Discover the best photography books, including top titles and cool photography guides for photographers of all levels.
The Mentor: Photography, Vol. 6, Num. 12, Serial No. 160, August 1, 1918The Mentor: Photography, Vol. 6, Num. 12, Serial No. 160, August 1, 1918Dear Mentor:One of my most respected college professors advised his classes to review their several groups of studies every seven years, and in the broad, I agree with the advice. It is...
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Lichtbild- und Kino-TechnikLichtbild- und Kino-Technik - Lichtbühnen-Bibliothek Nr. 1Fig. 1 zeigt schematisch die Anordnung und lt die wesentlichen Bestandteile erkennen: das Gehuse mit der Lichtquelle, hier einer Petroleumlampe; die Sammellinse C in der Vorderwand des Gehuses; davor die Bildbhne B, in welche die Glasbilder eingesetzt werden...
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The Boy Scouts and the Prize PennantThe Boy Scouts and the Prize PennantAs youve put it up to me straight, Billy, Ill tell you what I think. Its out of the question for one of those greenhorns to be away up here in the woods; and it was too deep...
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Practical Cinematography and Its ApplicationsPractical Cinematography and Its ApplicationsThis volume has been written with the express purpose of assisting the amateurthe term is used in its broadest sense as a distinction from the salaried, attached professional workerwho is attracted towards cinematography. It is not a technical treatise, but...
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Sciopticon: Einführung in die Projections-KunstSciopticon: Einführung in die Projections-KunstJahrelang haben wir unseren Jugendgenossen nicht gesehen. Jetzt treffen wir ihn wieder. Aber wir knnen ihn kaum erkennen: so hat er sich verndert. Er ist indess den Kinderschuhen entwachsen und zum Manne gereift. Von neuem bietet er uns seine Freundschaft...
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Photography in the Studio and in the FieldPhotography in the Studio and in the Field - A Practical Manual Designed as a Companion Alike to the Professional and the Amateur PhotographerThe most important improvement in photographic processes that has been introduced since Maynard first made collodion, and Archer discovered its adaptability...
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The Art and Practice of Silver PrintingThe Art and Practice of Silver Printing Silver printing has been often doomed, but it still survives. Other processes of photographic printing have been introduced, nearly all of them having their individual merits, especially that of permanency, but all lacking in two essential qualitiesease...
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Handbuch der praktischen KinematographieHandbuch der praktischen Kinematographie - Die verschiedenen Konstruktions-Formen des Kinematographen, die Darstellung der lebenden Lichtbilder sowie das ...Ich will hier nicht die Frage errtern, wie gro die Lcke ist, die dies Buch etwa auszufllen berufen sein mchte. Ob ein Bedrfnis fr eine solche Schrift...
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The Barnet Book of Photography: A Collection of Practical ArticlesThe Barnet Book of Photography: A Collection of Practical ArticlesIn the article that follows next will be found a complete exposition of the carbon process, with its various adaptations from the preparation of the paper and material forwards. Whilst at the present time carbon...
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Photographic Amusements, Ninth EditionPhotographic Amusements, Ninth Edition - Including A Description of a Number of Novel Effects Obtainable with the CameraAS Mr. Woodbury stated in his introduction to the original edition of this book, in order to avoid misunderstanding, it would be well to explain at the...
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The Evolution of PhotographyThe Evolution of Photography - With a Chronological Record of Discoveries, Inventions, Etc., Contributions to Photographic Literature, and Personal Reminescences Extending over Forty YearsPhotography, though young in years, is sufficiently aged to be in danger of having much of its early history, its infantile...
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The Attitudes of Animals in Motion, Illustrated with the ZoopraxiscopeThe Attitudes of Animals in Motion, Illustrated with the ZoopraxiscopeJob describes the action of the horse; Homer, that of the ox; it engaged the profound attention of Aristotle, and Borelli devoted a lifetime to its attempted solution. In every age, and in every country,...
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PhotogravurePhotogravureAbout the year 1820 Nicphore Niepce made the discovery that bitumen, under certain conditions, was sensitive to light. He dissolved it in oil of lavender, and spread a thin layer of the solution thus obtained upon stone. This he exposed under a drawing (making...
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The Lure of the CameraThe Lure of the CameraThe difference between a ramble and a journey is about the same as that between pleasure and business. When you go anywhere for a serious purpose, you make a journey; but if you go for pleasure (and dont take the...
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Making Your Camera PayMaking Your Camera Pay The demand of publishers for good pictures is increasing. Editors are eager to use the best photographs that may be obtained. They draw no distinction between the work of the amateur and that of the professional photographer. If a photograph...
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The Pencil of NatureThe Pencil of Nature The little work now presented to the Public is the first attempt to publish a series of plates or pictures wholly executed by the new art of Photogenic Drawing, without any aid whatever from the artist's pencil. The term Photography...
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Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, 1914Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, 1914Is our registered and commonlaw trade mark and cannot be rightfully applied except to goods of our manufacture. When a dealer tries to sell you, under the Kodak name, a camera or films or other goods not of our manufacture,...
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Premo Cameras, 1914Premo Cameras, 1914Premo Cameras and Premo Film Packs may be obtained of practically every photographic dealer in this country. They may be had also in any part of the world in most photographic establishments, and always at the following agencies: LONDONKodak, Limited, Kingsway. W....
- €6,18 EUR
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The Prophetic CameraThe Prophetic CameraJoey Barrett set his camera carefully to one side and swung onto the edge of the desk. He knew this annoyed Nugent, and, at the moment, nothing gave him greater satisfaction than his ability to irritate the editor. "No," he said. "I...
- €6,18 EUR
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Pictorial Photography in America 1922Pictorial Photography in America 1922 Art that endures is sincere. It is universal in its appeal though it may have been produced in a remote corner of the world by one who was unacquainted with the work of artists. I remember going with a...
- €6,18 EUR
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