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The Campaign of KöniggrätzThe Campaign of Königgrätz - A Study of the Austro-Prussian Conflict in the Light of the American Civil WarThe greater part of the subject-matter of this volume was originally given as a lecture to the officers at the U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School....
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History of Brighthelmston; or, Brighton as I View it and Others Knew ItHistory of Brighthelmston; or, Brighton as I View it and Others Knew It - With a Chronological Table of Local EventsThe publication of the History of Brighton had proceeded, with the most gratifying success, through ten monthly numbers, when it was suddenly interrupted by...
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Three Wisconsin CushingsThree Wisconsin Cushings - A sketch of the lives of Howard B., Alonzo H. and William B. Cushing, children of a pioneer family of Waukesha CountySee facsimile of A. H. Cushing's letter, facing p. 40. From left to right; Capt A. H. Cushing, Capt....
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A Beginner's HistoryA Beginner's HistoryThe material out of which the child pictures history lies all about him. When he learns to handle objects or observes men and other beings act, he is gathering material to form images for the stories you tell him, or those he...
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The Women Who Came in the MayflowerThe Women Who Came in the MayflowerThis little book is intended as a memorial to the women who came in The Mayflower, and their comrades who came later in The Ann and The Fortune, who maintained the high standards of home life in early...
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Royal Winchester: Wanderings in and about the Ancient Capital of EnglandRoyal Winchester: Wanderings in and about the Ancient Capital of England Among those who have kindly afforded me information during the progress of this work are the Very Rev. Dr. Kitchin, Dean of Winchester, the Rev. Dr. Sewell, Warden of New College, Oxford, the...
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Muoto- ja muistikuvia IMuoto- ja muistikuvia IKirjailijalle ovat pienetkin kirjoitukset niin sanoakseni elmntapahtumia, ja jostakin itsenssilyttmisvaistosta hn toisinaan kuvittelee niiden ansaitsevan pitemp olemassaoloa kuin syntymis- tai ilmestymispiv, jos ne net piilevt jonkun aikakautisen tai tilapisen julkaisun ktkss. Minussa tm kuvittelu on kohdistunut varsinkin kirjoituksiin, joiden aineella lienee...
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The Life of General GaribaldiThe Life of General Garibaldi - Translated from his private papers; with the history of his splendid exploits in Rome, Lombardy, Sicily and Naples, to the present time.The following pages are principally written by the pen of the hero of our age, that pure-hearted...
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A Turkish Woman's European ImpressionsA Turkish Woman's European ImpressionsIn the preface of his famous novel, Les Dsenchantes, M. Pierre Loti writes: This novel is pure fiction; those who take the trouble to find real names for Zeyneb, Melek, or Andr will be wasting their energy, for they never...
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Der sächsische Prinzenraub nach älteren und neueren QuellenDer sächsische Prinzenraub nach älteren und neueren Quellen - nebst einer Beschreibung des zu dessen Erinnerung errichteten Denkmals und des zu seinem Schutz erbauten Köhlerhauses am Fürstenberge bei GrünhainFriedrich der Streitbare, welcher den 5. Januar 1428 starb, hinterlie vier Shne. Namens: Sigismund, Heinrich, Friedrich...
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Comentario del coronel Francisco Verdugo, de la guerra de FrisiaComentario del coronel Francisco Verdugo, de la guerra de Frisia, - en xiv años que fue gobernador y capitan general de aquel estado y ejercito por el rey don Felipe II, nuestro señorHasta tal punto era desconocida de casi todos nuestros bibligrafos la obra...
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The Sword and Gun: A History of the 37th Wis. Volunteer InfantryThe Sword and Gun: A History of the 37th Wis. Volunteer InfantryI have attempted, in this small volume, to give a true and impartial history of the brief but glorious career of our Regiment. Though called into the field at a late hour, the...
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Early French PrisonsEarly French Prisons - Le Grand and Le Petit Châtelets; Vincennes; The Bastile; Loches; The Galleys; Revolutionary PrisonsThe judicial administration of France had its origin in the Feudal System. The great nobles ruled their estates side by side with, and not under, the King....
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Loitering in Pleasant PathsLoitering in Pleasant PathsWHEN I began the MS. of this book, it was with the intention of including it in the Common Sense in the Household Series, in which event it was to be entitled, Familiar Talks from Afar. For reasons that seemed good...
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The Boys' Book of Famous RulersThe Boys' Book of Famous RulersThe aim of this book is to give in as concise manner as possible, consistent with graphic narration and biographical completeness, the most important and interesting events in the lives of these famous rulers; together with a brief history...
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The Memoirs of Admiral Lord BeresfordThe Memoirs of Admiral Lord Beresford First Published (2 vols.) . . . . October 6th, 1914 Second Edition . . . . November, 1914 Third Edition . . . . December, 1914 Fourth Edition (1 vol.) . . . . September, 1916 As...
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18th Century WaifsEighteenth Century WaifsIt was probably Solomon, who, in Ecclesiastes, cap. 12, v. 12, said, Of making many books there is no end. But, if this book had to have been written by him, he might, probably, have modified his opinion. I have read some...
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The Battle of Gettysburg: The Country, the Contestants, the ResultsThe Battle of Gettysburg: The Country, the Contestants, the ResultsFirst edition, 1931 Second edition, 1935 Third edition, 1938 Fourth edition, 1944 Fifth edition, 1945 Sixth edition, 1946 Seventh edition, 1946 Eighth edition, 1947 Ninth edition, 1949 Tenth edition, 1949 Eleventh edition, 1951 Twelfth edition,...
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Forty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1930-1931, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1933Forty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1930-1931, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1933.The operations of the Bureau of American Ethnology during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931, were conducted in accordance with the act...
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