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A Sketch of Charles T. Walker, D.D., Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Augusta, GaA Sketch of Charles T. Walker, D.D., Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Augusta, Ga.Charles Thomas Walker was born on the 11th day of January, 1858, at Hephzibah, Ga. Hephzibah is in Richmond county about 14 miles south-west of Augusta. He is the youngest of...
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Translations of Christian literature. Series I. Greek textsPhilosophumena; or, The refutation of all heresies, Volume IThe story of the discovery of the book here translated so resembles a romance as to appear like a flower in the dry and dusty field of patristic lore. A short treatise called Philosophumena, or Philosophizings,...
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Puritan discipline tractsAn Almond for a Parrot: Being a reply to Martin Mar-Prelate.Although I cannot at this time bring together positive and undoubted evidence of the authorship of the following tract, (because the materials are at present inaccessible to me,) at some future period, in the...
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Los ApóstolesLos ApóstolesEl primer libro de nuestra Historia de los orgenes del cristianismo, refiere los acontecimientos hasta la muerte y enterramiento de Jess, y es preciso ahora reanudar el hilo de la narracion desde el punto en que la dejamos, es decir, desde el sbado...
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Multum in Parvo Library, Vol. I, No. 10, October, 1894Guide to Fortune-Telling by DreamsThe following are a few of the most certain signs, and can almost invariably be relied upon. For dreams not mentioned here, a pleasant dream almost invariably indicates good health, successful ventures and general prosperity, while evil dreams are forebodings...
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Ecclesiastical History of England, Volume 3—The Church of the Restoration [part 1]Ecclesiastical History of England, Volume 3—The Church of the Restoration [part 1]The knell of the Puritan Commonwealth was rung when Oliver Cromwell died. The causes of its dissolution may easily be discovered. Some of them had been in operation for a long time, and...
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Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical EssaysChance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical EssaysMany and diverse are the minds that form the philosophic community. There are, first and foremost, the great masters, the system builders who rear their stately palaces towering to the moon. These architectonic minds are served by a varied...
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God Hath SpokenGod Hath SpokenEach author has his own individual literary style and critics of literature can identify the work of an author by the construction and diction of his writing. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible and he has a literary style...
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A Class-Book of New Testament HistoryA Class-Book of New Testament History This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged unless indicated with a...
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Vida de JesúsVida de JesúsTe acuerdas, desde el seno de Dios, donde reposas, de aquellos largos dias de Ghazir en que, solo contigo, escribia yo estas pginas, inspiradas por los lugares que acabbamos de recorrer? Silenciosa mi lado, t releias cada pgina y la copiabas apnas...
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The Power of Sexual SurrenderThe Power of Sexual SurrenderI believe that the problem of sexual frigidity in women is one of the gravest problems of our times. Over 40 per cent of married women suffer from it in one or another of its degrees or forms. And their...
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Power Through PrayerPower Through PrayerThis little book was given me by a friend. I glanced through it and laid it aside, thinking that I would read it at some convenient time, though I had never heard of the author. But it was forgotten till Christmas, when...
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The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, 1867The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, 1867In concluding the first volume of this Journal, the editor wishes to say a few things regarding its contents, even at the risk of repeating, in some cases, what has already been said. He hopes...
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De Chineesche Filosofie, Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen, 2. Lao Tsz'De Chineesche Filosofie, Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen, 2. Lao Tsz'Vr mijne vertaling van de Tao Teh King te lezen, is het eerst nog noodig, eenige nadere bizonderheden omtrent dit werk te weten, en zich een denkbeeld te vormen van wat vertalingen uit het chineesch over...
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Life of Charles T. Walker, D.DLife of Charles T. Walker, D.D. - ("The Black Spurgeon") Pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York CityFor the combination of shrewd common sense, fine executive ability, ready speech, genial acceptance of conditions, optimistic faith in the future of his race and self-sacrificing zeal...
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Phrenology ExaminedPhrenology ExaminedHaving been a witness to the progress of phrenology, I was led to the composition of the following treatise. Each succeeding age has a philosophy of its own. The seventeenth century recovered from the philosophy of Descartes; the eighteenth recovered from that of...
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Practical Phrenology SimplifiedPractical Phrenology SimplifiedThe present volume is designed to exhibit the subject of Practical Phrenology in as clear and as perspicuous a light as its nature will admit. To this purpose the author has aimed to divest it of all extraneous matter, and at the...
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El Hombre Mediocre: Ensayo de psicologia y moralEl Hombre Mediocre: Ensayo de psicologia y moralEl criterio utilizado para crear la presente versin electrnica ha sido el de respetar las reglas de la Real Academia Espaola vigentes cuando se public la edicin de la obra utilizada para esta tarea. El lector interesado...
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Les pornographes sacrés: La confession et les confesseursLes pornographes sacrés: La confession et les confesseurs - Appendice: Pieuses exhortations, par Monseigneur Claret; Mœchialogie, par le R. P. Debreyne; Compendium; et les Diaconales, par Monseigneur BouvierIl y a aujourdhui huit mois, un Congrs se runissait Paris. Ctait le Congrs des socits de...
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What Is Art?What Is Art?This book of mine, What is Art? appears now for the first time in its true form. More than one edition has already been issued in Russia, but in each case it has been so mutilated by the Censor, that I request...
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