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The Lord's Coming. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IIThe Lord's Coming. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. IIFIRST EDITION 1898 TENTH PRINTING 1960 LOIZEAUX BROTHERS, Inc., PUBLISHERS A Nonprofit Organization, Devoted to the Lord's Work and to the Spread of His Truth 19 West 21st Street, New York 10, N. Y....
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The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, June 1835The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, June 1835 Mr. Isaac Wyke, surgeon, late of Abergavenny, was born at Leominster, July 25th, 1770. His parents were pious members of the Baptist Church in that town, then under the pastoral care of the late Rev. Joshua Thomas....
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Elijah the Tishbite. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. VElijah the Tishbite. Miscellaneous Writings of C. H. Mackintosh, vol. VFIRST EDITION 1898 TENTH PRINTING 1960 LOIZEAUX BROTHERS, Inc., PUBLISHERS A Nonprofit Organization, Devoted to the Lord's Work and to the Spread of His Truth 19 West 21st Street, New York 10, N. Y....
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The Missing Link in Modern SpiritualismThe Missing Link in Modern SpiritualismIt is not that the history of Spiritual Manifestations in this century and country has not again and again been written, nor that a library of the splendid literature of Spiritualismnarrative, philosophical, and religiousdoes not already exist, that I...
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The Meaning of FaithThe Meaning of FaithA book on faith has been for years my hope and intention. And now it comes to final form during the most terrific war men ever waged, when faith is sorely tried and deeply needed. Direct discussion of the war has...
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Expositor's Bible: The Book of JobExpositor's Bible: The Book of JobThe Book of Job is the first great poem of the soul in its mundane conflict, facing the inexorable of sorrow, change, pain, and death, and feeling within itself at one and the same time weakness and energy, the...
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Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and OldHurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old - A Complete Life of Christ Written in Simple Language, Based on the Gospel NarrativeIn order that this book may not lead its younger readers or listeners away from the Bible, but directly toward it, no...
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The Real Jesus of the Four GospelsThe Real Jesus of the Four GospelsThe first part of this work is a collation of all that is said, and just what is said, in each of the four Gospels, regarding the more important incidents of Jesus' life. Every statement in the text,...
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The Spirit of God as Fire the Globe Within the Sun Our HeavenThe Spirit of God as Fire; the Globe Within the Sun Our HeavenIn presenting this volume to the "intelligence of the world," the author is fully aware of the incredulity with which it may meet in many literary minds. Nevertheless, the truths which it...
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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 4Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 4The Republic is the longest of all the Platonic dialogues, except the dialogue De Legibus. It consists of ten books, each of them as long as any one of the dialogues which we have...
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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 3Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 3 I put together these two dialogues, as distinguished by a marked peculiarity. They are the two erotic dialogues of Plato. They have one great and interesting subject common to both: though in the...
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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2This dialogue is carried on between Sokrates and Alkibiades. It introduces Alkibiades as about twenty years of age, having just passed through the period of youth, and about to enter on the privileges and...
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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1The present work is intended as a sequel and supplement to my History of Greece. It describes a portion of Hellenic philosophy: it dwells upon eminent individuals, enquiring, theorising, reasoning, confuting, &c., as contrasted...
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A Sermon, Delivered Before His Excellency Edward Everett, Governor, His Honor George Hull, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the Anniversary Election, January 2, 1839A Sermon, Delivered Before His Excellency Edward Everett, Governor, His Honor George Hull, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the Anniversary Election, January 2, 1839 Ordered, That Messrs. Filley, Quincy, and Kimball, be a Committee to present the thanks...
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Les Usages du Siècle : lettres, conseils pratiques, le Savoir-vivreLes Usages du Siècle : lettres, conseils pratiques, le Savoir-vivreNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. La Parisienne...
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Studies of Christianity Or, Timely Thoughts for Religious ThinkersStudies of Christianity; Or, Timely Thoughts for Religious ThinkersThe American Unitarian Association in 1835 reprinted from the English edition, among their Tracts, a Sermon on "The Existing State of Theology as an Intellectual Pursuit and of Religion, as a Moral Influence." Its rare merits...
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The Freedom of ScienceThe Freedom of ScienceThe present work has already secured many friends in German Europe. An invitation has now been extended for its reception among the English-speaking countries, with the object that there, too, it may seek readers and friends, and communicate to them its...
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Et forfærdeligt Hus-KorsEt forfærdeligt Hus-Kors - Eller en sandfærdig Beretning om en gruelig Fristelse, som tvende fromme Ægte-Folk i Kiøge for nogen rum Tid siden har været plagede medbenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bog, men den oprindelige stavning og tegnstning er i vrigt bevaret. Originalen...
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The Letters of William James, Vol. 1The Letters of William James, Vol. 1AncestryHenry James, SeniorYouthEducationCertain Personal Traits THE ancestors of William James, with the possible exception of one pair of great-great-grandparents, all came to America from Scotland or Ireland during the eighteenth century, and settled in the eastern part of...
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The Syrian ChristThe Syrian Christ This little volume is sent forth in the confident hope that it may throw fresh light on the life and teachings of Christ, and facilitate for the general public the understanding of the Bible. As may be readily seen, from its...
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