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Fighting King GeorgeFighting King GeorgeThe person to whom he spoke was a negro, young in years but of colossal size; as he sat amidships in the skiff, with the sheet rope in his hand, his sleeveless shirt showing his mighty arms bare to the shoulder, he...
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The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525It is a fact that America in the early ages was one of the inhabited parts of the earth. The Egyptians, who were among the first of the peoples of the eastern hemisphere to use letters and...
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Pormestarin vaimo: RomaaniPormestarin vaimo: RomaaniTaivas oli sininen, hyttyset karkeloivat pivnpaisteessa, valkoisia perhosia kiikkueli sken puhjenneissa kullankellerviss kukkasissa, ja ojan vieress yhden noista monista, jotka viiltelivt tuota laajaa tasankoa, seisoi haikara, tavotellen muhkeata sammakkoa. Pianpa tuo raukka potkiskelikin vihollisen punaisessa nokassa. Naksaus vain ja virke hypiskelij oli...
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The Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of WarThe Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur; or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of WarThe following narrative tells of the adventures of an American boy in German imprisonment from his capture November 30, 1917, to his release December 9,...
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Memorabilia Or Recollections, Historical, Biographical, and AntiquarianMemorabilia; Or Recollections, Historical, Biographical, and AntiquarianThe following pages have been compiled from various sources, and from an extensive course of reading. The Editor has in some instances placed his authorities in the notes at the bottom of the page; and, where he has...
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Mandalay to MomienMandalay to Momien - A narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace BrowneSeven years have elapsed since the date of the expedition which furnishes the subject of the larger portion of...
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The Story of a Siberian Exile Followed by a Narrative of Recent Events in PolandThe Story of a Siberian Exile; Followed by a Narrative of Recent Events in PolandIt has not been thought advisable to give these papers to the public without a few words of explanation to those readers who see them for the first time in...
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Yorktown: Climax of the RevolutionYorktown: Climax of the RevolutionThe story of the last great act in the drama of American independence has been told many times, but never more vividly than in the words of the actors themselves. This book is an attempt to portray the crowning campaign...
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L'Italia nel 1898 (Tumulti e reazione)L'Italia nel 1898 (Tumulti e reazione) Il quarantotto italiano, compiuto poi nel 60, non fu neppure politico, fu strettamente nazionale e meschinamente unitario e dinastico. LItalia attende ancora il suo quarantotto politico, che le dia le condizioni essenziali della vita moderna, e permetta di...
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The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptionsThe archæology of the cuneiform inscriptionsThe first six chapters which follow, embody the Rhind Lectures in Archology which I delivered at Edinburgh in October 1906. The seventh chapter appeared as an article in the Contemporary Review for August 1905, and is here reprinted by...
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A Courier of FortuneA Courier of FortuneMy dear Mr. Stuart: I dedicate this book to you as a memento of our delightful hours of travel and work together in writing the playA Courier of Fortunefounded upon this story. The circumstances of our joint literary work were as...
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Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies, etc., part 2, October 21-December 4, 1839Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies, etc., part 2, October 21-December 4, 1839 - and De Smet's Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846The contents of the present volume, from the pen of the celebrated Missionary of the Rocky Mountains, will...
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Women of '98Women of 'Ninety-EightTHEY tell a beautiful and poetical story about the croppies graves in Wexford. Many of them carried in their coat pockets wheat seed gathered in the fields to satisfy their hunger. When they were buried in their shallow graves the seed sprouted...
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Condensed History of the Mexican War and Its Glorious ResultsCondensed History of the Mexican War and Its Glorious ResultsSince the printing of this book it has come to my knowledge that comrade James C. Carleton, secretary of the National Association of Mexican War Veterans of Bedford, Indiana, under-ranks me in age 14 days....
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First Theater in AmericaFirst Theater in America - When was the drama first introduced in America? An inquiry, including a consideration of the objections that have been made to the stage.The paper here reprinted by the Dunlap Society was read before the New York Historical Society more...
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The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 3 (of 3)The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 3 (of 3)Footnotes have been collected at the end of each chapter, and are linked for ease of reference. They have been renumbered from 1 to 2731 for uniqueness. Those footnotes that are...
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Russia in 1916Russia in 1916I returned to Russia last summer, visited as many of my old friends there as I could, arranged for the publication of some of my books in the Russian language, and incidentally travelled a great deal and saw a great many sides...
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La sesta crociataLa sesta crociata - ovvero l'istoria della santa vita e delle grandi cavallerie di re Luigi IX di Francia Il ch. Conte Giovanni Galvani pubblicava nel 1843 entro il Periodico Modenese, intitolato Continuazione delle Memorie di Religione, Morale e Letteratura, una sua Lezione Accademica...
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Adair's History of the American IndiansAdair's History of the American IndiansThe following history, and observations, are the productions of one who hath been chiefly engaged in an Indian life ever since the year 1735: and most of the pages were written among our old friendly Chikkasah, with whom I...
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Auf verbotenen Wegen: Reisen und Abenteuer in TibetAuf verbotenen Wegen: Reisen und Abenteuer in TibetIn diesem Buche habe ich den Bericht ber eine Reise nach Tibet niedergelegt, die von mir whrend des Frhjahrs, Sommers und Herbstes 1897 ausgefhrt worden ist. Der Bericht ist teils nach Photographien, teils nach Skizzen, die ich...
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