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The Rivers of Great Britain, Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial: Rivers of the East CoastThe Rivers of Great Britain, Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial: Rivers of the East Coast[Pg viii] We are indebted for the use of Photographs on pages 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 29, 32, 33, 40, 45, 48, 57, 65, 71, 76,...
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Minnesota, the North Star StateMinnesota, the North Star StateIf this compend of Minnesota history shall be found a desirable addition to those already before the public, it will be due to the good fortune of the writer in reaching original sources of information not accessible to his predecessors....
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English Heraldic Book-stampsEnglish Heraldic Book-stampsThe coats-of-arms and crests which are figured and described in the following pages do not exhaust the number of stamps of this kind that must exist on bookbindings throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. Perhaps some day I shall go on my travels...
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Schetsen uit Amerika en Tafereelen uit ItaliëSchetsen uit Amerika en Tafereelen uit ItaliëNooit zal ik de n kwart ernstige en drie kwart grappige verbazing vergeten, waarmee ik den derden Januari achttienhonderd twee en veertig s morgens de deur opendeed van, en mijn hoofd stak in een paviljoen of zoogenaamde Staatsie-hut...
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Les civilisés: RomanLes civilisés: RomanL'an pass, je risquais mon premier livre; et ce livre,trs jeune,vous teniez le prsenter vous-mme au public, le couvrir de votre nom comme d'une gide. Vous criviez une prface exquise, et je sais que beaucoup de gens sans indulgence ont pardonn l'auteur...
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Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christophorus Bärenhäuter. Zweites BändchenTransatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christophorus Bärenhäuter. Zweites Bändchen. Es war ein heiterer, heier Junimorgen, als ich das Redriver[1]-Dampfschiff betrat. Die Sonne brannte wie ein glhender Hochofen, kein Lftchen wehte, nur der Strom hauchte erfrischende Khle aus seinen ungeheuern Wassermassen. Ich blickte noch einmal zurck an...
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Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christopherus Bärenhäuter. Erstes BändchenTransatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christopherus Bärenhäuter. Erstes Bändchen.Sie erhalten hiermit, Ihrem Wunsche gem, ein zweites Geistesprodukt, aus derselben Feder geflossen, die einige Ihrer literarischen Freunde bereits im Manuscripte in so hohem Grade angesprochen hat. Es sind Skizzen, die zum Theile schon vor mehreren Jahren geschrieben,...
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Canadian Scenery, Volume 2 (of 2)Canadian Scenery, Volume 2 (of 2)The rural districts of Trois Rivires, so far as they lie northward of the St. Lawrence, form a continuation of the same kind of territory as that below, and are in general flatter, and capable of more uniform cultivation....
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Canadian Scenery, Volume 1 (of 2)Canadian Scenery, Volume 1 (of 2)The name of this magnificent link in the colonial chain with which England has encircled the world, is a matter of considerable doubt.[1] It has been dignified with some research and ingenuity, however, and we can record the result,...
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The Pinos Altos StoryThe Pinos Altos StoryPinos Altos, the oldest Anglo settlement in Grant County, is a small town in southwestern New Mexico. It lies across the Continental Divide at an altitude of just over 7000 feet, between the Diablo Range to the north and east and...
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Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 2Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 2 La citt di Marrhsch, o Marocco, antica capitale del regno di questo nome, ruinata da una lunga serie di disastrose guerre, spopolata dalla peste, non conserva ora che l'ombra del suo passato...
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Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 4Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 4 El-Haram, o il Tempio, detto altres Beit-el Mokaddes-el-Scherif, o la casa santa principale di Gerusalemme, una unione di pi edificj fabbricati in varie epoche dell'islamismo, e che portano con loro l'impronta del...
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Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 1Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 1 Voi vi distingueste, Madama, per ogni genere di gentilezze, e di civili studj. A Voi [vi] dunque con ragione presentiamo i Viaggi di un uomo di tale generazione e religione, che a...
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Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 3Viaggi di Ali Bey el-Abbassi in Africa ed in Asia, v. 3 Potrebbesi formare facilmente una piccola biblioteca dei viaggi in Egitto e delle descrizioni di questo paese, il quale quantunque conosciutissimo, lo fu assai meglio dopo che tanti letterati francesi i quali accompagnavano...
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Mr. Oseba's Last DiscoveryMr. Oseba's Last DiscoveryPage 87, line 27, read manor, not manner. Page 150, line 18, 168,849,381, not 120,981,599.Later Year Book. An experienced and painstaking friend has called my attention to several typographical errors, and a few immaterial ones in grammar. These faults I deeply...
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Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, Vol. 2 (of 2)Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, Vol. 2 (of 2)Stirling Castle capitulated immediately after the battle, and Sir Marmaduke Twenge,1 who had taken shelter in it, was sent prisoner to Dumbarton. The surrender of the castle of Dundee followed; and, with the exception...
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Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, Vol. 1 (of 2)Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, Vol. 1 (of 2)There is no portion of the history of Scotland more embarrassing to modern writers, than the period which relates to the life and achievements of Wallace. Having been long since anticipated in all the...
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Robert Blum: Ein Zeit- und Charakterbild für das deutsche VolkRobert Blum: Ein Zeit- und Charakterbild für das deutsche VolkUnter allen Umstnden ein groes Wagni, doppelt schwierig im vorliegenden Falle, wo es sich handelt um die Darstellung von Ereignissen, die der Verfasser selbst gar nicht oder nur als Kind erlebte, und um die Zeichnung...
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Famous Indian ChiefsFamous Indian Chiefs - Their Battles, Treaties, Sieges, and Struggles with the Whites for the Possession of AmericaUpon a beautiful day in July, 1492, two brown-skinned Spaniards lay upon the wharf that jutted far out into the waters of the blue Mediterranean Ocean at...
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A Year in EuropeA Year in EuropeThe only excuse I have to offer for the publication of these desultory and chatty letters in this more permanent form is that a number of my friends have requested it. Many of the letters have already appeared in the columns...
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