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International cartoons of the warInternational cartoons of the warTHE HISTORIAN who, a couple of centuries hence, tries to get at the real kernel of the great War, will find himself overwhelmed with material, buried under evidence, like the great authority on Penguinia. Every doubtful point will be clearly...
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The path of honor: A tale of the war in the BocageThe path of honor: A tale of the war in the BocageDawn was just breaking as I bade my fat little host at the Beau Visage good-by and, leaving the white streets of Tours behind me, crossed the shallow river and turned my face...
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 7-9: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 7-9: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Kriegerehrungen aus Porzellan Schradenwanderung Tierschutz Hexenabend Wolftitz Werbekunst in Dorf und Stadt Die Osterblume am Wachtelberg bei Wurzen Ein altes Patrizierhaus Gefhrdete heimische Pflanzenwelt Zur Geschichte des Bibers in Sachsen...
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The book of Edinburgh anecdoteThe book of Edinburgh anecdoteThe Parliament House has always had a reputation for good anecdote. There are solid reasons for this. It is the haunt of men, clever, highly educated, well off, and the majority of them with an all too abundant leisure. The...
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The half hour library of travel, nature, and science for young readersHalf hours on the quarter-deck: The Spanish Armada to Sir Cloudesley Shovel 1670This is the second of a series of books on a subject of the greatest interest to all young Englishmenthe Naval History of England. To the sea England owes its greatness, and...
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Memorials of old DurhamMemorials of old DurhamIN the older maps of England, that portion of the country which we call the county of Durham is generally described as "Episcopatus Dunelmensis," or the Bishopric of Durham, or simply the Bishopric. A further glance at the adjacent districts of...
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Post mortem: Essays, historical and medicalPost mortem: Essays, historical and medicalWHETHER the great man has had any real influence on the world, or whether history is merely a matter of ideas and tendencies among mankind, are still questions open to solution; but there is no doubt that great persons...
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The ruined cities of Mashonaland: Being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891The ruined cities of Mashonaland: Being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891In looking over this work for a second edition, I find little to add to the material as it appeared in the first, and next to nothing to alter. Sir John...
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Les vieilles provinces de FranceHistoire de CorseLe chroniqueur Giovanni della Grossa.On peut dire de Giovanni della Grossa et de Pietro Cirneo que leurs chroniques sont les sources uniques dhistoire interne du Moyen Age en Corse utilises jusqu nos jours. Je parlerai peu du second dont la rputation surfaite...
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The ward of TecumsehThe ward of TecumsehWHEN the beautiful Sally Habersham accepted Dick Ogilvie her girl associates rejoiced quite as much as she did, foreseeing the return to their orbits of sundry temporarily diverted masculine satellites. Her mothers friends did not exactly rejoice, for Dick Ogilvie had...
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„Ups” en „downs” in het Indische leven„Ups” en „downs” in het Indische levenZe waren het uitgaan en het ontvangen van menschen zoo gewoon in den laatsten tijd, dat het haar toescheen alsof er een ziek was van de familie, wanneer ze rustig bij elkaar bleven zitten zoon heelen avond. De...
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Essays on the Latin OrientEssays on the Latin OrientThis volume consists of articles and monographs upon the Latin Orient and Balkan history, published between 1897 and the present year. For kind permission to reprint them in collected form I am indebted to the editors and proprietors of The...
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The passing of a great queen: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria ReginaThe passing of the great Queen: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria ReginaWAR and rumours of war,nation rising against nation,these fulfilled and yet threatening disasters have culminated in the worst disaster of all, the passing of the greatest, purest, best, and most...
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Memorials of the counties of EnglandMemorials of old DerbyshireIt has been a great pleasure to accept the request of the General Editor of this Memorial Series to edit a volume on my native county of Derby. In proportion to its size and population, more has been written and printed...
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Közép-ázsiai utazásKözép-ázsiai utazásHogy mi lehetett azon vgy, mely a Bosporus bjos partjairl Kzp-zsia rmsges pusztira vezetett: VIII. honfitrsaim tlem bizonyosan nem fogjk krdezni. Lehetnek olyanok, kik megfelejtkezve ezen utamra szksgelt 10 vi elkszletrl, szmba sem vve a killott veszlyeket s nlklzseket, melyeket elre ismertem, mindent...
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Petsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan. Ei siin kauan noukka tuhissu ku Jaakkoo lhti. Tuttuja mihi. Joukkue jrjestyy ja matka alkaa. Kemijrvelt Pelkosennimelle. Tukkikmpll. Vesikevarista seljllns Askahan. Lapin kuningas ja Saukosken keisari. Vil vh Kaalepista ja sitte autolla Sorankylhn. Retkue saapuu Sorankylhn. Karhuntappajia ja...
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Die kurschsischen Postmeilensulen beim 200jhrigen Bestehen Heimatschutzgedanken in Gottfried Kellers Dichtungen Die Kirche zu den Vierzehn Nothelfern auf der Kahlenhhe bei Reichstdt Um Juchhh und Windberg Wanderbilder aus den Grenzgebieten...
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Angel: A sketch in Indian inkAngel: A sketch in Indian inkIt was the middle of March in the North-West Provinces, and the hot weather had despatched several heralds to Ramghur, announcing its imminent approach. Punkahs were swinging lazily in barrack rooms, the annual ice notice had made a round...
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Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (1 de 5)Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (1 de 5)Turbacin de los tiempos. Flaqueza de Espaa. Poltica de Francia. Paz de Presburgo. Destronamiento de la casa de Npoles. Tratos de paz con Inglaterra. Rmpense estas negociaciones. Tambin otras con Rusia. Preparativos de guerra....
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Passed by the censor: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in FrancePassed by the censor: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in FranceSpecial correspondents in great numbers have come from America into the European "zone of military activity," and in almost equal numbers have they gone out, to write their impressions, their descriptions, their...
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