Political Science
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Zhen'guan zheng yao貞觀政要 ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 25347 Author: Wu, Jing Release Date: May 6, 2008 Format: eBook Language: Chinese
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A DemocraciaA Democracia - Estudo sobre o governo representativoCreio ser actualmente o momento mais opportuno para discutir o governo democratico. Embora as questes economicas, vulgarmente denominadas questes sociaes, tenham presentemente a preeminencia politica, os governos representativos apresentam uma tal desordem e corrupo que urgente sar...
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Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu明夷待訪錄 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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Shang Jun Shu商君書 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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Political RecollectionsPolitical Recollections - 1840 to 1872The following chapters are devoted mainly to facts and incidents connected with the development of anti-slavery politics from the year 1840 to the close of the work of Reconstruction which followed the late civil war. Other topics, however, are...
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The Federalist PapersThe Federalist PapersKim Braun, DaveF, Anadaxis_Canejia, Robert Scott, Scott Mather, Bookworm, Kelly Bescherer, Leon Mire, Robin Cotter, Maria Morabe, tonypettit, brenthumphries, Susan Denney, Dr.ElwinRansom, Jason X., rachelellen, Zachary Brewster-Geisz, esnoble, Sibella Denton, koijmonop, Greg Bryant, darkwolfb87, Kirsten Ferreri, Robert Scott, ML Cohen The person...
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Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana e Statuti Costituzionali del Regno d'ItaliaCostituzione della Repubblica Italiana e Statuti Costituzionali del Regno d'ItaliaLo stesso diritto si accorda a qualunque forestiero che, possedendo nel territorio della repubblica una propriet fondiaria, ovvero uno stabilimento d'industria o di commercio, vi abbia dimorato per sette anni consecutivi, e dichiarato di volerne...
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VrouwenkiesrechtVrouwenkiesrechtDe afgevaardigde, die prijs stelt op zijn mandaat, moet bewust of onbewust, letten op hen, die bij de stembus invloed hebben, en het is onmogelijk dat de Kamer doorgaand even goed kan letten op de belangen van hen, die geen stem hebben. Het is...
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Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and PoetryThomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry In the present edition of Thomas Davis it is designed to offer a selection of his writings more fully representative than has hitherto appeared in one volume. The book opens with the best of his historical...
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The Governments of EuropeThe Governments of EuropeIt is a matter of common observation that during the opening years of the twentieth century there has been, in many portions of the civilized world, a substantial quickening of interest in the principles and problems of human government. The United...
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An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its PerpetuationAn Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its PerpetuationIt is now some 122 years since Kant wrote the essay, Zum ewigen Frieden. Many things have happened since then, although the Peace to which he looked forward with a doubtful hope...
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Susan B. AnthonySusan B. Anthony - Rebel, Crusader, HumanitarianTo strive for liberty and for a democratic way of life has always been a noble tradition of our country. Susan B. Anthony followed this tradition. Convinced that the principle of equal rights for all, as stated in...
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Historical and Political EssaysHistorical and Political EssaysThe Essays 'Thoughts on History,' 'Formative Influences,' 'Madame de Stal,' 'Israel among the Nations,' 'Old-age Pensions,' appeared originally in the American Review, the Forumthe first under the title of 'The Art of Writing History'; 'Ireland in the Light of History,' in...
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The Invisible GovernmentThe Invisible Government"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to...
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The Petticoat Commando: Boer Women in Secret ServiceThe Petticoat Commando: Boer Women in Secret ServiceIn introducing the English version of this book I venture to bespeak a welcome for it, not only for the light which it throws on some little-known incidents of the South African war, but also because of...
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Ethics in ServiceEthics in ServiceThe legal profession discharges a most important function in a civilized community, and it seems to me that a discussion of the ethics and ideals of that profession would come within the purpose of the Page foundation, which is described by the...
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Declaration of Rights and GrievancesDeclaration of Rights and Grievances ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 19787 Author: Stamp Act Congress (1765 : New York, N.Y.) Release Date: Nov 15, 2006 Format: eBook Language: English
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Declaration of Independence of the United States of AmericaDeclaration of Independence of the United States of America ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 19785 Author: Jefferson, Thomas Release Date: Nov 15, 2006 Format: eBook Language: English
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The Rise of the DemocracyThe Rise of the DemocracyThis short account of the rise of political democracy is necessarily but an outline of the matter, and while it is not easy to define the exact limits, there is no difficulty in noting omissions. For instance, there is scarcely...
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Aliens or Americans?Aliens or Americans?A million immigrants! A million opportunities! A million obligations! This in brief is the message of Aliens or Americans? A young man who came to this country young enough to get the benefit of our public schools, and who then took a...
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