Public Domain
Collision OrbitCollision OrbitThere's one good thing about a blowout. You don't need a mechanic to tell you what the trouble is when it happens. This was the first blowout I ever had, but as soon as I heard that explosive pinging whistle and felt the...
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Flowering EvilFlowering EvilCaptain Bjornson shook a grizzled head. "I never saw a plant I liked the looks of less," he said. "I don't know how he got it through the planetary plant quarantine. You take my advice, Amy, and watch out for it." He took...
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Suicide CommandSuicide CommandMessages crackled through the black gulf of spacethe Interplanetary Distress Call. Blaze Norman, navigation officer of the ISP cruiser Scorpio, came out of his space-fog and stared at the helioflash board which was suddenly ablaze with light. Harald, the operator, grunted and spun...
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Plain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent StreetPlain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent StreetTherefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on . . . Brethren, I count...
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"Hear Ye the Rod, and Who Hath Appointed It""Hear Ye the Rod, and Who Hath Appointed It" - A Sermon for the Fast Day, October 7, 1857We believe that there is a God: that this God is the Maker and Preserver of all things visible and invisible; that He does now and...
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The Ritual MovementThe Ritual Movement - Three plain sermons preached at St. John the Evangelist's, HammersmithThese words are a general precept about Church order following up a particular remonstrance. The Corinthian Christians, divinely distinguished by the number and excellence of the spiritual gifts and privileges bestowed...
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Marsin jumalat: SeikkailuromaaniMarsin jumalat: SeikkailuromaaniAlkulause I. Kasvi-ihmiset. II. Taistelu metsss. III. Salaperisten arvoitusten kammio. IV. Thuvia. V. Vaarallisissa kytviss. VI. Barsoomin mustat rosvot. VII. Kaunis jumalatar. VIII. Omeanin uumenissa. IX. Issus, ikuisen elmn jumalatar. X. Shadorin vankilasaari. XI. Kun horna puhkesi valloilleen. XII. Kuolemaan tuomittuna. XIII....
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Phil May: Sketches from "Punch."Phil May: Sketches from "Punch."If the death of Phil May is a loss that the world of art may not soon retrieve, to his wide circle of friends it is an irreparable hurt. He had a nature made to love; so great a charm...
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Les femmes et le langageLes femmes et le langageDes cosaques, en 1814, ayant dcouvert une provision de bas, les enfilrent immdiatement par dessus leurs bottes: exemple gnral de nos gestes les plus communs, si les femmes n'avaient pas t dans les sicles les patientes ducatrices de l'enfance. Cela...
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Saper vivere: Norme di buona creanzaSaper vivere: Norme di buona creanza Amico lettore, non mio compito insegnarti l'educazione. Tu, per me, come per gli altri che ti conoscono e ti avvicinano, sei una persona educata. Sin da quando eri fanciulletto tua madre, tuo padre, la tua bambinaia, il tuo...
- €5,88 EUR
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"Bear ye one another's burdens." A Plain Sermon on the Lancashire Distress"Bear ye one another's burdens." A Plain Sermon on the Lancashire DistressThere are certain burdens which every man must bear for himself, which none can bear for him. Such are the burdens brought upon him by sinfear, remorse, punishment. Such again are the burdens...
- €5,88 EUR
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The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague: A Plain SermonThe Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague: A Plain SermonI am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me . . . I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I, the Lord,...
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Christian Marriage Indissoluble: A Plain SermonChristian Marriage Indissoluble: A Plain Sermon - Preached at Archbishop Tenison's chapel, on the fifth Sunday after Trinity, 1857p. 2The following Sermon is printed, partly because some who heard it wished to possess it, and partly because it has been suggested to me that...
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Bible-BurningBible-Burning - the substance of a sermon preached in St. Martin's Church, Birmingham, on Sunday evening, Dec. 10, 1848And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife and cast it into the fire...
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A Voice from the FireA Voice from the Fire - A Sermon occasioned by the public burning of the Bible at Kingstown, by the Redemptorist Fathers, on the 5th of November, 1855And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice...
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Crawford's Defeat: A Tale of the Frontier in 1812Crawford's Defeat: A Tale of the Frontier in 1812The members of this Board include the members of the Board of Trustees of the School City of Fort Wayne (with the same officers) together with the following citizens chosen from Allen County outside the corporate...
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Le jour naissantLe jour naissantA peine l'aube commenait-elle de dissiper la nuit. Sur toute l'tendue des champs et des cultures, aux environs de Nazareth, l'ombre rgnait encore, mais dans le ciel oriental, tout aux confins de la plaine, des lueurs bleutres et grises montaient, annonant, timidement,...
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Biblical RevisionBiblical Revision - considerations in favour of a revised translation of Holy Scripture[The Authorized Version] is far from being immaculate. It is not sufficiently close and uniform in rendering the original . . . is not calculated to convey precise and critical information in...
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The Clerk of the WoodsThe Clerk of the WoodsThe chapters of this book were written week by week for simultaneous publication in the Evening Transcript of Boston and the Mail and Express of New York, and were intended to be a kind of weekly chronicle of the course...
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