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Lars Levi Laestadius: Elämäkerrallinen kuvausLars Levi Laestadius: Elämäkerrallinen kuvausKen on likemmin tutustunut siihen uskonnolliseen liikkeesen, joka viimeisin vuosikymmenin laestadiolaisuuden nimell on voittanut niin paljon alaa Suomessa, Venjn Karjalassa, Skandinaavian pohjoisseuduissa, Lapissa ja vielp valtameren toisella puolellakin, hn varmaankin on alkanut tiedustella, miten tuo suuremmoinen liike on syntynyt, kuka...
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Johan Tobias Beckin elämäkertaJohan Tobias Beckin elämäkertaVuoden 1800 kummankin puolen esiintyivt vallinneen jrkeisuskon hedelmt kaikkien nhtville. Kirkot olivat tyhjentyneet, seurakunnat ja vallassaolijat ylnkatsoivat uskontoa ja etupss luonnollisesti sen edustajia, pappeja ja kirkkoa. Etenkin Pohjois-Saksassa toivoivat monet, ett kristinusko oli muutamien vuosien kuluttua kokonaan hviv maailmasta. Samaa ennustivat...
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Henrik RenqvistHenrik RenqvistHenrik Renqvist, talollisen Heikki Kukkosen poika Sonkojan kylst ja Ilomantsin pitjst, syntyi elokuun 1 pivn v. 1789. Jo hnen aikaisimmassa nuoruudessansa ilmausi hness taipumus papilliseen toimeen, koska hn korkeilla kivill ja jrven rannoilla harjoitteli saarnaamaan. Siten hersi hness mys palava halu kirjanlukemiseen, mutta...
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The Mystical Element of Religion, as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her friends, Volume 2 (of 2)The Mystical Element of Religion, as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her friends, Volume 2 (of 2)The frontispiece consists of a reduced facsimile, in photogravure, of a lithograph by F. Scotto, entitled Ven. Batta. Vernazza, which was printed and owned by the...
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The Mystical Element of Religion, as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her friends, Volume 1 (of 2)The Mystical Element of Religion, as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her friends, Volume 1 (of 2)[2] [3] Amongst the apparent enigmas of life, amongst the seemingly most radical and abiding of interior antinomies and conflicts experienced by the human race and...
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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination, (Vol. 1 of 3)The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination, (Vol. 1 of 3) THE Witchcraft Delusion IN NEW ENGLAND: ITS Rise, Progress, and Termination, AS EXHIBITED BY Dr. COTTON MATHER, IN THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD; AND BY Mr. ROBERT CALEF,...
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Practical EtiquettePractical EtiquetteNotes of invitation for evening parties are issued in the name of the lady of the house; as, Mrs. James Little requests the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. George Whites company on Monday evening, March seventeenth, from nine to twelve oclock.[A] The expression...
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The Scientific Basis of Morals, and Other EssaysThe Scientific Basis of Morals, and Other Essays - Viz.: Right and Wrong, The Ethics of Belief, The Ethics of ReligionBy Morals or Ethic I mean the doctrine of a special kind of pleasure or displeasure which is felt by the human mind in...
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Setma, das türkische Mädchen: Eine Erzählung für ChristenkinderSetma, das türkische Mädchen: Eine Erzählung für Christenkinder Ich soll euch wieder etwas erzhlen, haben einige Leute gesagt, und zwar haben sie gesagt, ich soll auch einmal eine Geschichte von einem Mdchen erzhlen, nicht immer nur von Knaben. Nun wei ich eine schne Geschichte,...
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The Philosophy Which Shows the Physiology of Mesmerism and Explains the Phenomenon of ClairvoyanceThe Philosophy Which Shows the Physiology of Mesmerism and Explains the Phenomenon of ClairvoyanceThe following trite sketch of the Philosophy of Nature, dedicates itself to the most noble Champions of Mesmerism, Doctor Elliotson and Doctor Ashburner of London, and Doctor Esdaile of Calcutta, in...
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Philosophical StudiesPhilosophical StudiesAll the papers contained in this volume, except the two ethical ones (VIII and X), have been previously published; and of those which have been previously published all, except that on "External and Internal Relations" (IX), are here re-printed without change. They were...
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Sureeko Suomi Jumalan mielen mukaan?Sureeko Suomi Jumalan mielen mukaan? - Muutamia Raamatun kysymyksiä nykyisiin oloihinOn sydntalvi isiemme maassa. Jt salpaavat rannikkomme, kylmn kahleissa ovat jrvemme ja jokemme; lumihanget tukkivat tiet ermaiden metsiin. Nyt on pohjolan pitk, kuukausia kestv y. Tuo ei ole outoa Suomen asukkaille. Herra, joka ohjaa...
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Creation or Evolution? A Philosophical InquiryCreation or Evolution? A Philosophical InquiryPerhaps it is expected of a writer who steps out of the sphere of his ordinary pursuits, and deals with such a subject as that which is treated in this work, that he will account for his so doing....
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Fragments of ExperienceFragments of Experience - Sixth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsIn issuing this, the Sixth Book of the FAITH-PROMOTING SERIES, we trust that it will meet with the same kind reception that its predecessors have....
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Kertomuksia kirkkohistorian alalta 2: Keski-aikaKertomuksia kirkkohistorian alalta 2: Keski-aikaI. Muhammed Islamin tunnustajain hvitysretki kristikunnan maissa. II. Monoteletinen riita. Kuudes yleinen kirkolliskokous Konstantinopolissa (680). III. Winfrid eli Bonifacius. IV. Kaarle Suuren aikakausi. V. Itisen kirkon riita kuvista. Johannes Damascenus. VI. Ansgarius, pohjoismaiden lhetyssaarnaaja. VII. Paavi Nikolaus I. VIII. Oppiriitoja...
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How to Behave and How to Amuse: A Handy Manual of Etiquette and Parlor GamesHow to Behave and How to Amuse: A Handy Manual of Etiquette and Parlor GamesEtiquette has been tersely defined as the art of doing the proper thing in the proper way. An acquaintance with the rules of etiquette is of the greatest service to...
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Marion Harland's Complete EtiquetteMarion Harland's Complete Etiquette - A Young People's Guide to Every Social OccasionTHIS matter of introductions is one rather too lightly considered on our free American soil. Unless the social exigencies are such as to make the atmosphere formal and unpleasant if people are...
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St. Benedict’s Rule for MonasteriesSt. Benedict’s Rule for MonasteriesThis translation of the Holy Rule of St. Benedict was made from the third edition of the text as edited by Dom Cuthbert Butler of Downside Abbey in England (St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1935). Nihil obstat: Basil Stegmann,...
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Kertomuksia kirkkohistorian alalta 1: Vanha aikaKertomuksia kirkkohistorian alalta 1: Vanha aikaI. Kristittyjen taistelu toisella vuosisadalla. II. Harhaoppisuutta: Ebionit, Natsarealaiset, Gnostikot. III. Katsahdus toisen vuosisadan kirkkoon. IV. Septimius Severus vainoo kristitylt. V. Montanuksen harhaoppi. Kirkkois Tertullianus. VI. Monarkkilaiset. VII. Uusia vainoja. Kirkkois Cyprianus. VIII. Aleksandrian katekeetikoulu. IX. Kirkkois Origines. X....
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The Story of the Book of MormonThe Story of the Book of MormonAMERICA THE FIRST INHABITED OF ALL LANDSITS ANCIENT PEOPLESTHE GARDEN OF EDENTHE ANTEDILUVIANSTHE JAREDITESTHE NEPHITES AND LAMANITES. THE story that we are about to relate is a true one. It is the history of the races who lived...
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