Old Is Gold
The Education of Eric LaneThe Education of Eric LaneEric Lane, visible only from ear to chin above the water-line, peered through the steam of the bathroom at a travelling-clock on his dressing-table. The bath would have been improved by another half handful of verbena salts; but, even lacking...
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Como e porque sou romancistaComo e porque sou romancistaTodavia, sendo essa publicao muito morosa e difficil, entendi no dever por mais tempo conservar occultos aos leitores certos trabalhos, que naturalmente satisfazem a curiosidade publica. Assim, antecipo hoje o apparecimento desta autobiographia litteraria, em que sob a frma de...
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BabyBaby ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 29037 Author: Rovetta, Gerolamo Release Date: Jun 4, 2009 Format: eBook Language: Italian
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Sir William Herschel: His Life and WorksSir William Herschel: His Life and WorksIn the following account of the life and works of Sir William Herschel, I have been obliged to depend strictly upon data already in printthe Memoir of his sister, his own scientific writings and the memoirs and diaries...
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Die Dichtungen von Georg TraklDie Dichtungen von Georg Trakl - Erste GesamtausgabeHerbst: schwarzes Schreiten am Waldsaum; Minute stummer Zerstrung; auflauscht die Stirne des Ausstzigen unter dem kahlen Baum. Langvergangener Abend, der nun ber die Stufen von Moos sinkt; November. Eine Glocke lutet und der Hirt fhrt eine Herde...
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Daisy's AuntDaisy's AuntDaisy Hanbury poked her parasol between the bars of the cage, with the amiable intention of scratching the tiger's back. The tiger could not be expected to know this all by himself, and so he savagely bit the end of it off, with...
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CadioCadioJe n'ai pas voulu faire l'histoire de la Vende; elle est faite autant que possible, et ce n'est gure, car il y a toujours une partie de l'histoire qui chappe aux plus consciencieuses investigations. Les guerres civiles, comme les grandes pidmies, touffent sous leurs...
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The Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of ScotlandThe Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland [Transcriber's Note: This 17th-century book was printed in the typographical conventions and spelling of that time; for instance, the printed book used the long f-shaped glyph for the letter s, it included old...
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Jedermann: Das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen MannesJedermann: Das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen MannesDer Text wurde originalgetreu bertragen. Lediglich einige offensichtliche Fehler wurden korrigiert. Smtliche vorgenommenen nderungen sind markiert, der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Zustzlich befindet sich am Ende des Textes eine Liste aller nderungen. Alle Rechte...
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Ferien vom IchFerien vom Ich Alle Rechte, insbesondere das der bersetzung, der Verfilmung, der Dramatisierung, des Nachdrucks und der Wiedergabe durch den Rundfunk, vorbehalten Der alte Johannisbrunnen rauscht wieder vor meinem Fenster. Hoch ragt das Bild des Tufers; aus der ehernen Schale, die seine erhobene Hand...
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O Conde de S. LuizO Conde de S. LuizNota de transcrio: O uso do hfen nesta obra bastante inconsistente; o mesmo se passa com a ortografia. Assim, ocorrem por exemplo "entregara" e "entregra"; "ante-mo" e "antemo"; "dirigindo se" e "dirigindo-se". A grafia no foi harmonizada, por no ser...
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Mater dolorosaMater dolorosaMentre il conte e la contessa Della Valle partivano per Parigi, o almeno cos si doveva credere a Borghignano, una delle citt pi importanti del Veneto, il duca e la duchessa d'Eleda avevano sciolte le vele alla volta di Palermo. A trentacinque anni,...
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Il Re prega: RomanzoIl Re prega: RomanzoMemorie di Giuda L. 5 Le notti degli Emigrati a Londra 3 Il Concilio 1 Il borgo, addossato alla montagna, ha due piani: Lauria inferiore, nera, immonda, dalle strette viuzze, dai casolari screpolati, si accoccola nella valle. Lauria superiore, pi moderna,...
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Penelope's ProgressPenelope's Progress - Being Such Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton As Relate to Her Experiences in Scotland An upper case letter A with breve is represented by [)A] and a lower case letter a with breve is represented by [)a] in...
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Frank Mildmay, De zeeofficierFrank Mildmay, De zeeofficierKapitein Marryat heeft zich, als zeeofficier en als schrijver, een uitstekenden naam weten te verwerven. Hij werd den 10en Juli 1792 te Westminster geboren. Van zijn kinderjaren valt weinig mede te deelen; met sterke hartstochten en een vroegtijdig ontwikkelden geest was...
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Novelle e riviste drammaticheNovelle e riviste drammaticheL'alfier nero 3 Iberia 25 Il trapezio 47 Quante volte mi venne spontanea al pensiero questa variante della famosa strofetta metastasiana mentre attraverso biografie, bibliografie, giornali, riviste, libri vecchi e nuovi cercavo e non trovavo le traccie delle novelle che mi...
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Don Quixote, Volume 1Don Quixote, Volume 1 ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 28842 Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Release Date: May 1, 2009 Format: eBook Language: English Contributors Translator: Ormsby, John, 1829-1895
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Letters to his wife Mary BorrowLetters to his wife Mary BorrowI arrived this day at Venice, and though I am exceedingly tired I hasten to write a line to inform you of my well-being. I am now making for home as fast as possible, and I have now nothing...
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A Son of the Middle BorderA Son of the Middle BorderIn the spring of 1898, after finishing my LIFE OF ULYSSES S. GRANT, I began to plan to go into the Klondike over the Telegraph Trail. One day in showing the maps of my route to William Dean Howells,...
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Il processo BartelloniIl processo Bartelloni DEL MEDESIMO AUTORE (edizioni Treves). La Principessa. 3.^a edizione. L. 1 La vita capricciosa. 3.^a edizione. 1 L'assassinio nel vicolo della Lima. 4.^a edizione. 1 I ladri di cadaveri (esaurito). La figlia dell'aria. 4.^a edizione. 1 Apparenze. Due volumi. 2.^a edizione....
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