Explore a comprehensive selection of medical books, including medical medium books, dictionaries, and textbooks covering dermatology, human anatomy, physiology, surgery, and pediatrics.
Vanished in Hiawatha: The Story of the Canton Asylum for Insane IndiansBegun as a pork-barrel project by the federal government in the early 1900s, the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians (also known as the Hiawatha Insane Asylum) quickly became a dumping ground for inconvenient Indians. The federal institution in Canton, South Dakota, deprived many Native...
- €33,84 EUR
- €33,84 EUR
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Manual Dmso Para MédicosDMSO, un verdadero principio medicamentoso El DMSO es un compuesto qu mico natural proveniente de la pulpa de los rboles, producto de la manufactura de papel. Es un nuevo principio m dico y le llaman el medicamento milagro. Se ha probado su eficacia, tanto...
- €18,97 EUR
- €18,97 EUR
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Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication DisordersSee what's NEW in the fourth edition Fully updated and revised based on the 2020 ASHA standards and recent AAA standards, the new edition of this bestseller is the core textbook for all students in clinical methods courses--and a reliable reference for practicing SLPs...
- €132,14 EUR
- €132,14 EUR
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The Good Son: A Suspense ThrillerSix months have passed since the first murder investigation Detective Reed Mattox and his K-9 partner worked together, finding them in the throes of a steamy Midwestern summer.Working in The Bottoms, a notorious neighborhood on the west side of Columbus, they expect the usual...
- €25,41 EUR
- €25,41 EUR
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KIDNEY DISEASE DIET - This Book Includes: Renal Diet CookBook and Kidney Disease Diet. The First Complete Collection for a Healthy Diet and proper Lif"This New Edition of the Book has been Revised (June 2021)" Whether you are in stage one or stage five, then keep readingthe advices of Dr. Elizabeth Torres and Dr. Robert Porter Here is a breakdown of what's in this "2 in 1" cookbook...
- €38,08 EUR
- €38,08 EUR
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Why Surgeons Struggle with Work-Hour ReformsOn July 1, 2003, work-hour reforms were enacted nationally for the roughly 129,000 resident physicians in the United States. The reforms limit weekly work hours (a maximum of eighty per week) and in-hospital call (no more than once every three nights), mandate days free...
- €79,01 EUR
- €79,01 EUR
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The Immunotherapy Revolution: The Best New Hope For Saving Cancer Patients' LivesThe Future Of Treating Cancer Has Finally Arrived. Immunotherapy has created a revolution in cancer treatment, but are the patients receiving it getting their best chance for success. Dr. Williams shares his information on how cancer patients can help improve the likelihood of immunotherapy...
- €16,11 EUR
- €16,11 EUR
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Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven But Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Health Care in AmericaShockingly, the United States has among the lowest life expectancies and highest infant mortality rates of any high-income nation, yet, as Amy Gutmann and Jonathan D. Moreno show, we spend twice as much per capita on medical care without insuring everyone. A "remarkable, highly...
- €28,40 EUR
- €28,40 EUR
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Advanced Sports NutritionUse the most sophisticated sports nutrition information to help you reach your athletic performance goals. In Advanced Sports Nutrition, Third Edition, world-renowned sports nutritionist Dr. Dan Benardot combines the latest research, strategies, and sports nutrition information with his experience in academia and work with...
- €79,01 EUR
- €79,01 EUR
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Dieta Keto para el Cáncer: Efectos terapéuticos de una dieta baja en carbohidratos, aprende a prevenir y a curar el cáncerQuisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerte por comprar este libro: "Dieta Keto para el C ncer: Efectos terap uticos de una dieta baja en carbohidratos, aprende a prevenir y curar el c ncer". La dieta cetog nica se ha seguido desde la d cada...
- €13,56 EUR
- €13,56 EUR
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CBD Oil For Pain ReliefPeople who have used CBD Oil traditionally used it for a large number of years to take care of numerous kinds of pains, however the medical community have only recently begun to review it again. One report discovered that short-term use of CBD essential...
- €37,49 EUR
- €37,49 EUR
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Looking Within: Understanding Ourselves through Human ImagingWhat would it really be like to have x-ray vision? Beyond diagnosing illness or injury, can images of ourselves tell us more about life?What if you could see that an accident victim will never walk again; that a young mother has breast cancer; or...
- €35,11 EUR
- €35,11 EUR
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Keto for Cancer: How to Use the Ketogenic Diet and Fasting to Fight and Prevent CancerIn this book, you will learn how to use the ketogenic diet and fasting to fight and prevent cancer. Ketosis is a term many people might have heard, but few people understand what it actually means. Ketosis is a state in which the body...
- €12,20 EUR
- €12,20 EUR
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Culture & Clinical Care: Third EditionDIVERSITY IS PART OF THE FABRIC of American life. This clinical guide highlights cultural practices related to daily life, transitions, and health/illness care for 32 cultures. All chapters were written by clinicians who are very familiar with the particular cultural group either by group...
- €59,26 EUR
- €59,26 EUR
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Thyroid Diet: How to Improve Thyroid Disorders, Manage Thyroid Symptoms, Lose Weight, and Improve Your Metabolism through Diet!THYROID DIET This is the new 2nd edition of this book, recently updated with a range of additional sections and chapters Thyroid disorders affect many people worldwide, but luckily, they can often be avoided or cured quite simply through making some dietary changes. This...
- €20,33 EUR
- €20,33 EUR
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Mind Change: Changing The World One Mind At A TimeWhat if you had the power to change ANYTHING in your life? Finances, Health, Happiness, even your DNA. Mind Change will help give you the tools to tap into the tremendous potential of the Mind/Body connection. In a world full of "life hacks," you...
- €36,08 EUR
- €36,08 EUR
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Sofortheilung durch Borax: Erprobte Anwendungen und dringend notwendiges Praxiswissen für den sicheren Umgang mit Borax Pulver70 % der Deutschen waren in der Umfrage des Healthcare Barometer (PWC Beratung) der Meinung, dass die Pharmaindustrie haupts chlich an einer Gewinnmaximierung, nicht jedoch einer nachhaltigen Heilung von Patienten interessiert ist.Jeder chronisch Kranke, der auf Medikamente angewiesen ist, hat das am eigenen Leib...
- €22,92 EUR
- €22,92 EUR
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The Blood Covenant: A Primitive Rite and Its Bearings on Bible Scripture - Early Christian Blood Rituals, and Their Symbolism with Jesus CThe early history of Christianity was marked by blood covenants - rituals involving the blood of believers or animals, which was used to bond worshippers and to symbolize the life of Jesus.Use of blood in religious rites and ceremonies has a long history, with...
- €23,58 EUR
- €23,58 EUR
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Intelligent Kindness: Rehabilitating the Welfare StateAt a time of renewed concern about health, social care, and national unity, the authors reassert the value of the Welfare State for society as a whole, not simply for those in need. Years of relentless regulatory and structural reforms have not prevented scandals,...
- €32,49 EUR
- €32,49 EUR
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The Rebel Nurse Handbook: Inspirational Stories by Shift DisruptorsWinner of an AJN Book of the Year Award of 2020 "As you will read the stories ahead of the incredible, rock star Rebel Nurses who each have challenged the status quo and chosen the road less traveled, remember that each journey has its...
- €57,55 EUR
- €57,55 EUR
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