Old Is Gold
A Bold Stroke for a Husband: A Comedy in Five ActsA Bold Stroke for a Husband: A Comedy in Five ActsR. means Right; L. Left; F. the Flat, or Scene running across the back of the Stage; D. F. Door in Flat; R. D. Right Door; L. D. Left Door; S. E. Second Entrance;...
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Le collier des jours: Le second rang du collierLe collier des jours: Le second rang du collierC'est Paul de Saint-Victor qui taquine ainsi mon pre, propos de notre institutrice, Mlle Honorine Huet (qu'il prononce: Huai, mchamment sans faire sonner le T, pour imiter le parler du midi) car il a une antipathie...
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Le capitaine CoutanceauLe capitaine CoutanceauDes gens dune probit antique, bien connus dans notre quartier, quils habitent de pre en fils depuis plus dun sicle, si aims et si respects que cest un honneur dont on est fier que dtre admis chez eux. Daucuns affirmaient que le...
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Michael and His Lost Angel: A Play in Five ActsMichael and His Lost Angel: A Play in Five ActsThe author of Michael and his Lost Angel seeks accordingly in print consolation for the rebuffs he has experienced upon the stage. Some comfort in the midst of defeat may be found in the fact...
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Poésies de Daniel LesueurPoésies de Daniel LesueurNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. [D] Le Karma est un principe immatriel qui,...
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Les cavaliers de la nuit, 1er partie (t. 1/4)Les cavaliers de la nuit, 1er partie (t. 1/4)Jamais peut-tre, dans aucune de ses uvres, la supriorit de Balzac ne sest manifeste avec autant dclat que dans le Dput dArcis; jamais il na prouv si hautement quil nest point de sujet si aride, ni...
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Savon jääkäri: Kolmi-näytöksinen näytelmäSavon jääkäri: Kolmi-näytöksinen näytelmäPARONI. Soh, soh, piisaa jo kyll siin jo oli kyllin nuorukaisen kiitokseksi. Tuo yliopistolainen on tavallansa kelpo mies ja kyllkin sopiva opettamaan pappilan kasvavia vesoja; osaa samati kuin veljenskkin kytt itsens sivistyneitten lailla, jonka vuoksi olenkin halusta nhnyt heit seurassamme, olletikkin...
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Famous Scots Series, 11Tobias Smollett THOMAS CARLYLE. By Hector C. Macpherson ALLAN RAMSAY. By Oliphant Smeaton HUGH MILLER. By W. Keith Leask JOHN KNOX. By A. Taylor Innes ROBERT BURNS. By Gabriel Setoun THE BALLADISTS. By John Geddie RICHARD CAMERON. By Professor Herkless SIR JAMES Y. SIMPSON....
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The Potter and the Clay: A Romance of TodayThe Potter and the Clay: A Romance of TodayPERMISSION to use the poem, "The Potter's Wheel," which appears on the next page, was granted by the owners of the English copyright of Browning's works through Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., London, and by the...
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Alte Nester: Zwei Bücher LebensgeschichtenAlte Nester: Zwei Bücher Lebensgeschichten Ein Freund von mir begleitete einmal Goethen auf einem Spaziergange. Unterwegs stieen sie auf einen armen Knaben, der am Wege sa, den Kopf in den Hnden und die Arme auf die Kniee sttzend. Junge, was machst du da? worauf...
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Pixies' PlotPixies' Plot(A pleasant maxim of old time directed the gardener to leave one corner as nature planned it, for the little people. Thus welcomed, they might be trusted to show their human hosts goodwill, friendship, and service.) You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3,...
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Old Times on the Upper MississippiOld Times on the Upper Mississippi - The Recollections of a Steamboat Pilot from 1854 to 1863The majesty and glory of the Great River have departed; its glamour remains, fresh and undying, in the memories of those who, with mind's eye, still can see...
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A Deal with the DevilA Deal with the DevilBefore my grandpapa, Mr. Daniel Dolphin, comes down to breakfast on the morning of his hundredth birthday, I may tell you something about him. He has been married three times; he has buried all his wives and all his children....
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Dr. Stearns's Tour from London to ParisDr. Stearns's Tour from London to Paris Kind Reader, As I am obliged to spend the greatest part of my time in mathematical, philosophical, and physical studies, it was not my design to have written on this subject, although I was advised to do...
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The Human Boy AgainThe Human Boy AgainBeing from the first the chum and friend of Peters, I can tell about his curious ways better than anybody. In fact we shared our pocket-money, which is always a great sign of friendship; and it was understood that if ever...
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Ein Geschlecht: TragödieEin Geschlecht: Tragödie Title: Ein Geschlecht Subtitle: Tragdie Author: Fritz von Unruh Release Date: October 24, 2014 [EBook #47189] Language: German Credits: Produced by Gerard Arthus, Reiner Ruf and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This book was produced from scanned images of...
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Le collier des jours: Souvenirs de ma vieLe collier des jours: Souvenirs de ma vieMes ans vanouis mes pieds se dploient Comme une plaine obscure o quelques points chatoient D'un rayon de soleil frapps Sur les plans loigns, qu'un brouillard d'oubli cache, Une poque, un dtail nettement se dtache, Et revit...
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Herrn de Charreards deutsche Kinder: Die Geschichte einer FamilieHerrn de Charreards deutsche Kinder: Die Geschichte einer FamilieBubenstimmen gellten laut durch das in der Mittagsglut trge ruhende Dorf. Mdelstimmen tnten nach, waren heller, hher, sie drangen in die Huser ein und jach erhob sich da und dort lautes Rufen. Fragen und Gegenfragen sprangen...
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Ainoa hetki: Kolmi-näytöksinen näytelmäAinoa hetki: Kolmi-näytöksinen näytelmäJaa, tll nyt olen koto-maassani ja kotoseuduillani! Sydmmeni lmpenee nhdessni nit paikkoja, joissa lapsuuteni ajat olen viettnyt. Tuossahan on torppa, tuo entinen kotoni. Oi! selvsti nyt muistan sen kesn, jolloin orvoksi jin, kun polte-tauti manalaan vei isni sek itini. Torppaan tuli...
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Taistojen teitäTaistojen teitäKotajrven kirkonkylst kntyi valtamaantie ennen vanhaan suoraan pohjoiseen pin. Kirkon luota, jossa oli asuttua ja viljelty seutua, painui se suoraan synkkn mntymetsn, miss pitkien petjien lomitse pujottelihe eteenpin, kohosi pari kertaa korkeaksi meksi, nytti sielt matkailijalle metsien lomassa siintvn sisvesistn saarineen, salmineen, lahtineen...
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