Old Is Gold
Palmetto-LeavesPalmetto-LeavesES, here he comes again! Look at him! Whose dog is he? We are sitting around the little deck-house of the Savannah steamer, in that languid state of endurance which befalls voyagers, when, though the sky is clear, and the heavens blue, and the...
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The Hill of VenusThe Hill of VenusEvening was falling on the Basilicata, the shadowy, hazy twilight of the fading midsummer day. The pale green leaves of the olive-branches hung limply from their boughs, but the great willows which drooped over the meandering tide of the Garigliano now...
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Caper-Sauce: A Volume of Chit-Chat about Men, Women, and ThingsCaper-Sauce: A Volume of Chit-Chat about Men, Women, and Things. Fanny Fern. New York, 1872. [Pg 7] PAGE Editors 9 My Notion of Music 16 "Budding Spring"In the City 20 A Peep at Boston 23 Blackwell's Island 29 Shall we have Male or Female...
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Ashton-Kirk, Secret AgentAshton-Kirk, Secret AgentThose who have read "Ashton-Kirk, Investigator" will recall references to several affairs in which the United States government found the investigator's unusual powers of inestimable service. In such matters, tremendous interests often stand dangerously balanced, and the most delicate touch is required...
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Down the River to the SeaDown the River to the SeaThe brilliant sunshine of a July day lighted up the great cataract and the rich verdure of the surrounding landscape, bringing out all the wonderful variety of hue in the surging mass of falling water, the snowy clouds that...
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Juggernaut: A Veiled RecordJuggernaut: A Veiled RecordYears after, in the swirl and tumult of his extraordinary career, the memory of that June morning, and of the mood in which he greeted it, would rush upon him as a flood, and for the moment drown the eager voices...
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Victorian Literature: Sixty Years of Books and BookmenVictorian Literature: Sixty Years of Books and BookmenAsked by a kindly publisher to add one more to the Jubilee volumes which commemorate the sixtieth year of the Queen's reign, I am pleased at the opportunity thus afforded me of gathering up a few impressions...
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Early Illustrated BooksEarly Illustrated Books - A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th CenturiesThis little book was written nearly a quarter of a century ago in the enthusiasm of a first acquaintance with a fascinating subject, and with an...
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La coucaratcha (III/III)La coucaratcha (III/III)J'ai bien tard vous rpondre, Sarah; mais ma sant est si mauvaise, je suis si faible, que, malgr tout mon dsir, aujourdhui seulement jai eu physiquement la force dcrire: car pour penser vous, je ne fais autre chose quand je ne lis...
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Leçons d'histoireLeçons d'histoire, - prononcées à l'École normale; en l'an III de la République Française; Histoire de Samuel, inventeur du sacre des rois; État physique de la Corse.AU moment o un gouvernement constitutionnel se propose de donner l'Europe du dix-neuvime sicle le spectacle d'un roi lgitime...
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The Adventures of Dick Trevanion: A Story of Eighteen Hundred and FourThe Adventures of Dick Trevanion: A Story of Eighteen Hundred and FourTitle: The Adventures of Dick Trevanion A Story of Eighteen Hundred and Four Author: Herbert Strang Release Date: June 01, 2013 [EBook #39800] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 The village of Polkerran...
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Das Lied vom blöden RitterDas Lied vom blöden Ritter Es war wohl ein Ritter trbselig und stumm, Mit hohlen schneeweien Wangen; Er schwankte und schlenderte schlotternd herum, In dumpfen Trumen befangen. Er war so hlzern und tppisch und links, Die Blmlein und Mgdlein die kicherten rings, Wenn er...
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His Majesty's Well-BelovedHis Majesty's Well-Beloved - An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John HoneywoodTitle: His Majesty's Well-Beloved An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John Honeywood Author: Baroness Orczy Release Date:...
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Beau Brocade: A RomanceBeau Brocade: A RomanceThe young ones neither sighed nor murmured. They looked at one another furtively, then glanced away again, as if afraid to read each other's thoughts, and in a shamefaced manner wiped their moist hands against their rough cord breeches. There were...
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Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 04Œuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 04Le gnie espagnol attirait Corneille avec une violence imprieuse dont il nous a lui-mme fait l'aveu dans l'ptre qu'il a place en tte du Menteur. J'ai cru, dit-il, que nonobstant la guerre des deux couronnes, il m'toit permis de...
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LéliaLéliaAprs Indiana et Valentine, jcrivis Llia, sans suite, sans plan, btons rompus, et avec lintention, dans le principe, de lcrire pour moi seule. Je navais aucun systme, je nappartenais aucune cole, je ne songeais presque pas au public; je ne me faisais pas encore...
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William Morris: Poet, Craftsman, SocialistWilliam Morris: Poet, Craftsman, Socialist The personal life of William Morris is already known to us through Mr. Mackails admirable biography as fully, probably, as we shall ever know it. My own endeavour has been to present a picture of Morriss busy career perhaps...
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Little MasterpiecesNathaniel HawthorneHawthorne made three collections of his short stories and sketches: "Twice-Told Tales," "Mosses from an Old Manse," and "The Snow Image and Other Tales." The prefaces to these volumes express, with characteristic charm, the author's dissatisfaction with his handiwork. No critic has pointed...
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Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (Vol. 2)Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (Vol. 2)Peculiar Air of Frenchwomen.Impossibility that an Englishwoman should not be known for such in Paris.Small Shops.Beautiful Flowers, and pretty arrangement of them.Native Grace.Disappearance of Rouge.Grey Hair.Every article dearer than in London.All temptations to smuggling removed.Page 1 Considering...
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The Mortal Gods, and Other PlaysThe Mortal Gods, and Other PlaysScene: A vast room in the palace of Hudibrand. As the curtain rises the place is in darkness save for a circlet of gold apparently suspended in mid-air near the centre of the room. As the light increases, the...
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