at the present day, that they are not sufficiently naturaltheir style is too much exaggeratedand in aiming...
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The Duke's Motto: A MelodramaThe Duke's Motto: A Melodrama Voil un mlodrame que jai fait, le dernier de plusieurs mlodrames anglais qui ont Lagardre pour hros. Des mots remplacent laction, des mots remplacent le dcor, les costumes, et les accessoires; mais enfin ce pastiche nest quune pice et...
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