Public Domain
Tyrants of TimeTyrants of TimeDo dictators rise to power by accident? What if their ascendency is planned throughout history by men of the future who play with time as if it were a toy. And what if 1955 is their key year.... Something buzzed in Tedor...
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The Negro and American LibertyWhat the Negro Has Done for Liberty in AmericaIt seems like a paradox to speak of the Negro as efficiently related to the cause of freedom in America. He was brought here and forced into slavery, in which condition he was held most of...
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Planet of DreadPlanet of DreadHot with strange passion, the woman's eyes clung to the cringing figure in the pit. The pink tip of her tongue flicked at her lips. "If you can see your way to calling any Baemae woman pretty. For my part, I prefer...
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Appletons' town and country library no. 216The Sun of Saratoga: A Romance of Burgoyne's SurrenderYou will watch this hollow and the hill yonder, said the general, and see that not a soul passes either to the north or to the south. Dont forget that the fate of all the colonies...
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Segen der Erde: RomanSegen der Erde: RomanDer lange, lange Pfad ber das Moor in den Wald hinein wer hat ihn ausgetreten? Der Mann, der Mensch, der erste, der hier war. Fr ihn war noch kein Pfad vorhanden. Spter folgte dann das eine oder andere Tier der schwachen...
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The Balkan Series, 2A Crowned Queen: The Romance of a Minister of State The carriage from Llandiarmid Castle had been waiting for a quarter of an hour at the little country station, and the horses were beginning to toss their heads and paw the ground restlessly, to...
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PariahPariahThe inside of the spaceship was quiet now, not with the silence of the tomb, but with the silence of barely inaudible echoes as if Allerton might still be able to hear the crew clomping about the companionways on metal-shod feet if only he...
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The Natural History of the GentThe Natural History of the GentIn the Sunday newspapers of May 24, of the past year, 1846, appeared the following paragraph: A Gent.A respectable-looking man, named James Dickenson, was charged by Brooks, 169 S, who said, Please your worship, at two oclock yesterday morning...
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Keskikoulun Yleinen Historia. 1. Vanha ja KeskiaikaKeskikoulun Yleinen Historia. 1. Vanha ja Keskiaika - Oppi- ja Lukukirja Keski- ja Tyttökouluille Sekä SeminaareilleTysiluokkaisten lyseoiden ja yhteiskoulujen keskiluokkia kuin mys tyttkouluja ja seminaareja varten on kauan kaivattu sopivaa yleisen historian oppikirjaa. J. R. Pallinin Yleisen historian oppikirja ei suppeutensa eik yksipuolisen ainevalintansa...
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Rachel and the Seven WondersRachel and the Seven WondersRachel was a very unhappy little girl as she sat in an omnibus with Miss Moore, on her way to the British Museum. She didnt want to go to the British Museum. She didnt want to be in London at...
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The Young Diana: An Experiment of the FutureThe Young Diana: An Experiment of the FutureOnce upon a time, in earlier and less congested days of literary effort, an Author was accustomed to address the Public as Gentle Reader. It was a civil phrase, involving a pretty piece of flattery. It implied...
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Honszerző Árpád: Elbeszélés a honfoglalás idejébőlHonszerző Árpád: Elbeszélés a honfoglalás idejéből dnyeszter-menti vgtelen sksgon tzesen sttt vissza a lemen nap. Ennek a vgtelen sksgnak kzepe tjn, szelid emelkeds dombon llott a fejedelem hatalmas nagy stra, melynek arannyal, ezsttel sztt selyme biborpiros fnyben ltszott gni a nap rverd sugaraitl. A...
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Ten Years in WashingtonTen Years in Washington - or, Inside Life and Scenes in Our National Capital as a Woman Sees Them ... to Which Is Added a Full Account of the Life and Death of President James A. GarfieldThe Young Surveyors DreamHumboldts View of WashingtonA Vision...
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Illinois State Geological Survey. Educational series, 9Inside Illinois: Mineral ResourcesAlthough Illinois has been nicknamed the Prairie State, many parts of it are hilly and scenic. The idea of large areas of the state being nothing more than broad, flat prairies has come about because the major highways have been built...
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Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the SeaOver 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea - A Choice Collection of Recipes, Representing the Latest and Most Approved Methods of CookingThere are many fishes in the Sea, in fact so many that it is possible to...
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Az élet könyveAz élet könyveA knyv alig remlt sikere arnylag rvid id alatt msodik kiadst tette szksgess. Szt sem rdeml apr igaztsokat nem szmtva, vltozatlanul adom az olvas kezbe s vele egytt rlk a magyar filozfiai gondolkozs terjedsnek. Minden koreszme a trsadalom gondolkozsnak egy-egy hatalmas emcija....
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Beware the Star GodsBeware the Star GodsKuru paused, his stone knife poised above the half-skinned kill. He listened, at the same time twitching his sensitive nostrils in an effort to read the messages of the wind. But there was nothing in the air for his nose to...
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Journey for the BraveJourney for the BraveThe base diner was hot and stuffy that night as Scotty Johnson sat with Mitch and Jack and the other boys, sipping his last cup of coffee before Zero Hour rolled around. Mitch and Jack had succeeded in sneaking him out...
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Earthmen Die Hard!Earthmen Die Hard!The great ship from beyond the Galaxy drew alongside the tiny planet, matched its orbit, cut its drive, and drifted slightly toward the lone moon. The ship was nearly as large as the planet itself, but there was no interchange of gravity...
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Lord Lister No. 0002: De straf van den juweelenvervalscherLord Lister No. 0002: De straf van den juweelenvervalscherMaak je maar niet bang, wij zijn zoo veilig als t maar kan. Iedereen houdt ons voor echte Fransozen. En dan, Charly, je moet je er toch heusch aan wennen om over Raffles te spreken als...
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