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Mémoires de Garibaldi, tome 2/2Mémoires de Garibaldi, tome 2/2Lors de mon entre dans le fleuve, larme orientale se trouvait San-Jos dans lUruguay, et celle dOribe la Boyada, capitale de la province dEntre-Rios; toutes deux se prparaient la lutte. Larme de Corrientes, de son ct, se disposait se runir...
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5 Years Under the Southern Cross: Experiences and ImpressionsFive Years Under the Southern Cross: Experiences and ImpressionsFor five years, during my residence in Australia, I had the privilege of contributing to the English Christian World a large number of articles on life in the Commonwealth. These articles excited a great amount of...
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Royalty in All AgesRoyalty in All Ages - The Amusements, Eccentricities, Accomplishments, Superstitions and Frolics of the Kings and Queens of EuropeIt has been remarked that to write of the private and domestic acts of monarchs while still alive savours of scandal and bad taste, but when...
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A Soldier's Experience in Southern PrisonsA Soldier's Experience in Southern Prisons - A Graphic Description of the Author's Experiences in Various Southern PrisonsLibbyNow I lose my money"Fresh fish"Quarters and rationsBoxes from homeTwo majors escapeA general conspiracyBad news and new prisonersGeneral Butler saves two Union officers by threatening to hang...
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Sydney to Croydon (Northern Queensland)Sydney to Croydon (Northern Queensland) - An Interesting Account of a Journey to the Gulf Country with a Member of ParliamentHAVING received letters and telegrams from an old mate of mine who has been on the Croydon goldfield for some considerable timein all of...
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Beautiful SwitzerlandLucerneThere is good warrant for turning directly to Lucerne and to the lake which lies in the midst of the four Forest Cantons when making, or renewing, acquaintance with Switzerland; and there should be no question of thereby slighting other famed districts of this...
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 52, 1841-1898The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 52, 1841-1898 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those...
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The Sheep-StealersThe Sheep-StealersIN the earlier half of the nineteenth century, when most of the travelling done by our grandfathers was done by road, and the intercourse between districts by no means far apart was but small, a tract of country lying at the foot of...
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German Barbarism: A Neutral's IndictmentGerman Barbarism: A Neutral's IndictmentThe reader will find in the pages which we herewith offer him a detailed picture of the cruelties committed by Germany in the war which involves half the nations of Europe. In this war, which she let loose upon the...
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La Hyène EnragéeLa Hyène EnragéeEn outre, il est beaucoup trop anodin et ple, mon gr; mais c'est que vraiment notre chre langue franaise, qui s'est forme dans la beaut, n'avait pas su prvoir les mots dont on pourrait avoir besoin un jour, au vingtime sicle, pour...
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La guerreLa guerreSans une lithographie originale LA GUERRE, de Steinlen, sur Japon, excute spcialement pour lArt et les Artistes, 5 francs pour la France; 5 fr. 50 pour ltranger, avec 20% de hausse. De plus, il a t fait de cet ouvrage un tirage de...
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The Courtship of Miles Standish:The Courtship of Miles Standish: - With Suggestions for Study and NotesThe Courtship of Miles Standish deals with a supreme moment in the history of our nation, the moment when the harassed and thrice-winnowed little band of Puritans began to establish themselves and their...
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"My Merry Rockhurst""My Merry Rockhurst" - Being Some Episodes in the Life of Viscount Rockhurst, a Friend of King Charles the Second, and at One Time Constable of His Majesty's Tower of London Being Some Episodes in the Life of Viscount Rockhurst, a Friend of King...
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Through the Casentino with Hints for the TravellerThrough the Casentino with Hints for the Travellerwith Hints for the Traveller by Lina Eckenstein Illustrated by Lucy Du Bois-Reymond London: J. M. Dent & Co. Aldine House, 29 and 30 Bedford Street Covent Garden, W.C. * * 1902 The Casentino is the name...
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Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia and MontenegroRambles in Istria, Dalmatia and Montenegro Every year more and more is the constantly recurring question ever put "Where shall we go to this Summer?" and every year the field for selection gets narrower and narrower. In writing the following pages, my object has...
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The King's ScapegoatThe King's Scapegoat I My Claim to be heard for Truth's Sake II The Bruisings of a Friend III Fire and Sack IV Babette V Paris in "Eighty-Three" VI The Muse in Draggled Skirts VII The Shrewdest Brain in France VIII The Doors of...
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Pickett or Pettigrew? An Historical EssayPickett or Pettigrew? An Historical EssayThe first edition of this pamphlet appeared a short time before the publication of the Official Records relating to Gettysburg. Consequently many things of importance to the subject treated were unknown to the writer. Such facts as he possessed...
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Jeanne d'Arc, Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of FranceJeanne d'Arc, Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of France - Being the Story of Her Life, Her Achievements, and Her Death, as Attested on Oath and Set Forth in the Original DocumentsBy the order of Pope Calixtus in 1455, the Trial of Jeanne dArc at...
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Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 6, De La Isla De Cuba, IIIColección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 6, De La Isla De Cuba, IIIEn las cifras en nmeros romanos impresas en versalita en el original, el tamao de la letra U (1000) es,...
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Diary Kept by Rifleman B. C. Stubbs of the Second Draft Sent to the Queen Victoria Rifles in FranceDiary Kept by Rifleman B. C. Stubbs of the Second Draft Sent to the Queen Victoria Rifles in FranceONCE again the shadow has fallen darkly on all associated with the Union-Castle Line, both in the City of London and at sea. Another young member...
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