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The Testimony of the RocksThe Testimony of the Rocks - or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and RevealedThe punctuation and spelling from the original text have been faithfully preserved. Only obvious typographical errors have been corrected. The front matter advertisements have been moved to...
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Jenseits des LustprinzipsJenseits des LustprinzipsIn der psychoanalytischen Theorie nehmen wir unbedenklich an, da der Ablauf der seelischen Vorgnge automatisch durch das Lustprinzip reguliert wird, das heit, wir glauben, da er jedesmal durch eine unlustvolle Spannung angeregt wird und dann eine solche Richtung einschlgt, da sein Endergebnis...
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The Gospel Day Or, the Light of ChristianityThe Gospel Day; Or, the Light of Christianity In Jesus' name we are here to unveil before the reader the picture of a beautiful virgin, whom we shall call Christianity. Never was there a character seen upon the earth half so beautiful as she....
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A Solemn Caution Against the Ten Horns of CalvinismA Solemn Caution Against the Ten Horns of CalvinismTHE author of the following strictures hopes your candour will pardon his addressing you in this public manner. Who he is, or what he is, signifies very little; only he begs leave to intimate, that he...
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The Higher Powers of Mind and SpiritThe Higher Powers of Mind and SpiritWe are all dwellers in two kingdoms, the inner kingdom, the kingdom of the mind and spirit, and the outer kingdom, that of the body and the physical universe about us. In the former, the kingdom of the...
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On the Future of our Educational InstitutionsOn the Future of our Educational InstitutionsThe reader from whom I expect something must possess three qualities: he must be calm and must read without haste; he must not be ever interposing his own personality and his own special "culture"; and he must not...
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The Pulpit Of The Reformation, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4The Pulpit Of The Reformation, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The security of all flesh is wonderous great, for there is a fearful sleep fallen both upon the good and the evil. The foolish virgins are sound asleep, and the wise are asleep...
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The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and ElectionThe Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and ElectionWere a number of shipwrecked mariners cast upon an island, one of their first inquiries would be, Is it inhabited? Having observed footmarks upon the sand, and other tokens of mans presence, another question would be, What is...
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The Story of John G. Paton Or, Thirty Years Among South Sea CannibalsThe Story of John G. Paton; Or, Thirty Years Among South Sea CannibalsEVER since the story of my brother's life first appeared (January 1889) it has been constantly pressed upon me that a YOUNG FOLKS' EDITION would be highly prized. The Autobiography has therefore...
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Commentary on Genesis, Vol. 2: Luther on Sin and the FloodCommentary on Genesis, Vol. 2: Luther on Sin and the FloodThe first volumes of the "American Luther" we selected for publication were his best commentaries, then eight volumes of his Gospel and Epistle sermons and one volume of his best catechetical writings. These rich...
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A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and InductiveA System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive 1. There is as great diversity among authors in the modes which they have adopted of defining logic, as in their treatment of the details of it. This is what might naturally be expected on any subject...
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Les Ruines, ou méditation sur les révolutions des empiresLes Ruines, ou méditation sur les révolutions des empiresIl me semble au contraire que la biographie des crivains doit tre l'histoire raisonne de leurs diverses sensations et de la contradiction de leur conduite avec leurs principes avous. Si l'on excepte les loges des savants...
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A Theodicy, or, Vindication of the Divine GloryA Theodicy, or, Vindication of the Divine Glory How, under the government of an infinitely perfect Being, evil could have proceeded from a creature of his own, has ever been regarded as the great difficulty pertaining to the intellectual system of the universe. It...
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AmoAmoWohl mglich, da eine abwartende Haltung nicht mehr in die heutige Gesellschaft pat und da derjenige, der das, was er liebt, laut verkndigt, mehr Aussicht hat, die wie er im Lebenskampf Stehenden mit sich fortzureien, als der, welcher seinen Glauben bekennt; und da der...
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Gold Dust: A Collection of Golden Counsels for the Sanctification of Daily LifeGold Dust: A Collection of Golden Counsels for the Sanctification of Daily LifeIn the south of France, during the summer, little children and old and infirm poor who are incapable of hard work, in order to earn a livelihood, employ themselves in searching the...
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Hymns of the Greek ChurchHymns of the Greek Church - Translated with Introduction and NotesI. Thirty-eight years ago, Dr. John Mason Neale published his Hymns of the Eastern Church, and for the first time English readers were introduced to the priceless gems of Greek hymnody. At the close...
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ConversationConversation - What to Say and How to Say it"The best book that was ever written upon good breeding," said Dr. Johnson to Boswell, "the best book, I tell you, Il Cortegiano by Castiglione, grew up at the little court of Urbino, and you...
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Introduction to the History of ReligionsIntroduction to the History of Religions - Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV1. It appears probable that primitive men endowed with their own qualities every seemingly active object in the world. Experience forced them to take note of the relations of all...
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A History of Mediaeval Jewish PhilosophyA History of Mediaeval Jewish PhilosophyThe philosophical movement in medival Jewry was the result of[xiii] the desire and the necessity, felt by the leaders of Jewish thought, of reconciling two apparently independent sources of truth. In the middle ages, among Jews as well as...
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On the SoulΠερί ΨυχήςThe edition has deficiencies in the numbering of paragraphs,etc. So that there is no concern that I have omitted paragraphs, while transcribing the book, I have added the missed paragraph numbers, or other errors within / /. I have used the same notation...
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