Old Is Gold
Love and the IronmongerLove and the Ironmonger Fairbrothers' was an easy-going firm, that had the reputation of being good to its employees. If a man once got a seat on an office-stool there he was considered to have a berth for life, supposing of course that the...
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, February 1886The Pansy Magazine, February 1886Send $1, $2, $3, or $5 for retail box by Express of the best Candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refers to all Chicago. Try it once. Warranted absolutely...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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KindheitKindheit Ehrenwort! sagte er heftig zu sich selbst und las zum fnfzigsten Male den Titel der philosophischen Abhandlung. Das Geldstck in seiner Hand war na. Der Blick zuckte fortwhrend von der Broschre zum Zifferblatt. Der Zeiger stand knapp vor fnf. Und nahm seinen Schritt...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Compleat BachelorThe Compleat BachelorWe dismounted together at Millicent Dixons door, and were admitted to the hall. Carrie gave my necktie an attentive little tug, slapped my cheek (Carrie is justly proud of her middle-aged brother, and likes to show him off to advantage), and preceded...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Unter Palmen und Buchen. Zweiter BandUnter Palmen und Buchen. Zweiter Band. - Unter Palmen. Gesammelte Erzählungen.Da es in jenen Lndern, welche innerhalb der heien Zone liegen und die wir kurzweg die Tropen nennen, auch sehr hei sein mu, gilt als eine vllig feststehende Thatsache, und man hrt gar nicht...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Open Boat and Other StoriesThe Open Boat and Other StoriesNone of them knew the colour of the sky. Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves that swept toward them. These waves were of the hue of slate, save for the tops, which were of foaming...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Famous Authors (Men)Famous Authors (Men)The aim of this book is to present to the reading public sketches of some of its American literary heroes. There are heroes young and old; but in literature, especially, age has little to do with favorites. At the same time, it...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Lochinvar: A NovelLochinvar: A Novel"Aye," said Mistress Crombie, house-keeper to Roger McGhie, Laird of Balmaghie, a considerable house in the south-lying and better-cultivated part of the wild lands of Galloway"aye, indeed, ye may well say it, Alisoun Begbie. It is a wondrous and most ungentle thing...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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UltimatumUltimatumLacaios que no sabeis ter a Aspirao, burguezes do Desejo, transviados do balco instinctivo! Sim, todos vs que representaes a Europa, todos vs que sois politicos em evidencia em todo o mundo, que sois litteratos meneurs de correntes europeias, que sois qualquer cousa a...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port-folioFern Leaves from Fanny's Port-folio. - Second Series To my Readers: Six months since, I was in a deplorable state of ignorance as to the most felicitous style of Preface; at this lapse of time, I find myself not a whit the wiser. You...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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English Illustration 'The Sixties': 1855-70English Illustration 'The Sixties': 1855-70 - With Numerous Illustrations by Ford Madox Brown: A. Boyd Houghton: Arthur Hughes: Charles Keene: M. J. Lawless: Lord Leighton, P.R.A.: Sir J. E. Millais, P.R.A.: G. Du Maurier: J. W. North, R.A.: G. J. Pinwell: Dante Gabriel Rossetti:...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, July 1886The Pansy Magazine, July 1886Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup....
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, June 1886The Pansy Magazine, June 1886Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup....
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, May 1886The Pansy Magazine, May 1886Send $1, $2, $3, or $5 for retail box by Express of the best Candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refers to all Chicago. Try it once. Warranted absolutely...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, April 1886The Pansy Magazine, April 1886Send $1, $2, $3, or $5 for retail box by Express of the best Candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refers to all Chicago. Try it once. Warranted absolutely...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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LeonorenliederLeonorenliederBetrachtet man genau, was der deutschen Poesie fehlte, so war es ein Gehalt und zwar ein rationeller; an talenten war niemals Mangel. Hier gedenken wir nur Gnthers, der ein Poet im vollen Sinne des Worts genannt werden darf. Ein entschiedenes Talent, begabt mit Sinnlichkeit,...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Sallimus: Itämainen kertomusSallimus: Itämainen kertomus Hyvksymys. Zadigin tarinaa koskeva Sadin omistuskirjelm sulttaanitar Sheraalle. Zadig eli Sallimus. I. Silmpuoli. II. Nen. III. Koira ja hevonen. IV. Kateellinen. V. Jalomielinen. VI. Ministeri. VII. Kinastelut ja vastaantotot. VIII. Mustasukkaisuus. IX. Piesty nainen. X. Orjuus. XI. Rovio. XII. Illallinen. XIII....
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 02Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 02Nous plaons en tte de ce volume, qui fut le dbut littraire de Maupassant, les lettres que Mme de Maupassant, sa mre, adressait Gustave Flaubert au sujet de la vocation littraire du jeune Guy. Si quelque...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Wonderful "One-Hoss-Shay", and Other PoemsThe Wonderful "One-Hoss-Shay", and Other Poems You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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The Pansy Magazine, March 1886The Pansy Magazine, March 1886Send $1, $2, $3, or $5 for retail box by Express of the best Candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refers to all Chicago. Try it once. Warranted absolutely...
- €5,90 EUR
- €5,90 EUR
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