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The Courtships of Queen ElizabethThe Courtships of Queen Elizabeth - A history of the various negotiations for her marriageIt has been my pleasant duty to consider carefully in chronological order a great mass of diplomatic documents of the time of Elizabeth, in which are reflected, almost from day...
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Der Sachsenspiegel: Eine Geschichte aus der HohenstaufenzeitDer Sachsenspiegel: Eine Geschichte aus der HohenstaufenzeitEtwa drei Pfeilschsse vom Waldessaum entfernt lag ein einsames Gehft an der Kreuzung zweier Landstraen, deren befahrenste mig ansteigend in das Harzgebirge hineinfhrte. Viele von denen, die wegemd daherkamen, Krrner und Handelsleute, Reiter und Fugnger, machten hier halt,...
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Sarita, the CarlistSarita, the CarlistStated in that bald fashion the problem looks not unlike an equation that has lost caste and been relegated to a nonsense book, or lower still, to some third-rate conundrum column. And yet it was the real crux of a real situation,...
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Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 2Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 2Voidaksemme kertoa mit Rozlogissa tapahtui, tytyy meidn palata hiukan taaksepin ajassa, siihen yhn, jolloin herra Skrzetuski Kudakista lhetti Rzendzianin viemn kirjett vanhalle ruhtinattarelle. Kirjeess luutnantti hartaasti pyysi ruhtinatarta ottamaan mukaansa Helenan ja kiireen kautta lhtemn Lubnieen ruhtinas Jeremin...
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I Will MaintainI Will MaintainA man of unwearied industry, inflexible constancy, sound, clear, and deep understanding and untainted integrity; so that whenever he was blinded, it was by the passion that he had for that which he esteemed the good and interest of the State.Sir William...
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Canadian Battlefields, and Other PoemsCanadian Battlefields, and Other Poems{4} {5} {9} {12} {14} Fought October 26th, 1813. American Force, 3,500; British, 400. {18} Fought June 24th, 1813. British, 47 Regulars and 200 Indians Americans, 570, with 50 Cavalry and 2 Guns. {21} Fought July 25th, 1814. American Force,...
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Järjen sanoja sodasta: Englantilaisen "kapinoitsijan" arvosteluaJärjen sanoja sodasta: Englantilaisen "kapinoitsijan" arvostelua "Puhjetkoon europpalainen sota kenties sota kolmiliiton ja kolmisopimusvaltain vlill, jota niin moni englantilainen ja saksalainen sanomalehtimies ja politikoitsija ajattelee rikollisen kevytmielisesti. Jos taistelijat osoittautuvat tasavkisiksi, niin se voi ensimmisten taistelujen jlkeen kyte edelleen kolmekymment vuotta. Mink verran on...
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The Heart of ScotlandThe Heart of ScotlandBonnie Scotland pleased so many readers that it came to be supplemented by another volume dwelling mainly on the western Highlands and Islands, which was illustrated in a different style to match their wilder and mistier features. Such an addition gave...
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What the White Race May Learn from the IndianWhat the White Race May Learn from the Indian What the White Race May Learn from the Indian BY GEORGE WHARTON JAMES Author of In and Around the Grand Canyon, Indian Basketry, How to Make Indian and Other Baskets, Practical Basket Making, The Indians...
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Fire-making Apparatus in the U. S. National MuseumFire-making Apparatus in the U. S. National MuseumMan in his originals seems to be a thing unarmed and naked, and unable to help itself, as needing the aid of many things; therefore Prometheus makes haste to find out fire, which suppediates and yields comfort...
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Cardinal WolseyCardinal WolseyAll men are to be judged by what they do, and the way in which they do it. In the case of great statesmen there is a third consideration which challenges our judgmentwhat they choose to do. This consideration only presents itself in...
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Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 4 (de 4)Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 4 (de 4)Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Sagan, 1er janvier...
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Horace Walpole and His World: Select Passages from His LettersHorace Walpole and His World: Select Passages from His LettersWe offer to the general reader some specimens of Horace Walpoles correspondence. Students of history and students of literature are familiar with this great mine of facts and fancies, but it is too extensive to...
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Memorias de un hombre de acción, tomo 9Los Caudillos de 1830Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico. Paradox, Rey, 3,00...
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Die Welt auf SchienenDie Welt auf Schienen - Eine Darstellung der Einrichtungen und des Betriebs auf den Eisenbahnen des Fernverkehrs, Nebst einer Geschichte der EisenbahnDie Eisenbahnen sind wieder ein solch bestimmendes Ereignis, das der Menschheit einen neuen Umschwung gibt, das die Farbe und Gestalt des Lebens verndert....
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Sketch of the SikhsSketch of the Sikhs - A Singular Nation Who Inhabit the Provinces of Penjab, Situated Between the Rivers Jumna and IndusWhen with the British army in the Penjb, in 1805, I endeavoured to collect materials that would throw light upon the history, manners, and...
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Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 1Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 1Kun "Tulella ja miekalla" (Ogniem i mieczem) v. 1884 ilmestyi, hertti se ihastuksen, jollaista ei pitkn aikaan mikn puolalainen kirja ollut saanut osakseen. Ulkomaillakin johti teos yleisn huomion Puolaan ja puolalaista kirjallisuutta aljettiin knt lnsi-eurooppalaisille kielille. Puolalaisia viehtti...
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The New Army in TrainingThe New Army in TrainingHe had hit the just word. All known marks in the place were submerged by troops. Parade-grounds to their utmost limits were crowded with them; rises and sky-lines were furred with them, and the length of the roads heaved and...
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Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Volume 2 (of 2)Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Volume 2 (of 2)Nous abordons maintenant la priode militante de la vie de Marie-Antoinette. Nous le ferons, comme pour le reste de cette histoire, avec la plus complte impartialit, mais avec une impression de mlancolie que nous ne ressentions pas au...
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Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Volume 1 (of 2)Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Volume 1 (of 2)Si jamais vnement a eu des droits l'tonnement public, c'est celui de l'union du Roi et de l'Impratrice-Reine, conclue en 1756 [3]. C'est en ces termes que, dans les instructions remises en 1759 au comte de Choiseul, nomm...
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