Juvenile Nonfiction
Explore a selection of juvenile non-fiction books, including classic juvenile literature and the best non-fiction titles for young adults. Know the benefits of reading non-fiction books.
Count Everything On The Farm: Book For Kids Aged 2-5Count Everthing On The Farm is a fun activity book that promotes early learning and development.Some of the features include: Full color book with illustrations in farm settings 1 to 20 counting pages Answers on the following page to give kids a chance to...
- €21,01 EUR
- €21,01 EUR
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Giant Animals Coloring Book: Animlas Coloring Book: 49 Beautiful Animals Coloring Pages Including: Cat, Horse, Dog, Rabbit, Pig, Lion, Tiger, Fox aA Super Fun Animals Coloring Book for Kids! Great coloring book for kids designed to encourage learning and creativity.Discover the amazing selection of Animals coloring pages made by Graphics Tutors and get hours of relax and stress relief.A great coloring experience for preschool children...
- €11,94 EUR
- €11,94 EUR
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BlessedFor laboratory dogs that have no voice may you be heard and rescued. Blessed is a heartwarming true story about a scared and helpless laboratory Beagle named Sammy. All he ever wanted was to have a family that loved him. Sammy discovers the power...
- €24,80 EUR
- €24,80 EUR
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Habilidades Animales: Animal AbilitiesAnimals have remarkable abilities such as navigation, camouflage, and even mimicry. Learn about the incredible things animals can do with real-life case studies! This nonfiction book features an inquiry-based investigation of animal behaviors using real-life examples--part of the Investigaciones sobre el comportamiento animal series....
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Animales Que Resuelven Problemas: Animal Problem SolvingAnimals collaborate, make predictions, use tools, and find solutions to puzzles to help survive. Follow an animal behavior case study to explore while learning the facts behind animal problem-solving! This nonfiction book features an inquiry-based investigation of animal behaviors using real-life examples--part of the...
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Comunicación Animal: Animal CommunicationAnimals communicate with one another by way of visual cues, auditory cues, chemicals known as pheromones, and tactile cues. Learn about the incredible ways that animals communicate with real-life case studies! This nonfiction book features an inquiry-based investigation of animal behaviors using real-life examples--part...
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Peces: FishSwim into some learning fun by introducing young readers to animal classifications by explaining how fish are grouped. This nonfiction book explores the differences and similarities between several classes, families, genera, and species of fish, and how animal classification works--part of the Los animales...
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Sociedades Animales: Animal SocietiesAnimals interact and cooperate to various degrees within groups of their own kind. Follow an animal behavior case study to explore while learning the facts behind animal societies! This nonfiction book features an inquiry-based investigation of animal behaviors using real-life examples--part of the Investigaciones...
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Artrópodos: ArthropodsCrawl into some learning fun by introducing young readers to animal classifications by explaining how arthropods are grouped. This nonfiction book explores the differences and similarities between several classes, families, genera, and species of arthropods, and how animal classification works--part of the Los animales...
- €39,75 EUR
- €39,75 EUR
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Animales del Desierto: Desert AnimalsEarth's four desert biomes--hot, semiarid, coastal, and cold--each have their own set of challenges for the living things within them. Discover how desert animals survive and thrive in the driest places on the planet! This nonfiction book explores the wildlife found in the four...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales del Bosque Boreal: Boreal Forest AnimalsOnly the living things that have adapted to the boreal forest's freezing temperatures and frozen land can remain in the forest year-round. Discover how boreal beasts survive the harsh climate! This nonfiction book explores the wildlife found in the harsh climate of the boreal...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales del Bosque Caducifolio: Deciduous Forest AnimalsDeciduous forests around the world are home to a variety of animals. Animals that are part of the temperate deciduous forest biome must adapt to the conditions of all four seasons to survive. Animals that are part of the tropical and subtropical deciduous forest...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales de Estanques de Agua Dulce: Freshwater Pond AnimalsLife in a pond is exciting. Birds, bugs, and shrews skitter across the surface, turtles and fish zip along under the water's surface, and beavers, and other animals make themselves at home by the pond's edge. Discover how these animals survive and thrive in...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales de Los Océanos: Ocean AnimalsMost of Earth is covered by oceans and seas that are home to an amazing variety of animals. Discover how animals survive in saltwater biomes and the skies above them! This nonfiction book explores wildlife found in ocean biomes--part of the Fauna del bioma...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales de Los Estuarios: Estuary AnimalsLife in the estuary is always changing. Ocean tides of salt water flow in and out of the estuary and mix with the fresh water that flows from rivers and streams. The animals that swim or wade in the waters or make the mudflats...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales de la Tundra: Tundra AnimalsTundra biomes have the harshest climates in the world. From the tiny Arctic bumblebee to the huge polar bear, every animal that lives in the Arctic or alpine tundra biome has adapted physically or socially to the harsh conditions. Discover how animals survive and...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Animales de Los Pastizales: Grassland AnimalsGrassland biomes are home to a wide variety of animals. Whether grazing on grasses, building communities underground, or sailing overhead, animals have adapted to the challenges found in both temperate and tropical grassland biomes. Discover how these animals survive in prairies, steppes, and savannas...
- €41,66 EUR
- €41,66 EUR
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Construyamos Un Modelo: Let's Build a Model!Everyone from scientists to artists makes models. Learn how models can be used to understand concepts and make new discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, and math. What are they and why are they used? Let's find out! This STEAM based, nonfiction book introduces...
- €37,86 EUR
- €37,86 EUR
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Exploradores del Océano: Ocean ExplorersOceans cover more than half of our planet. But what's under all that water? Explore the ways in which science, technology, engineering, art, and math help us learn more about the oceans and their inhabitants! This STEAM based, nonfiction book introduces early elementary students...
- €37,86 EUR
- €37,86 EUR
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La Gravedad En Acción: Gravity in ActionKick a ball. Drop a cup. Jump in the air. What happens? Explore the ways in which science, technology, engineering, art, and math help us understand motion and gravity! This STEAM based, nonfiction book introduces early elementary students to some of the ways STEAM...
- €37,86 EUR
- €37,86 EUR
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