Old Is Gold
Agulha em PalheiroAgulha em Palheiro - Quinta edição[A] Nesta 5 edio desta obra detectmos uma falta de texto muito significativa. Parece ter sido removida por descuido do editor, e por isso resolvemos adicionar no local prprio o segmento em falta. Usmos para o efeito o texto...
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Naapurit: Alkuperäinen kertomusNaapurit: Alkuperäinen kertomusPiv nousi, kullaten kukkulat ja harjut Tyyneveden luonnonihanassa pitjss. Oli yksi noita kauniita heinkuun aamuja, jolloin oikea maamies ei malta tuvassa torkuskella. Hn kiiruhtaa tiluksilleen, katselee kasvujen kukoistusta ilomielin ja kiitoksella kaiken hyvn antajalle ja lhtee tyhns, kiihotettuna uuteen ahkeruuteen. Vasta kun...
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The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and RobinsonThe Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson - By One of the FirmIt will be observed by the literary and commercial world that, in this transaction, the name of the really responsible party does not show on the title-page. IGeorge Robinsonam that party. When...
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A Sailor of King GeorgeA Sailor of King George In a memorial presented in 1835 to the Lords of the Admiralty, the author of the journals which form this volume details his various services. He joined the Navy in October, 1793, his first ship being H.M.S. Blonde. He...
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Change in the VillageChange in the VillageIf one were to be very strict, I suppose it would be wrong to give the name of "village" to the parish dealt with in these chapters, because your true village should have a sort of corporate history of its own,...
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Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National PolicyA Table of Contents has been created for the HTML version. Printer errors have been changed, and they are indicated with a mouse-hover and listed at the end of this...
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The Critics Versus ShakspereThe Critics Versus Shakspere - A Brief for the DefendantMany years ago, I was retained in the great case of The Critics against Shakspere, the most celebrated on the calendar of history during three centuries. Unlike other cases, it has been repeatedly decided, and...
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Der Hahn von Quakenbrück und andere NovellenDer Hahn von Quakenbrück und andere Novellen[9] Im folgenden wird gemeldet, was die Chroniken ber den staatswichtigen Proze wegen des eierlegenden Hahnes berliefert haben, durch welchen eine freie Reichsstadt Quakenbrck im Jahre 1650 ngstlich erschttert wurde und leicht zu gnzlicher Auflsung gebracht worden wre....
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Les Contemporains, 5ème SérieLes Contemporains, 5ème Série - Études et Portraits Littéraires,Guy de Maupassant Andr Theuriet Marcel Prvost Paul Margueritte Gilbert Augustin-Thierry douard Rod Stphane Mallarm Stanley Guillaume II Dom Pedro Renan Billets du matin Je vous jure que ce n'est pas pour le vain plaisir de...
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A Filha do ArcediagoA Filha do Arcediago - Terceira EdiçãoSe sois como eu, em cousas de romances (que no resto, Deus vos livre, a vs, ou Deus me livre a mim) gostareis de povoar a imaginao de scenas, que se viram, que se realisaram, e deixaram de...
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OlocaustoOlocaustoAveva mangiato copiosamente, solo ad un tavolino dell'ampia sala bislunga, nella quale gli avventori rumoreggiavano, e i camerieri in giacchetta nera e cravatta bianca mutavano correndo i piatti sporchi coi piatti pieni, fra l'incrociarsi degli ordini e il voco saliente delle conversazioni. Parecchie donne...
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 06 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 06 (de 12) Subsidios para a historia da serenissima casa de Bragana --Os sales, pelo exc.mo snr. visconde d'Ouguella --Manoelinho d'Evora --A morte de D. Joo --Poetas e prosadores brasileiros --cerca de Joaquim 2....
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My Sword's My Fortune: A Story of Old FranceMy Sword's My Fortune: A Story of Old France [Transcriber's note: Gaps in the source book's page numbering indicate that four illustrations were missing. Physical damage seems to indicate that the frontispiece may also have been missing. Since there was no list of illustrations...
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Les CorneillesLes Corneilles une soire de l'Amricain O'Sullivan, boulevard Malesherbes, un officier du gnie se tenait solitaire. Il tait grave et trs beau. Sur le sobre uniforme, sa tte blonde, hle peine, se dtachait avec majest. Il avait de grands yeux celtes, mles et candides,...
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La BecquéeLa BecquéeAprs avoir vu clairement que le travail des livres et la recherche de l'expression nous conduit tous au paradoxe, j'ai rsolu de ne sacrifier jamais qu' la conviction et la vrit, afin que cet lment de sincrit complte et profonde domint dans mes...
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The Talking Horse, and Other TalesThe Talking Horse, and Other TalesThese stories originally appeared in 'Macmillan's,' 'Longman's,' 'Atalanta,' 'The Cornhill,' 'The Graphic,' 'Aunt Judy's,' 'The Reflector,' and Unwin's 'Christmas Annual,' respectively. F. A. [Pg 1] It was on the way to Sandown Park that I met him first, on...
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Mémoires d'un cambrioleur retiré des affairesMémoires d'un cambrioleur retiré des affairesIl a t tir de cet ouvrage 12 exemplaires sur Papier du Japon numrots la presse de 1 12 30 exemplaires sur papier verg pur fil des Papeteries Lafuma numrots la presse de 1 30 Pour moi, je crois...
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L'illustre corsaire: tragicomedieL'illustre corsaire: tragicomedieIl est constant que je vous ay des obligations infinies, & constant aussi que vostre Merite est infiniment au dessus de tous les Eloges que luy pourroit donner une plume comme la mienne; l'une & l'autre de ces veritez connus, vous doit...
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The Praise of a Godly WomanThe Praise of a Godly WomanTranscriber's notes: Original spelling and puctuation were retained, including u/v and i/j substitution. Footnotes have been placed between paragraphs to make the html version easier to work with. Some of the Latin note text was illegible, many thanks to...
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume IVThe Works of Aphra Behn, Volume IVThis text uses utf-8 (unicode) file encoding. If the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, make sure your browsers character set or file encoding is set to Unicode (UTF-8). You may also need to...
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