Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human MindAnalysis of the Phenomena of the Human MindI shall inquire into the original of those ideas, notions, or whatever else you please to call them, which a man observes and is conscious to himself he has in his mind; and the ways whereby the...
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A Candid History of the JesuitsA Candid History of the JesuitsIt is the historic custom of the Church of Rome to enlist in its service monastic or quasi-monastic bodies in addition to the ordinary clergy. In its hour of greatest need, at the very outbreak of the Reformation, the...
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17 Years in Paris: A Chaplain's StorySeventeen Years in Paris: A Chaplain's StoryIn sending forth this brief account of my long chaplaincy in Paris, I desire to say that I do so at the request of many friends, who were kind enough to express their interest. It is not intended...
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A Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin FranklinA Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin FranklinThe writings of no man among the Christian Brotherhood have been so universally popular as those of Benjamin Franklin, save the extended writings of Alexander Campbell. Franklins volumes of Sermons, Debates and...
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An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the BibleAn Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the BibleThere is an obvious crisis approaching, in the religious world, on questions of the highest moment. In past time such periods of change have been preceded by a slow...
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Living the Radiant Life: A Personal NarrativeLiving the Radiant Life: A Personal NarrativeFor further list of books see end of the book. Any of these books will be autographed by the Author, on request, if the order be sent direct to him, 1098 W. Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, California. Author of...
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Simplex Munditiis, GentlemenSimplex Munditiis, GentlemenDress is the embodiment of taste and refinement. A man looks, and is, distinguished, when he shows simple elegance in his dress. It is not necessary to have wealth in order to dress well. With judgment and economy, one can be something...
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The Origin and Development of Christian Dogma: An essay in the science of historyThe Origin and Development of Christian Dogma: An essay in the science of historyIf we compare Christianity with the other dogmatic religions of the world, we are at once struck by a feature peculiar to it, namely, the complexity of its doctrinal system. A...
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How to Be a ManHow to Be a Man - A Book for Boys, Containing Useful Hints on the Formation of CharacterWho reads a preface? Many do not; but jump at once into the middle of a book. But it is well to know something about a book,...
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Germaniens GötterGermaniens GötterVon den Gttern spricht dies Buch. Von Germaniens Gttern. Immerdar sind eines Volkes Gtter das Abbild seiner innersten Art gewesen, seiner Tugenden, seiner Fehler, seiner verlangenden Sehnsucht. Wenn unsere Vter zu den Gttern riefen, riefen sie an, was an Kraft und Zuversicht bewut...
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Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen VernunftDie Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft - Text der Ausgabe 1793, mit Beifügung der Abweichungen der Ausgabe 1794 In diesem Text finden sich drei Arten von Funoten. Kants ursprngliche Funoten werden unmarkiert wiedergegeben. Funoten, die Kant selbst der Ausgabe B von 1794...
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Brother VanBrother Van This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged unless indicated with a Transcribers Note. Grateful acknowledgment...
- €6,21 EUR
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 11, November, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 11, November, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Führende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die PhilosophieFührende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die Philosophienunmehr ber 700 Bndchen umfassend, dient seit ihrem Entstehen (1898) den Gedanken, auf denen die heute sich so mchtig entwickelnde Volkshochschulbewegung beruht. Sie will jedem geistig Mndigen die Mglichkeit schaffen, sich ohne besondere Vorkenntnisse an sicherster Quelle, wie...
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Catharine de Bora: Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of LutherCatharine de Bora: Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of LutherThere are many interesting and characteristic incidents in the domestic life of Luther which are not found in biographies of the great Reformer. The character of his wife has not been portrayed in...
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Seneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and ClemencySeneca's Morals of a Happy Life, Benefits, Anger and ClemencyIt has been a long time my thought to turn Seneca into English; but whether as a translation or an abstract, was the question. A translation, I perceive, it must not be, at last, for...
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The Inevitable Crimes of CelibacyThe Inevitable Crimes of Celibacy - The Vices of Convents and Monasteries, Priests and NunsThere are immense Arabian plains where nomad robbers have practised their profession, from a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary; yet those plains and the...
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The Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesThe Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesCopyright, 1902, by Brentano's Published August, 1902 Second Edition, April, 1904 Third Edition, February, 1908 Fourth Edition, November, 1908 Fifth Edition, August, 1911 Sixth Edition, February, 1913 Seventh Edition, February, 1916 The University Press, Cambridge, Mass., U....
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