Explore our collection of philosophy books at our online bookstore, featuring the best books on philosophy, philosophical novels, and famous works on stoicism and political philosophy. Discover must-read and best-selling titles that offer deep insights into the world of philosophy.
The Experience of FreedomThis is the most systematic, the most radical, and the most lucid treatise on freedom that has been written in contemporary Continental philosophy. Finding its guiding motives in Kant's second Critique and working its way up to and beyond Heidegger and Adorno, this book...
- €59,51 EUR
- €59,51 EUR
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The City in the DistanceNancy's book offers nothing less than a philosophy of the city. Drawing on his widely discussed accounts of sense and of the fraught question of community, Nancy views the city as the site of a disposition that is constantly undergoing metamorphoses.Author: Jean-Luc NancyPublisher: Fordham...
- €53,12 EUR
- €53,12 EUR
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The Church in Dark Times: Understanding and Resisting the Evil That Seduced the Evangelical MovementWe expect evil to appear in obvious forms: malice, cruelty, and contempt. We also expect to find villains at the helm of evil movements and organizations, leaders with dark impulses and motivations. But all too often, malevolence is more subtle, hiding behind our own...
- €26,83 EUR
- €26,83 EUR
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The BookThe title is based on the concept of commonality. The Book represents the common everyday life of an individual and society. The intent is for people to not become complacent but to take an active interest in their immediate and greater society.Author: G. MendozaPublisher:...
- €16,03 EUR
- €16,03 EUR
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The All: Manifesting Reality"We exist as biological humans believing that in order for something to be real we must be able to experience it with our senses. But that expereince is a manifestation of our mind-sensory organ connection. Our entire reality is based on thoughts we manifest...
- €59,29 EUR
- €59,29 EUR
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The Adam and Eve Story: Secrets RevisitedThe Adam and Eve Story: Secrets RevisitedAuthor: Demetri WelshIn "The Adam and Eve Story: Secrets Revisited," Demetri Welsh offers an expansive and thoroughly researched modern rewrite of Chan Thomas's controversial book. This volume delves into the mysteries of cataclysmic events that have shaped human...
- €67,10 EUR
- €67,10 EUR
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Stuff, Quality, Structure: The Whole GoStuff, Quality, Structure makes a case for identity metaphysics. It defends categorial monism, the view that there's only one fundamental metaphysical category, which Strawson calls 'stuff'. It argues for the ultimate metaphysical identity of things that other views hold to be irreducibly distinct. It...
- €106,26 EUR
- €106,26 EUR
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Story of a Communist: A MemoirThe philosopher Antonio Negri was one of the preeminent thinkers of our time: his writings on class, socialism, and empire have had an enormous influence on contemporary political theory. His political activism and outspoken advocacy for the downtrodden also placed him at the centre...
- €89,48 EUR
- €89,48 EUR
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Star-Crossed PlanetSome books aren't what they seem at first, but this one is more devious than most in following up, in personal, episodic terms, what Mythic Worlds and Scanning and Sizing the Universe find true of natural history's powers and incredible extent.Author: Harold ToliverPublisher: Bookside...
- €28,61 EUR
- €28,61 EUR
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Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: (Cw 199)COLOR- AND IMAGE-SATURATED THINKINGSince the end of the nineteenth century the spiritual evolution of humanity has led toward a more mobile living thinking in which the abstract and fixed relation of consciousness to language is dissolved. Language becomes more gesture-like in character as consciousness...
- €61,25 EUR
- €61,25 EUR
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Social Justice and the Christian ChurchAn illuminating book that throws down the gauntlet to those who would capture evangelical Christianity for leftist causes. A free market champion, Nash insists that socialism caricatures capitalism and disadvantages more than it helps the needy. -- Carl F. H. Henry An excellent presentation...
- €28,53 EUR
- €28,53 EUR
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Process and EventWe have to improve our thinking. We must think in terms of motion and change, and we must abandon all childish dreams of a reality more real than the real one. If, for example, we play with the idea that the Process called History...
- €53,66 EUR
- €53,66 EUR
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Prioritizing Global ResponsibilitiesStates face multiple ongoing and emerging challenges, from climate change to global disease, mass atrocities to forced displacement, humanitarian crises to entrenched global poverty, and are constrained by material and political limits to the amount of resources that they can devote to these issues....
- €212,51 EUR
- €212,51 EUR
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Playing the Hand We Are Dealt: The Counterpoint of Fate and Freewill in Literature and LifeThe relationship between literature and life can be construed as a counterpoint of fate and freewill. Rather than equating fate to the 'hand we are dealt' which is reducible to the social or familial environments into which we are born, this book explores the...
- €308,13 EUR
- €308,13 EUR
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Philosophy for an Ending WorldTim Mulgan introduces a new thought experiment: the world will end in two hundred years, and humanity faces imminent and unavoidable (but not immediate) extinction. This book presents imaginary philosophical debates and lectures within this slowly ending world. The Ending World is both a...
- €223,13 EUR
- €223,13 EUR
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Philosophy as a Way of Life: History, Dimensions, DirectionsIn this first ever introduction to philosophy as a way of life in the Western tradition, Matthew Sharpe and Michael Ure take us through the history of the idea from Socrates and Plato, via the medievals, Renaissance and Enlightenment thinkers, to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche,...
- €74,27 EUR
- €74,27 EUR
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Personalist Anthropology: A philosophical guide to lifePhilosophical personalism has generated a very powerful field of study in the twentieth and twenty first centuries but has not produced a systematic exposition. This book fills this big gap by offering for the first time a full systematic personalistic vision of the human...
- €139,58 EUR
- €139,58 EUR
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Oxford Studies in Ancient PhilosophyOxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is a volume of original articles on all aspects of ancient philosophy. The articles may be of substantial length, and include critical notices of major books. OSAP is now published twice yearly, in both hardback and paperback. "'Have you...
- €180,63 EUR
- €180,63 EUR
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Nocturnal Seeing: Hopelessness of Hope and Philosophical Gnosis in Susan Taubes, Gillian Rose, and Edith WyschogrodIn this erudite new work, Elliot R. Wolfson explores philosophical gnosis in the writings of Susan Taubes, Gillian Rose, and Edith Wyschogrod. The juxtaposition of these three extraordinary, albeit relatively neglected, philosophers provides a prism through which Wolfson scrutinizes the interplay of ethics, politics,...
- €74,38 EUR
- €74,38 EUR
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Mythic Worlds and the One You Can Believe InCombining philosophy, science, and literature, Mythic Worlds and the One You Can Believe In examines lingering misconceptions of world history as a continuing source of international tension. Awareness of the natural continuum, currently gauged at some 13.8 billion years overall, disarms sectarian zealotry and,...
- €30,40 EUR
- €30,40 EUR
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