Old Is Gold
The Tatler, Volume 3The Tatler, Volume 3 Transcriber's Note: This text contains Greek text. If the Greek symbols do not display properly your browser may not have a compatible font. All Greek words will display a transliteration on mouse-over. Table of Contents not present in original and...
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Crestlands: A Centennial Story of Cane RidgeCrestlands: A Centennial Story of Cane Ridge The spirit of Indian Summer, enveloped in a delicate bluish haze, pervaded the Kentucky forest. Through the treetops sounded a sighing minor melody as now and then a leaf bade adieu to the companions of its summer...
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Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 01Œuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 01Les lettres l, d et s, en exposant aprs un chiffre romain signifient respectivement livre, denier et sol, (ex: CXLIX l VI s IXd). L'abrviation lt signifie livre tournois, (1 livre tournois = 20 sols tournois; 1 sol =...
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Vashti Or, Until Death Us Do PartVashti; Or, Until Death Us Do PartEvery man has his own style, as he has his own nose; and it is neither polite nor Christian to rally an honest man about his nose, however singular it may be. How can I help it that...
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Works of Martin Luther, with Introductions and Notes (Volume I)Works of Martin Luther, with Introductions and Notes (Volume I)PHILADELPHIA A. J. HOLMAN COMPANY 1915 Copyright, 1915, by A. J. HOLMAN COMPANY CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TRANSLATOR'S NOTE LUTHER'S PREFACES (C. M. Jacobs) DISPUTATION ON INDULGENCES (1517) Introduction (C. H. Jacobs) Translation (C. M, Jacobs) TREATISE...
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A Pata no ChocoA Pata no ChocoDuas Comadres muito amigas, Maria Pires e Tereza Fernandes, que por nome na perca, topando-se hum dia no solheiro, travara ateada palestra cerca de huma Pata no chco; assumpto este que, parecendo esteril de sua natureza, ellas soubera enriquecllo com toda...
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Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 5 November 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 5 November 1848It was a glad day in Venice. The eve of the feast of the Purification had arrived, and all those maidens of the Republic, whose names had been written in the "Book of Gold," were assembled with...
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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 18The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 18The following chapters are selected from a series which was first published partially in Black and White (February to December 1891), and fully in the New York Sun during the same period. The voyages...
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Lectures on Russian Literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, TolstoyLectures on Russian Literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, TolstoyThe translations given in this volume, with the exception of the storm-scene from Tolstoy in the First Lecture, are my own. The reader will please bear in mind that these Lectures, printed here exactly as delivered, were...
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Pan TadeuszPan Tadeusz - Czyli Ostatni Zajazd na Litwie. Historja Szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812 we Dwunastu Księgach WierszemPowrot panicza Spotkanie si pirwsze w pokoiku, drugie u stou Wana Sdziego nauka o grzecznoci Podkomorzego uwagi polityczne nad modami Pocztek sporu o Kusego i Sokoa...
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O Sprawie Glodowej W Galicyi 1866O Sprawie Glodowej W Galicyi 1866 - Luzne UwagiQui pourrait jurer, sans se tromper lui mme et sans tromper les autres, qu'il est en mesure de rsoudre aujourd'hui les ardues et multiples questions de la Subsistance? ni vous, ni moi, ni l'administration, ni personne....
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Obras Completas de Luis de Camões, Tomo IIObras Completas de Luis de Camões, Tomo IIMantivemos a grafia usada na edio impressa, tendo sido corrigidos alguns pequenos erros tipogrficos evidentes, que no alteram a leitura do texto, e que por isso no considermos necessrio assinal-los. Mantivemos inclusivamente as eventuais incoerncias de grafia...
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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 08The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 08No one but myself knows what I have suffered, nor what my books have gained, by your unsleeping watchfulness and admirable pertinacity. And now here is a volume that goes into the world and...
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TormentoTormentoSi te cojo, chiquillo... (Detenindose amenazador.) te ensear a hablar con las personas mayores. (Observa atento al embozado segundo.) Pero yo conozco esa cara. Con cien mil de a caballo!... No eres t...? Entran en el caf de Lepanto, triste, pobre y desmantelado establecimiento...
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La de BringasLa de BringasEra aquello... cmo lo dir yo?... un gallardo artificio sepulcral de atrevidsima arquitectura, grandioso de traza, en ornamentos rico, por una parte severo y rectilneo a la manera violesca, por otra movido, ondulante y quebradizo a la usanza gtica, con ciertos atisbos...
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The May Flower, and Miscellaneous WritingsThe May Flower, and Miscellaneous WritingsMr. G. B. Emerson, in his late report to the legislature of Massachusetts on the trees and shrubs of that state, thus describes The May Flower. "Often from beneath the edge of a snow bank are seen rising the...
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Die sechs Mündungen: NovellenDie sechs Mündungen: Novellen Diese Novellen, die die sechs Mndungen heien, weil sie von verschiedenen Seiten einstrmen in den unendlichen Dreiklang unsrer endlichsten Sensationen: des Verzichts der tiefen Trauer und des grenzenlosen Todes sind geschrieben zur einen Hlfte im Herbst Neunzehnhundertdreizehn und im folgenden...
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 26, July 1880Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 26, July 1880.A Child's Autobiography, 770; A Legion of Devils, 257; A Little Ireland in America, 767; A Natural Barometer, 517; An Unfinished Page of History, 764; A Plot for an Historical Novel, 385; A Sermon...
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Über allgemeine Landesbewaffnung, insbesondere in Beziehung auf WürttembergÜber allgemeine Landesbewaffnung, insbesondere in Beziehung auf Württemberg Dieser Aufsatz wurde bereits vor mehreren Jahren geschrieben. Die Cottasche Vierteljahrschrift wollte ihn nur mit mehreren Vernderungen aufnehmen. So blieb er bis zum Herbste 1847 liegen, wo er in der vorliegenden Form mehreren hochstehenden Personen vorgelegt...
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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 22The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 22 - Juvenilia and Other Papers Juvenilia and Other Papers; The Pentland Rising; Sketches; College Papers; Notes and Essays Chiefly of the Road; Criticisms; An Appeal to the Clergy of the Church Of Scotland;...
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